Neon Hex, Ltd.

Neon Hex, Ltd.


We empower you to realize your digital learning dreams. e-Learning digital training and development consultancy.

Connect with us today at [email protected] to schedule a FREE 60-minute initial call to discuss how best I can support your business.

Operating as usual


Everyone likes to talk about themselves. Like a good conversation, asking someone else's opinion, thoughts brings them into the discussion.

In the online learning world, try having learners bring their existing knowledge and experiences into the virtual classroom.

Connecting the content to their experience results in:
•higher engagement
•increased knowledge retention
•better referrals
•increased course reviews!

What's not to like?!

What are some of the ways you engage learners in your content?


Let's talk about how we can supercharge your digital training products! You can find my calendly link in the comments


In my last post, I talked about involving participants in your training/presentation/course/talk, etc.

What are some useful ways to ask questions that engage participants?

This could be by presenting a quick, multiple choice questions before moving on, providing learners with the freedom of choice for the topic or content flow.

In the case of webinars or live lessons, pause to ask learners directly. Have them form small discussion groups and present back, or pausing for a few minutes to allow for an individual task to take place.

The benefits here by requiring frequent learner input, they have to be focused to make decisions, respond to questions that can’t be easily guessed, and the use of correct response tracking builds confidence and show a visual report of progress.

Do you agree that questions keep learners engaged?


Let's talk about how we can supercharge your digital training products! You can find my calendly link in the comments~~


You’ve definitely heard this one before (!) but when it comes to online training use lecture-based teaching in moderation.

It certainly does have its place and can be an effective method of teaching (in some cases!). This can be varied with other methods such as text-only activities, group tasks, visual methods (video, images), audio-only tasks, or learner discovery.

Want to discover more ways to engage your audience in online courses? Talk to me today!


When transferring your face to face courses to online, it doesn’t have to be single-student based learning.

Humans are social creatures and thrive on social interactions.

It might surprise you that online learning can offer the same flexibility as traditional face to face methods.

Use social learning through the use of cohorts and group-based tasks.

The social aspect of learning is fundamental to retention and recall of information and it is proven to increase course completion rates drastically!

Social pressure proves effective, no one wants to be the only person who didn’t finish the course.


Let's talk about how we can supercharge your digital training products! You can find my calendly link in the comments~~


Why do we feel the need to fill silence with something? You've no doubt experienced this in conversation, instructors/presenters/coaches probably have experienced the "wall of silence" in a room (real or virtual).

Have no fear. Embrace the silence!

What might be happening is one of two things:
•the learners are confused
•the learners need time to consider a reply

This is especially true of introspective learners, or learners where English may be their second language, they require time to process a question before responding. This all aids the learning process and keeps them involved in the lesson.

Have you experienced the wall-of-silence?! How did you feel?


Let's talk about how we can supercharge your digital training products! You can find my calendly link in the comments.


Sensory overload is a real threat that is often overlooked in online training.

When using lectures, it demands learners use multiple senses at once, and this can be fatiguing.

-Visual to watch

-Aural to listen

-Oral to feedback if asked a question

-Physical when taking down notes.

Try removing one of these senses which can let learners increase both their attention span and reduce energy level drain.

Graphics, text, or audio can be an alternative medium to reduce learner sensory overload.

What is your preferred learning method? Reading? Watching? Listening? Something else? Let me know in the comments below!


Let's talk about how we can supercharge your digital training products! Feel free to book a meeting on my calandly here:

Photos from Neon Hex, Ltd.'s post 20/07/2021

Project Brief:
Create Engaging Corporate Compliance Training

Project Requirements:
Energise an existing compliance training for a corporate client that brings game mechanics and branching scenarios to heighten user experience.
Tools Used: Articulate Storyline 360.

Photos from Neon Hex, Ltd.'s post 20/07/2021

Project Brief:
Create an accessible training for on the go employees.

Project Requirement:
To build leadership training modules accessible on mobile devices including user-friendly navigation and text display. Branching scenarios are used to provide realistic feedback for training purposes.
Tools Used: Articulate Storyline 360.

Photos from Neon Hex, Ltd.'s post 19/07/2021

Project Brief:
Conversion of course book to an interactive online course

Project Requirement:
Convert an existing training document provided as a post-course self study tool into an engaging, self-access online course. Provide ultimate navigation flexibility for users to access all sections of the training at any time. Maintain branding and consistent visually attractive design.

Photos from Neon Hex, Ltd.'s post 19/07/2021

Personal Development and Communication Effectiveness Course

"Active Listening for Professionals in the Digital Age"

Project Requirement: Use a wide mix of media and interactive elements to raise participant engagement and increase knowledge retention. Deploy as SCORM on LMS to demonstrate interactivity and deploy on Udemy to demonstrate conversion of course to video-only format.

Project Scope: 60 minutes of video. Knowledge assessments per chapter to help retain information. Bite-size content to increase engagement and increase course completion.

Tools Used: Articulate Storyline 360.

Photos from Neon Hex, Ltd.'s post 19/07/2021

Employee Onboarding

"Acaboom New Employee Onboarding Training"

Project Requirements: Replace existing face to face (online video) training with self-directed learning. Guarantee all new employees have an approved level of company and product knowledge when joining the company. Use a mix of media to engage learners. Use frequent assessments that enable managers to track progress and uptake of information of each new employee.

Project Scope: 3 hours of course content and mixed media. Cover the company structure and background, and systems used by all employees. Ensure all products are demonstrated to enable employees to independently use after training.

Tools Used: Articulate Rise 360

Photos from Neon Hex, Ltd.'s post 19/07/2021

AI in Medicine

"Introduction to Longevity Medicine for Physicians"

Project Requirement: Transfer an online lecture into a paid-for course. Use the course to promote the company’s digital product solution to the target market. 3 hours of video and a single 10-question quiz. Must have customised certification on completion with instructor signatures, company logo, and colour scheme. Obtain student contact details to add to future marketing emails. Communicate with students directly from within the platform.

Project Scope: 2 months from concept to deployment. Deploy on multi-platforms to increase total enrolment opportunities through Udemy, LabXchange, and Teachable.
Tools Used Mixture of video editing and graphic design tools.

Result: 2000 enrolments within the first 2 months of deployment. 4.4 star rating on Udemy with 250 feedback score.


Think back to time you left a training or a meeting and could barely remember a thing that was said. We’ve all been there, right?

Chances are you were a victim of boredom by “lecture”. It’s the de-facto style in higher-ed and professional contexts; now its perilous hands have crept from real life into the online world.

You'll be saved should the presenter be one of the lucky few natural storytellers with the ability to engage everyone in the room (or virtual room). Sadly, most of us have experienced this and will unfortunately continue to experience exasperating presentations, trainings, and meetings.

What's your worst (...or memorable?!) lectured-to-sleep experience? If you're a trainer, what solutions work for you?


Want to discuss how we can supercharge your trainings and presentations? Let's have a conversation how we can support your cause.

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?

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Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00