Online GCSE French Lessons with Robert William

Online GCSE French Lessons with Robert William

Welcome! I'm Rob - a qualified teacher and GCSE examiner. Please visit the website to access.

At The Online Language School I support students (and their parents/guardians) by way of online lessons and courses (both free and paid).

Operating as usual


If you haven't already, make sure to join my private members-only group and download your free GCSE French Reading Practice Booklet!

Many of you, or your children, might have their summer exams or Year 10 Summer Mocks coming up soon so I thought I'd share with you a wonderful resource to help prepare for the Reading exam.

I've put together around 140 reading questions for you - all taken from past AQA papers - and organised into topic sections, complete with mark schemes!

Click here to join the group >>

Then go into the files section to download your free copy.


You are hereby invited to join my private, 'members only' group for exclusive access to my free resources, examiner top tips, and the language-learning hacks to get you speaking French quickly!

Follow the link below to RSVP


🙌😎👍Phrase 10 of the Top 20 Phrases for French GCSE👍😎🙌

This top phrase is ‘j’aurais dû’ which means ‘I should have’ …

As always, when translating, and when learning a language, context is key, so here are a few examples for you to show you how to use this phrase in a sentence …

👉Example 1

Hier j’aurais dû faire mes devoirs mais je suis allé(e) en ville avec mes amis.
Yesterday I should have done my homework but I went to town with my friends.

👉Example 2

Hier j’aurais dû rendre visite à mes grandparents mais je suis resté(e) chez moi.
Yesterday I should have visited my grandparents but I stayed at mine.

👉Example 3

Hier j’aurais dû faire de l’exercice mais je suis allé(e) au restaurant et j’ai mangé une pizza.
Yesterday I should have done some exercise but I went to the restaurant and I ate a pizza.


To use this phrase in French, just add on the infinitive verb for the thing that you should have done.

For example …

I should have gone 👉 j’aurais dû aller
I should have done 👉 j’aurais dû faire
I should have watched 👉 j’aurais dû regarder
I should have eaten 👉 j’aurais dû manger
I should have finished 👉 j’aurais dû finir


👉 Now for the REALLY exciting news! 😎

I am offering three motivated GCSE French students the opportunity to boost their language skills and grab a top grade in their GCSE by working with me intensively for four weeks …

For FREE! 🙌🙌🙌

All applicants must be in either Year 10 or Year 11, be highly motivated to succeed, and be able to commit to two sessions each week for four weeks + extra preparation and practice time between lessons.

To apply, just send me a message through my Instagram or page or send me an e-mail to [email protected] so that we can arrange a FREE consultation.

If you are a student and you’d like to apply, please ask your parent/guardian to apply on your behalf.

I look forward to working with you! 😃

Rob 👋

Timeline photos 30/09/2020

This cabbage-related 'mistake' is one of mine. And one I'm still very proud of 😃

I hadn't long been learning Italian at college and I was sent out to do some practice with the native speaker assistant who was helping out.

I remember sixteen year old me sat on one of those old metal office chairs with a threadbare cushion and the last of the padding escaping out of the burst seam on the side. I was already pretty nervous about going to speak Italian - on my own - with a native speaker - having only just started to learn it a month or so before.

Out of my comfort zone, I definitely was, and this chair was not making me any more comfortable!

I remember Giuglia asking me some of the usual beginner questions like 'What's your name?' 'How old are you?' - I could remember my name and my age. This was a good start!

Then she asked if I had any pets.

I remember thinking, I know this one too! 'Ho due cani!' I've got two dogs!

I was gaining in confidence!

Then I thought I'd show off with a much more complex sentence with something like 'When I'm older, and I have enough land and money, I would really like to buy a horse!'

Well Giuglia burst out laughing! Turns out the Italian for 'horse' and 'cabbage' were easily confused by a beginner!

Moral of the story: Make mistakes, learn from your mistakes, and learn the difference between a horse and a cabbage.

If you'd like to find out more about how to excel at GCSE French, German, Italian, or Spanish make sure to follow on Instagram and Facebook and visit for more top tips, free resources, insider secrets and cabbage-related stories!

# gcsegerman

Timeline photos 30/09/2020

When I speak to friends, family, and potential students, one of the biggest things that's holding them back from realising their dream of learning a foreign language is their fear of making mistakes and this is such a shame!

If you're not making mistakes, it's probably because you're not getting out of your comfort zone, doing something that scares you, or pushing yourself to improve.

Mistakes are the KEY to learning.

They're a necessary part of the journey.

Don't fear the mistakes.

