Vapers Review

Vapers Review


Hello and welcome to Va**rs Review for Va**rs by Va**rs. On here you will find reviews for va**ng products and suppliers. Also hints and tips on va**ng.


It is with regret that I would like to announce that Va**rs Review will be stopping all Reviews we are going to do one last Review video and a goodbye to all our fans the page will remain up for you all to view our old reviews but no more live feeds.
So please join us for our final review on Friday the 9th November at 8:30pm GMT.


Live taste test from Drip Drop Vapour Blackpool.

Timeline photos 10/08/2017

Evening hand check with the zenith the Ammit and some riot squad Iron Bruiser **elove **elife **elyfe **estagram **efam **e **er **eon **ers **ereviews **ejuice **ecommunity **enation **efamily **esociety **edontsmoke **edaily **eforever **e **er **ers **enight **ecoil **ereviews **eon **efam **estagram

Photos from Va**rs Review's post 10/07/2017

A big happy 32nd Birthday to our Reviewer James happy birthday bud.

Timeline photos 25/06/2017

The v**ewagon ready for her first summer meet **ewagon **e **eride **emobile **ecar **eonwheels **ersinc **ersinc2017 **estagram

Photos from Va**rs Review's post 29/05/2017

Epic box mod spotted at expo


Final live feed of the weekend!!


V**er expo 2017 great British v**e off and TPD Liquid.


V**er expo 2017 day 3 halftime


V**er expo 2017 the lemonade stand


Goodnight from Va**rs Review


V**er Expo 2017 last day !!!!


Signing off for today!


Shaun from glas with a sneak peak V**er expo 2017


E Fizz V**er expo 2017


Simply Vapour V**er expo 2017


One Hit Wonder V**er Expo 2017


V**er Expo Va**ng nails the new iron lung.


Va**rs expo 2017 Rude oil


Main stage Va**rs expo 2017


V**er expo 2017 cotton clear. D.


V**er expo 2017 dinner ladies


Rust arrived at The VAPER Expo 2017 and we will try and get some live reviews done later

Timeline photos 26/05/2017

On our way to Expo!!! **ersreview **e **eporn **ng **rs **elove **elyfe **estagram **efam **er **eon **ecommunity **enation **efamily **esociety **edaily **eforever

Timeline photos 21/05/2017

Congratulations to Jadeyfly Lambert you are our winner please PM West Coast V**es 18+ to answer a simple question about Mech's to and claim your prize!!!

Photos from Nitecore Outdoor Electronics's post 11/05/2017

How cool is this liquid mixer!

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?

Videos (show all)

Final live feed of the weekend!!
Vaper expo 2017 great British v**e off and TPD Liquid.
Vaper expo 2017 day 3 halftime
Vaper expo 2017 the lemonade stand
Goodnight from Va**rs Review
Vaper Expo 2017 last day !!!!
Signing off for today!
Shaun from glas with a sneak peak Vaper expo 2017
E Fizz Vaper expo 2017
Simply Vapour Vaper expo 2017
One Hit Wonder Vaper Expo 2017
Vaper Expo Va**ng nails the new iron lung.
