Childminding is a rewarding career and one I'm proud to have been involved with for over 20 years. Whether you are a new parent perhaps looking for a flexible option after maternity leave, a nursery practitioner maybe wanting to offer a more individualised approach, or someone looking for a change in direction - if you are passionate about providing quality childcare and education in a nurturing, home-based environment then childminding may be just what you are looking for. You do not need previous experience of working with children, but you do need commitment, energy, and a good sense of humour, plus enjoy spending time being with children. WSCC are offering a series of training opportunities for anyone considering moving into childminding, including introductory briefings. Our next session is running on the 18th June at 7.30pm. This builds on the recent briefing session, but you do not to have attended the briefing to join the training on the 18th. Tickets are free and can be reserved via the Eventbrite link below. Please share with anyone you think may be interested.
West Sussex Children, Young People and Learning
West Sussex Children, Young People and Learning
EDITED to add:
Thank you for a healthy debate. It's been really interesting reading different perspectives on this. I can completely understand how helpful this move would be for those who can't childmind from home due to restrictive covenants, obstructive landlords/mortgage companies and difficult planning departments. In these situations the relaxation of the 50% allowance may not be helpful, as registration would remain at the home property and it's not yet clear what the new maximum percentage would be. For those where it's more of a space issue, I'd say the relaxation of the 50% would be enough. However, I do wonder, given how tight most childminder's profit margins are, about the affordability of hiring non-dom premises to work from for many. Ultimately, my main objection to the concept of registering specifically as 100% non-domestic is that it shouldn't be referred to as childminding, because the legal definition of childminding is that it is conducted on domestic premises. If introduced it should have a different name, in the same way that CoDP is a form of childminding but has a different title to distinguish it from traditional childminding. My other thought is that this proposal is a very sneaky way of addressing the childcare staffing crisis - the government are allowing the creation of what are effectively small scale nurseries without the regulatory requirements normally involved with group settings, including CoDP, such as minimum qualification requirements.
Original post:
Have you read the Ofsted blog, released last week to support National Childminding Week? Did you pick up on the DfE intention to introduce a new category of childminder?
'' ‘childminders without domestic premises.’ This is for childminders who will work solely from somewhere other than a home, such as a community or village hall''
If so, were you as bemused as I was by this concept? How can a childminder working 100% from non-domestic premises be a childminder when the very nature and definition of the role is 'home-based childcare'????
Surely childcare that takes place 100% on non-domestic premises is simply a nursery?
The other intention, to relax the 50% non-dom restriction seems more reasonable, though there remains a question over how much time is spent away from the home is enough to stop it from being home-based.
What do you think? Am I overreacting?
Celebrating childminders and welcoming change – Ofsted: early years
News and updates on early years inspection
The Government are seeking views on how to increase the number of new childminders and reduce the number of those leaving the profession. Not all questions are relevant to childminders, some are aimed at landlords and LAs so do share the consultation with anyone you think may be interested.
The consultation ends on 10th May so I urge anyone who has not yet submitted their response does so as soon as possible.
In my blog you will find edited versions of my own responses. You may not agree with my replies, but you I hope you may find them helpful when composing your own.
Childminder Recruitment and Retention Consultation
The Government are seeking views on how to increase the number of new childminders and reduce the number of those leaving the profession. Not all questions are relevant to childminders, some are...
Childminder Recruitment and Retention Consultation
The Government are seeking views on how to increase the number of new childminders and reduce the number of those leaving the profession. Not all questions are relevant to childminders, some are...
Have you ever considered a career in childcare? I became a registered childminder over 20 years ago and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The government's childcare expansion plan means that new childminders are needed now, more than ever, and there is a grant available to help with the costs of registering. If you live in West Sussex and would like to find out more, please join me on Saturday 25 May at 10am, when I will be hosting a FREE online briefing on behalf of West Sussex Early Years Training (WSCC). Book your tickets on Eventbrite via the link below
Thinking of Becoming a Childminder? West Sussex Free Information Session
For West Sussex County Council invites potential childminders to this free information session
The DfE have launched a consultation on further proposed changes to the EYFS safeguarding and welfare requirements. These will affect both versions of the EYFS and are aimed at strengthening current practice on the protection and safeguarding of children. The consultation includes greater clarity and diligence for children when eating; more detail on the role of the DSL; staff training, including mandatory 3-yearly updates and required content; and safer recruitment practices. To view the consultation summary of changes and more detail scroll to the bottom of the consultation page to download the PDFs.