Embrace and enjoy the mistakes - for without them, you would not be moving forwards.


If you'd like to find out more about how to excel at GCSE French, German, Italian, or Spanish make sure to follow on Instagram and Facebook and visit for more top tips, free resources, and insider secrets!

# gcsegerman

Timeline photos 30/09/2020

This excellent 'mistake' was made by a student of mine a few years ago during his German GCSE Speaking Exam.

Yep! It's fine to make mistakes, even in the exam!

He was trying to describe what his ideal partner would be like (an excellent opportunity to show off using the Conditional Mood to get a few extra marks!) but as he was speaking he lost half the words in his sentence and just said 'I'm looking for hair ... and eyes ...'

He composed himself.

Had another go.

And absolutely smashed the exam!


If you'd like to find out more about how to excel at GCSE French, German, Italian, or Spanish make sure to follow on Instagram and Facebook and visit for more top tips, free resources, and insider secrets!

# gcsegerman


Here's a little snippet from my awesome online GCSE French General Conversation course 👍

It's soo important to get lots of comprehensible input when learning a foreign language because ...

1. You get loads of exposure to excellent pronunciation.

2. Your pronunciation will be soooo much better.

3. Your brain naturally wants to learn a language by listening.

4. Not only will you smash the GCSE speaking exam but the listening exam will be a breeze too! 😎


If you'd like to find out more about how to excel in GCSE French, German, Italian, or Spanish send me a DM on Instagram or Facebook or visit my website 👌


Timeline photos 21/09/2020

Let's face it, life can be pretty busy.

You've always got so much school work to do.

Add on top of that all your extra-curricular activities, and it feels like there's just not enough time to learn everything you need to learn in order to ...

1. Speak the language really well


2. Get the grade you want in your GCSE.

Remember ...

Make use of those lost minutes here and there.

While you're waiting for the bus, learn a few new words on your phone.

Listen to some cool music in your target language.

Instead of watching Netflix, in English, change the language and immerse yourself!

Whatever you do, do something! All of those minutes will add up into hours of practice 👍


If you'd like to know how you, your son, or your daughter can excel in GCSE language, send me a DM, check out my page or visit my website


It's been a really positive start to the new academic year here and I hope it's been great for you too!


If you'd like to know how you, your son, or your daughter can excel in GCSE language, send me a DM, check out my page or visit my website

Timeline photos 21/09/2020

Just some benefits of learning another language:

- It makes you smarter 👍

- It makes you cooler 😎

- It makes you learn more about your first language 😉

- It makes you see the World in a completely different way 😃

If you'd like to find out more about how you, your son, or your daughter can excel in GCSE languages, send me a DM, check out my page, or visit my website at

Timeline photos 10/09/2020

Timeline photos 09/09/2020

Learning a foreign language can seem like such a daunting task 😱 and it's even more daunting if you aim for perfection! Perfection can seem like such an unobtainable goal - and what is perfection anyway?

So instead of aiming for perfection, aim for progress. If you just learn one new word, phrase, or verb conjugation today, that's more than you knew yesterday. Just rinse and repeat.



Timeline photos 28/07/2020

👉 This is a feeling every language learner knows! 👍

👉 You build up the confidence to actually speak to a native speaker in their language. 😨

👉 You feel the fear. 😱

👉 They understand you! 🤩

👉 Wooooohoooooooo! 🤪 My work here is done!

Timeline photos 24/07/2020

Such kind words from Katie 😀

👉 Ed had chosen German GCSE and had a really high target grade but he'd fallen out of love with the subject - it had become really hard, the lessons weren't engaging, and he wasn't actually learning to speak the language in class ...

BUT ...

👉 working with the right tutor and equipped with the right materials and language-learning strategies, Ed made AMAZING progress! He was quickly able to converse spontaneously in German, discussing loads of different topics, and using really high-level language that we examiners absolutely love! 👍

👉 Consequently, his enjoyment and grades both shot up and I could not be prouder of him! 😁 👏

👉 To find out more about one-to-one tuition and The Online Language School's AWESOME online courses, check out or send a message in Messenger to 😀

# homeed

Timeline photos 21/07/2020


I really like this simile because it is such an accurate depiction of what language is like! When you start out learning a language it can be like finding your way through a jungle of confusion and sadly this is where so many student's language-leaning journey ends. It doesn't need to be like this though!

