St Botolph's Church of England Primary School

St Botolph's Church of England Primary School


We aim to provide a stimulating and varied programme of education to enable children of all abilities

Operating as usual

Photos from St Botolph's Church of England Primary School's post 15/06/2024

On Thursday, Year 5 went to the Gravesend Central Mosque to learn more about Islam and the way Muslims celebrate their faith. Upon arrival, the children were asked to take their shoes off in line with Muslim practices and then the Iman (priest) invited us into the prayer room to tell us about his faith. We were then fortunate to witness the call to prayer and the way in which Muslims pray. After this, we were shown around the Mosque, including the location where Muslims perform the ritual washing act of Wudhu. We were all made to feel very welcome and left with a greater knowledge about the Muslim faith.

Photos from Aletheia Academies Trust's post 09/06/2024

Well done to everyone taking part ⚽
We are loving our new St Botolph's School sports kit that the team are modelling for us for the first time today! ❤🖤

Photos from St Botolph's Church of England Primary School's post 09/06/2024

This term, Year 3 are studying the Greeks. To immerse them into the topic, on Friday they held a Greek Day. The children had so much fun taking part in Greek Olympics, trying Greek food (some found a new love for olives and figs!). They made Greek vases, listened to Greek folk music and learnt how to do some Greek dancing.

Photos from St Botolph's Church of England Primary School's post 05/06/2024

A lovely sunny day in Norfolk for our Year 6 School Journey group. Today, the pupils have been busy taking part in pirate activities and had a trip to Cromer. The children have tackled the high ropes, the zipwire and walked the plank! They visited the Cromer lifeboat museum and saw Cromer 's lifeboat at the end of the pier. Next they stopped for a refreshing ice cream. To complete the ‘marine-themed day’ the group have tucked into fish and chips followed by play time and a trip to the local swimming pool for their evening activity. 🏊‍♂️🌊🏴‍☠️🛟🍦🐟🍟 A very busy day!

Photos from St Botolph's Church of England Primary School's post 04/06/2024

Our Year 6's are having a fantastic time in Norfolk. Last night they went on a twilight walk and today, they have had lunch looking out to the sea at Blakeney🌊🚌 They are looking forward to seeing the seals this afternoon!

Photos from St Botolph's Church of England Primary School's post 01/06/2024

We are very excited for our upcoming Health Living Week (wb 24th June) when we will be welcoming Courtney Tulloch to our school. Courtney is an artistic British gymnast and four-time European medalist. Pupils will have the opportunity to be sponsored to complete a sports session with Courtney and speak to him about his sports journey. 🤸‍♂️ 🏅🏅🏅🏅🤸‍♂️


A gentle reminder that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. At Aletheia, we have trained mental health ambassadors across our schools. We also have access to a 24/7 free and confidential counselling helpline to support our staff whenever needed. Our collective and individual well-being is a high priority as a Trust.

Photos from Aletheia Academies Trust's post 24/05/2024
Family First - Issue 2 2024 08/04/2024

As mentioned in our recent newsletter, Family First is a free publication that covers everything families need to build a happy
and healthy lifestyle.

Family First - Issue 2 2024 Family First is a free publication that covers everything you and your family need in order to build a happier and healthier lifestyle. Family First is a quarterly magazine specifically designed to improve the health of over 6,000,000 families across England, Scotland & Wales. Working alongside majo...

Photos from St Botolph's Church of England Primary School's post 26/03/2024

Well done to all the pupils from St Botolph’s and our other Trust schools, who performed in this evening’s Trust Music Concert 🎶 at Woodville Halls Theatre.
All the performances were fantastic and it was great to have all our schools come together. 👏 Well done everyone.


Services and events at St Botolphs Church Northfleet this coming Easter.

Photos from St Botolph's Church of England Primary School's post 23/03/2024

We are so incredibly proud of the 11 pupils who affirmed their faith and their baptism, through their Confirmation service this morning. The service was held at St Botolphs Church Northfleet, led by Bishop Simon. During the service, there were hymns, readings and testimonies. Some candidates were baptised and then Bishop Simon anointed each candidate in turn with Oil of Chrism. He lay his hands on their heads (a gesture of inviting the Holy Spirit upon each of them) to confirm them. The children then took their first Holy Communion and were presented with a candle, certificate and a copy of the New Testament.
It was a joy to witness these pupils commit their lives to following Jesus Christ. 🤍🕯️✝️