Early Years Foundation Stage Government Consultation - Department for Education - Citizen Space
Find and participate in consultations run by the Department for Education
Childminder recruitment and retention consultation
We are seeking views on Department for Education proposals to support childminders and childminder agencies (CMAs) and future policy development.
DEDICATED Safeguarding Refresher & DSL training combined
This Saturday 2 December 9.30-12.30
Search Designated or Childminders on the Learning Pool to book Just £17
Early years foundation stage (EYFS): regulatory changes
We’re seeking views on proposed changes to requirements in the early years foundation stage (EYFS).
Nursery World Awards Always a privilege to be a judge and what an amazing celebration of early years.
Nursery Wirld Awards and 25th Wedding Anniversary early celebrations. Thank you to the team at the Malmaison for such a lovely welcome
In London for the privilege of being a Nursery World Awards judge. I love being able to celebrate the great achievements of those in the EY sector 👏👏👏
It's predicted that if the current exodus of childminders from the profession continues at its current rate there will be only 1000 left by 2035. This would be a huge tragedy & incredible loss to the EY sector. We need to stop this in its tracks with proper funding & support for INDEPENDENT Childminders. Agencies are not the answer for those who want to remain Ofsted Registered and that choice should not be taken away from them.
Looking forward to delivering this to PACEY members later
🌟 2 days to go! 🌟
Don’t forget to sign up to our PACEY Live webinar this Thursday at 7pm 📅 - Loose parts play: supporting risk and challenge.
PACEY members can access this webinar for FREE! Register now at www.pacey.org.uk/PACEY-Live
📢 Last chance to book! 📢 Intermediate Child Development - Ready for school (4-5 years) (Webinar) is on Tuesday 21/02/2023, course code EYT 23/428, £26 per person
Delivered by Children At Heart Early Years Trainer and Consultant
An overview of key child development theory and illustrate the main characteristics of 4-5 year olds. You will learn to identify the key aspects of child development for 4-5 year olds, in order to provide appropriate experiences to support all areas of development.
Book here: https://www.westsussexcpd.co.uk/courses/bookings/c_detail.asp?cid=27818&iscancelled=0&curpage=&keyword=&ds=1&unconfirmed=&cs=&subid=&keystages=&locationid=&sdate=31/January/2023&searchcode=&asearch=&tutid=&estid=&sday=&smonth=&syear=&targetid=&cal=&calday=&calmonth=&calyear=&caldate=&submonth=&subyear=&list=&palist=&frompage=&a=&b=&c=&d=&s_leaid=&keyarea=&etid=&mtid=&isModule=99&pid= .qPl0k3kl.dpbs
📢 Last Chance to Book! 📢
Intermediate Child Development - Beginning with babies (0-2 years) (Half day webinar) is on Friday 20/01/2023, Free Course, Course Code: EYT 23/425
Delivered by Children At Heart Early Years Trainer and Consultant
The revised EYFS (2021) and supporting materials emphasise the importance of practitioners’ ability to use their professional judgement when assessing children’s development and progress, through a sound understanding of child development.
Book Here: https://www.westsussexcpd.co.uk/courses/bookings/c_detail.asp?cid=27815&iscancelled=0&curpage=&keyword=&ds=1&unconfirmed=&cs=&subid=&keystages=&locationid=&sdate=12/December/2022&searchcode=&asearch=&tutid=&estid=&sday=&smonth=&syear=&targetid=&cal=&calday=&calmonth=&calyear=&caldate=&submonth=&subyear=&list=&palist=&frompage=&a=&b=&c=&d=&s_leaid=&keyarea=&etid=&mtid=&isModule=99&pid= .N2xZ3tMw.dpbs
My recent opinion piece for Early Years Educator is now available online.