At The Online Language School our courses simplify the language-learning process 🤗👍 by teaching you the patterns, the phrases, and the words you need in order to speak the language confidently and fluently ready to smash your GCSE exam! 🎈🥳

Check out our new course created to help you succeed in your French GCSE Speaking Exam! It's designed by a language-learning expert, linguist, and GCSE examiner and it's packed with model answers, instructional videos, and heaps of practice exercises 🙌

Get exclusive 'members only' access to all this for only £4.99/month 😮 with your Special Discount Code (Cancel any time)!

Send a message in Messenger to grab your discount code or head to to find out more!

Timeline photos 20/07/2020

You won't need to act like you understand and you won't need to blag your way through your French GCSE Speaking Exam all 'errrrr j'aime ... errrr ... je joue au foot .... errrr baguette ... pain au chocolat ... croissant ...' once you've seen our all new French GCSE General Conversation Speaking Exam Online Course which is about to launch at lunch time today!

Could not be any more excited to share it with you! 😁

Timeline photos 20/07/2020

Learn a language in the right way 👍 with the right material 👍 the right methodology 👍 and the right mindset 👍 and there'll be nothing stopping you from absolutely smashing that speaking exam!

Not long now until the launch of our new French GCSE General Conversation Speaking Exam Online Course! Watch this space! 😀👍

Timeline photos 20/07/2020


It's been very busy here at The Online Language School as we get ready to launch our all new GCSE French General Conversation Speaking Exam Online Course at lunch time today!!!

You will get unrestricted access to model answers and practice exercises for the GCSE French General Conversation part of your speaking exam! All material written by a GCSE Examiner and Language-Learning Expert! Unlimited use and replays of all audio and video content!

The standard membership fee for all of this content is £14.99/month but you can get unlimited access to it all for only £4.99/month for long as you like if you sign up before 31st July 2020! It will be our little way of saying thank you for becoming a founding member of The Online Language School 😀 Just send a message in Messenger to get your exclusive special discount code!

Make sure you check back at lunch time today to get more information and find out how to take advantage of this amazing opportunity!

So excited!

Timeline photos 17/07/2020

Do you want to learn this awesome super power?!

Timeline photos 16/07/2020

As a student at school, and then when I did my teacher training (it seems like such a long time ago now!), I could never really understand why so much time was spent learning how to describe family members' physical characteristics. The only logical explanations I could come up with was that as children, we were expected to get lost in French supermarkets or maybe if we lost our passports, we could just describe each other through customs!

Timeline photos 15/07/2020

This is so true! Luckily though, with practice it gets easier and easier, and you get better and better 😁


I see so many students daunted by the idea of learning a language. They want to be able to speak another language (Who wouldn't?! It's really cool 😎😁) but it seems like such a mammoth task (pun intended 🤣) with no end in sight.

But by just learning one word, or one phrase, each day, those efforts are going to compound and it will get easier and easier to learn more and more! Promise 👍


Some people say that you know you're fluent in another language when you start to dream in it. I don't know about that but I do know that this 👇happens a lot! 😂


The whole reason behind this series is to share with you a range of phrases which are not only easy to recycle across different topics but that also tick different boxes with us examiners - making for more EFFICIENT and EFFECTIVE learning - and Phrase #9 is no exception! WIN!

👉 Phrase #9 is ...

👉 'Ce que j'aime le plus ...'
👉 'What I like the most ...'

This phrase is ...

✅ An Opinion Phrase - we examiners HAVE to find a range of opinions in your work - so give them to us aplenty 😀
✅ A Complex Structure
✅ A Superlative Structure - (e.g. big, bigger, biggest / I like / I like more / I like the most)


Here are some TOP examples for you as to how you could use it in your own work …

👉 Family and Relationships 🦸‍♀️️😀👧👦

J’aime ma mère car elle est gentille mais ce que j’aime le plus est qu’elle est drôle.

(I like my mum because she is kind but what I like the most is that she is funny.)

👉 Customs and Festivals 🎅🎄🎁☃

J’aime Noel parce que j’aime les plats traditionnels mais ce que j’aime le plus est recevoir beaucoup de cadeaux!

(I like Christmas because I like the traditional dishes but what I like the most is receiving lots of presents!)

👉 Work 💼👷💻👷‍♀️🌳🌲

J’aime l’idée de travailler dehors mais ce que j’aime le plus est l’idée de gagner beaucoup d’argent!

(I like the idea of working outside but what I like the most is the idea of earning lots of money!)


👉 If you found that useful, react, comment, and share!

👉👉👉 AAAANNND keep your eyes peeled 👀for some exciting news at The Online Language School! 😉


You almost definitely already know
👉 ‘Je pense que c’est ...’
👉 'I think that it is ...'

so if YOU already know it, the chances are that loads of other people know it and will be using it too.

