Mindfulness for fatigue

Mindfulness for fatigue


Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Mindfulness for fatigue, Education, .

Operating as usual

Photos from Mindfulness for fatigue 's post 17/06/2024
Course: Mindfulness-based Therapy for Managing Fatigue 05/06/2024

I'm continuing the monthly Mindfulness Network Community Friends free/donation events

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024: Mindfulness to support sleep

Tuesday, July 16th, 2024: Finding ways to joy.

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024: Thoughts and feelings in the boom and bust cycle.

Tuesday, September 10th, 2024: Managing setbacks.

register here:

Course: Mindfulness-based Therapy for Managing Fatigue These workshops will be an opportunity to explore mindfulness and how it can support managing a fatiguing health condition. 

Photos from Mindfulness for fatigue 's post 31/05/2024

Thsnks to for these and other funny/resonant memes.
I’m mainly sanding floors this weekend (in a futile attempt to take control probably)


Hi I’ve just put all my mindfulness based therapy for fatigue into a links page - please see above in my profile (link in bio - ha!!🤣) please share with anyone who may benefit - a lot of free stuff as well as more structured paid for and therapeutic work. Thankyou ❤️. https://bio.site/Fionamckechnie

Fiona Mckechnie - Bio Site 14/05/2024


Hi I’ve just put all my mindfulness based therapy for fatigue into a links page - please see above in my profile (link in bio - ha!!🤣) please share with anyone who may benefit - a lot of free stuff as well as more structured paid for and therapeutic work. Thankyou ❤️.

Fiona Mckechnie - Bio Site Fiona Mckechnie · Occupational Therapist and mindfulness based therapist and coach. MSc in mindfulness and is EMDR trained. Specialist in persistant disabling fatigue e.g. ME/CFS and long covid · Share your websites, products, social pages, and more, all in one link with Bio Sites from Unfold.


Loving the garden today - reading and snoozing


World ME DAY today. This condition continues to be misunderstood and misrepresented despite being affecting so many people.

Everyone probably knows someone with it. Long Covid is a similar condition in many people.

It affects every aspect of life, 90% of people with it struggle to work or study. Everyone coming to ME/CFS clinics has had a very long route there with multiple tests for ongoing symptoms. Clinics are not available in all areas.
We need research and we need specialised care and support to understand and manage the condition. We need systemic change to support all aspects of life: symptom management, financial support and advice, workplace measures and bespoke management plans and access to trained professionals who understand the condition and use evidence based practice.

Online retreat day 10/05/2024

Online retreat day enhance rest with compassionate awareness with an online live retreat

Mindfulness Meditation Interventions for Long COVID | NDT 09/05/2024

interesting article suggesting longer mindfulness programmes can change bio markers in ME/CFS and Long covid.
Our mindfulness programme is at least 16 weeks with longer term support because it did feel more useful!
Nice to have some metrics on this!

Mindfulness Meditation Interventions for Long COVID | NDT Review on mindfulness mediation interventions

Pausing and practice 06/05/2024

substack piece about developing the capacity to respond rather than react (or at least notice the reactions) and information about a day retreat and a potential mindfulness course.

Pausing and practice late deliveries and weeding

We can become aware, so what? 21/04/2024

Written piece on what awareness could offer - audio version experiment too.

Taken from my book mindfulness based therapy for fatigue

We can become aware, so what? How can awareness support us (particularly when things are not as we might wish)


Experienced and interesting yoga teacher

Booking is open for my new online chair yoga classes!!

First live class will be held on
Friday 26 April
10:30 - 11:30
Live on ZOOM

For a free preview of my chair yoga:

Best value: enroll on my Thinkific - £10 buys 30 days access to a growing on demand video library
Includes Zoom links to join live classes:

One off bookings £12 per 60min class:
https://bookwhen.com/seasonalflow =ev-snx3-20240426103000

Photos from Mindfulness for fatigue 's post 31/03/2024

Living the life I was meant to live! Writers retreat Braziers Park- amazing company with in glorious splendour! Nearly completed next commissioned writing project…..

Photos from Mindfulness for fatigue 's post 16/02/2024

I’ve been working on an online course, it’s not finished yet but thought I’d make it available now as am about to go on retreat and then come back to work plus some workshops and another writing project, so realistically this won’t be finished. You can find it here: https://mindfulnessforfatigue.eo.page/rest-short-course-free

Photos from Mindfulness for fatigue 's post 15/02/2024

A free workshop to explore your thoughts and questions about a mindfulness based approach to fatigue mangement and consider your support and development needs in your clinical practice or mindfulness teaching See link to website in bio for more information


Time management”? or clarifying priorities and attention management? Interesting books I’ve been using to support how I manage my attention in a constantly connected health care system.
Reflecting today within our team on how we work has changed hugely over the past few years- the content is the same- seeing patients, writing notes and reports, meetings, training, supervsion but how we do these activities is very different and there are a huge amount of complex systems to navigate just to read a file or write a note. Taking to time to consider how we do this and acknowledge that “trying harder” is not enough. Strategic intention and attention management and knowing it will not all get done, but what is the most important thing today.?
and permission to turn off teams and emails....
and eat cream eggs in February!

Photos from Mindfulness for fatigue 's post 20/01/2024

Lucky to have this 5 mins from home ❤️


Happy solstice from Bodmin 🌅

I’m still recovering from a run of viruses and thought I’d share a meditation from insight timer and the teacher I’ve been working with for the past few years.
This is on Insight timer and is a practice for when you need rest


Minimal Christmas tree 😊

Photos from Mindfulness for fatigue 's post 12/12/2023

Been a rough few days …. Healing food and lots of medicine and lovely friends x

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