Opinion: Evolving regulations: proceed with caution?
As a childminder herself, Rebecca Martland reflects on the evolving changes affecting the sector and how this impacts childminders in particular.
Today we're giving a special shoutout to all of you amazing childminders out there 🥰 We would be lost without you! ❤️
Feel free to give your childminder a shoutout below 👇
Covid-19 guidelines in the early years now – Kinderly
Confused about what Covid-19 guidelines you need to follow now? Read our summary of official guidance in England, Scotland & Wales.
Help needed please
Earlier this year many of you were kind enough to help me in my research into doorstep handovers during the pandemic, for an article I was writing for Kinderly and then Early Years Educator (EYE) magazine (it was published in the June issue).
I have now been commissioned for a follow up piece for EYE, this time focusing on lockdown babies starting in or returning to EY settings.
If you have had a baby or child under 2, start in the past 6 months how have you found this? Has the child settled well, or has it been more challenging than usual? What tips can you offer to help babies settle in?
Please feel free to PM me or email your experiences if you prefer [email protected]
I will be looking for a couple of case studies to feature in the article, ideally a Childminder and a group setting, so we get both perspectives.
I'm also looking for the views of parents to get the full picture.
Thank you in advance
There are still spaces available on these sessions I am delivering to help Childminders understand and implement the changes to the EYFS from September
For non-West Sussex childminders I will be offering a webinar over the summer on implementing the new EYFS. Details will be posted on this page once available
Childminders - find out about the new Development Matters and key changes in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework in our new, childminder focused course.
Getting to Grips with the EYFS Changes from September 2021 Webinar for Childminders
This webinar is led by Rebecca Martland from Children at Heart and is available on 2 evenings, details below:
£15 per place.
Tue. 4 May 19:00 - 21:30 EYT 21/1497
Wed. 12 May 19:00 - 21:30 EYT 21/1498
Log onto the Learning and Development Gateway https://www.westsussexcpd.co.uk and search for the course code to find out more book and pay by card.
I still have a few places available on my online safeguarding training sessions.
Basic/Refresher 20 April 6.30pm
Advanced 21 April 6.30pm
Basic/Refresher Sat 24 April 9.30am
Advanced Sat 24 April 1.00pm
For more information visit the training page on my website or to book a place email [email protected] https://www.childrenatheart.net/safeguarding-training-dates.html
Safeguarding and child protection training
Children at Heart training dates for online safeguarding and child protection training
FREE West Sussex childminder conference 15 May.
West Sussex have also added 2 new dates for my 'changes to the EYFS' webinar: 4th and 12th May - book through the Learning & Development Gateway. Further dates will be added if there is demand. We are also looking at a follow up session on implementing the revised EYFS once the final versions has been published.
Childminder Conference 2021 - ‘Putting Children First’
• Live presentations and Q&A with the presenters • Workshops for managers and practitioners • Workshops delivered by our specialist trainers
I will be delivering 'Loose parts: Supporting child-centred, open-ended play' next Wednesday (12th) so be sure to register for these free August webinars from Kinderly
Kinderly supports early years professionals &
settings by creating digital solutions to help childcare professionals to be at their best for the children.
I have updated my Children at Heart Self-isolation flowchart to reflect the new requirement to isolate for 10 days rather than 7 and rejigged it a bit. You can download a free PDF version on my website https://www.childrenatheart.net/resources.html
Statement from the UK Chief Medical Officers on extension of self-isolation period: 30 July 2020
IMPORTANT UPDATE: SELF-ISOLATION INCREASED TO 10 DAYS https://www.gov.uk/government/news/statement-from-the-uk-chief-medical-officers-on-extension-of-self-isolation-period-30-july-2020 The guidance documents haven't been updated yet - say updated 30 July but still refer to 7 day isolation
The self-isolation period has been extended to 10 days for those in the community who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or a positive test result.