This series is all about teaching you a range of TOP level structures which the examiners will love.

And of course .. this phrase is no exception ...

It's ...

✅ A Grammatically Negative Structure - I love seeing these!

✅ An Opinion - remember, we examiners are always on the lookout for opinions in your work - lots of students do of course give opinions, but most of them are pretty dull.

✅ Complex Structure ... because it's in what's called the Subjunctive Mood - don’t worry if you don’t know what this is - just learn this phrase and use it! The examiner won't know and doesn't mind if you can't explain the Subjunctive Mood grammatically or not - just whether you can use it correctly once or twice :) - Of course, it would be great if you did know it in more depth, and it's something I teach in my online grammar courses.

So ... this phrase is similar to 'Je pense que c'est ...' but we've mixed things up a bit and come up with 'Je ne pense pas que ce soit ...' which means 'I don't think that it is ...'


As usual here are a few examples of how you could use it in your own work ...

School 🎓📚✏️

J’aime faire mes devoirs et je ne pense pas que ce soit ennuyeux.
(I like to do my homework and I don’t think that it’s boring.)

Family and Relationships ❌💍⛪️

Je suis contre le mariage car je ne pense pas que ce soit important.
(I am against marriage because I don’t think that it’s important.)

Health 💪🏋️‍♀️🍎

Je ne pense pas que ce soit sain alors je ne vais jamais fumer.
(I don’t think that it’s healthy so I am never going to smoke.)


So there we go ...

Phrase 8:

👉 Je ne pense pas que ce soit ...
👉 I don’t think that it is ...

And if you found that useful ... please react, comment, and share! 👋😀


🇫🇷 #7 of 20 Top Phrases for GCSE French 🇫🇷

👉Did you know?! You CAN actually get a Grade 9 without doing any work and just using the present tense! 😉

(That was sarcasm btw 😂... If you like a bit of sarcasm too - Phrase 7 could be right up your street!)

Not only can this phrase be used sarcastically (of course, it doesn't have to be ...) but it's also an idiomatic expression so that's a box ticked with us examiners ✅😀

The phrase is "J’ai hâte" and it translates as "I can't wait" or "I'm looking forward to it" - that kind of thing!


Here are some examples of how you can use it across the different topics:

- Customs and Festivals: Mon père va me préparer un repas spécial pour mon anniversaire - j’ai hâte!

(My dad is going to make me a special meal for my birthday - I can’t wait!)

- School: En juin je vais faire un voyage scolaire. J’ai hâte!

(In June I'm going to go on a school trip. I can't wait!)

- Health: Ce soir je dois manger beaucoup de légumes. J’ai hâte ...

(This evening I've got to eat lots of vegetables ... I can't wait ...)



✋🛑 STOP using this one BORING structure! ✋🛑

👉 ‘parce que c’est amusant’ ❌

👉 ‘parce que c’est ennuyeux’ ❌

👉 ‘parce que c’est intéressant’ ❌

If ANYTHING is going to bore us examiners in your 🇫🇷 French exams 🇫🇷 - it’s THAT!

EVERYBODY ELSE will be using that structure in their speaking and writing exams and from MY experience as an examiner, they will use it A LOT!

It gets SOOO samey!

But YOU can do SOOO much better SOOO easily!


🇫🇷 So here is Phrase #6 of the Top 20 Phrases to help you get the top grades 🇫🇷

👉 ce n'est jamais ✅
👉 it's never ✅


Here are some examples of how you can use it accross the different topics:


Instead of saying ...
❌ ‘I like sport because it’s fun’ > ‘J’aime le sport parce que c’est amusant’ ❌
say something like ...
✅ ‘I like sport because it’s never boring’ > ‘J’aime le sport parce que ce n’est jamais ennuyeux’ ✅


'I like to do my homework - in my opinion it's never a waste of time!'
'J'aime faire mes devoirs - à mon avis ce n'est jamais une perte de temps!'


'I don't eat fast foot - it's never healthy!'
'Je ne mange pas de malbouffe - ce n'est jamais bon pour la santé!'


👉 Make sure to REACT, COMMENT, SHARE, and definitely FOLLOW 💪 for more examiner top tips! ✅


Merci, au revoir, et bonne journée! 😀👋

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🇫🇷 #7 of 20 Top Phrases for GCSE French 🇫🇷
🇫🇷 #5 of 20 Top Phrases for GCSE French 🇫🇷
🇫🇷 #1 of 20 Top Phrases for GCSE French 🇫🇷