Photos from St Botolph's Church of England Primary School's post 20/03/2024

We were so excited to welcome the Living Streets team and STRIDER to St Botolph’s this afternoon! 🧡
We celebrated our whole school successes in a special assembly, and also recognised the hard work of our WOW ambassadors and the class who have engaged the most in the programme this month (Cherry class).
We then met Strider and also had the chance for a photo opportunity on the playground after school!
Well done to everyone for travelling to school in an active way, keep up the great work!🚶‍♂️🚴🏾‍♂️🛼🦽🛹🏃🏼‍♀️


🚨 Irony klaxon 🚨 This week, is all about going to sleep! We’ve got together with Minds Ahead to bring you some expert tips on helping children and young people to develop a healthy sleeping pattern 😴

Photos from St Botolph's Church of England Primary School's post 07/03/2024

We are having a wonderful World Book Day here at St Botolph's today. It is lovely to see so many wonderful costumes and the children enjoy taking part in lots of reading activities throughout the day. We hope you all enjoy reading the free book that you received today from the St Botolph's pop up bookstore! 📚📕📗📘📙📖


Year 3 Maple class have been watching their frogspawn develop over the last few weeks. They have been comparing it to the growth of their sea monkeys! 🐸🌊🐒

Photos from St Botolph's Church of England Primary School's post 06/03/2024

It was lovely to have so many mums, grandmas and special women attend our breakfasts along with their children, ahead of Mother's Day this weekend. Enjoy your special day on Sunday! 🌸🌺🌸

Photos from St Botolph's Church of England Primary School's post 26/02/2024

We are so pleased that our latest project is complete! Our brand new pupil kitchen has been installed complete with work stations, sinks, fridge freezers, microwaves, ovens and hobs. With the kitchen facilities, pupils will have the opportunity to learn the food preparation aspects of the Design and Technology National Curriculum more fully with hands-on experiences. We are also looking forward to the first session of our Food Preparation After School club this Thursday, led by Mr Stanton 🥬🥕🧅🥗🍳🍗


Found outside our school this morning:
Monzo bank card with the name ANKIT on it.
It is with our school office for the owner to collect with ID.

Photos from St Botolph's Church of England Primary School's post 20/02/2024

A reminder of our author visit for Year 5 this Thursday and the opportunity for all pupils to purchase a copy of his books from the links below, to be signed during the visit. 📖🧑‍🚀🚀✍️


Have you seen our wonderful new flag pole, proudly displaying our Green flag award for being an eco school?
Take a look when you bring the children into school, it is on our KS1 playground! 💚♻️


It’s a jungle out there! 🐵🍌 If a platform where young people can video chat with random strangers sounds like an risk which is – quite frankly – bananas, you’ll want to check out our guide to Monkey 👀

Download >>

Photos from Northfleet School for Girls's post 09/02/2024
Photos from St Botolph's Church of England Primary School's post 09/02/2024

We are delighted to announce that we have secured a visit from the author JAMES JEFFERSON for our Year 5 pupils linked to their topic of Space on Thursday 22nd February. The children will enjoy reading the author's book, learning about space and asking about anything space related!
If you would like to purchase one of the author's books in advance, he is happy to sign your copy of the book when he visits. The opportunity to have your copy signed is open to all pupils in the school, not just Year 5. The books can be purchased via Amazon. If you are not in Year 5, please leave your copy of the book with the school office (named) and they will ensure it is signed and returned to you on Thursday 22nd February.

I want to go to space JIMMY

I want to go to space JESSICA’S

I want to go to space *BUMPER Edition*

The Lost Alien

Herovisits - Spaceman / Book Author / Superhero visits in Kent
The Medway Spaceman

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?

Videos (show all)

Harvest 2023
The elves have been busy decorating our hall ready for Christmas! The hoops, created by each class, have been hung from ...
It was lovely to hear the St Botolph's choir and Rosherville choir perform at the Mayor's Carol Service yesterday evenin...
We are truly overwhelmed by the amount of food and goodies we collected for our Harvest service at St Botolphs Church No...
Our afternoon races are about to begin. What a wonderful turn out of parents and carers ready to cheer us all on! 🔴🔵🟡🟢#S...
And we are off, Sports Day 2022 has officially begun! 🔴🔵🟡🟢#StBotolphs #SportsDay2022 #together #funlearning #Teameffort ...
We were so pleased to take delivery of our commemorative books to mark the Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee 👑Designed ...
Thank you Lidl GB for your generous donation of delicious fruit for our Healthy Breakfast Day tomorrow and 5 a day on Th...
Remembrance crosses
Harvest donations for Hive Hope
Staff Harvest Boxes
