English Tutoring for All

English Tutoring for All


Aiming to provide English tutoring to some of the most disadvantaged children in the UK. Together we can help them.

A donation will help fund English tutoring for a child eligible for Pupil Premium or Free School Meals.

Operating as usual


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Generation of poorer children may never recover from pandemic, warns Children’s Commissioner 02/12/2020

“There is literally a generation of poor children who will never recover from the blow of the pandemic, and they will never recover in terms of their education or their economic prosperity in years to come."

It's shocking stories like these that make me even more determined to help educate poorer children. Your donation will allow this to happen https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/english-tutoring-for-disadvantaged-children

Generation of poorer children may never recover from pandemic, warns Children’s Commissioner Children in Crisis: Government must act with urgency to establish ‘robust and determined’ recovery programme for disadvantaged children or they will suffer for years to come, says Anne Longfield

COVID-19 and the disadvantage gap - POST 18/11/2020

"Disadvantaged pupils tend to have lower educational attainment compared with their peers; this is often called the disadvantage gap. School closures, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, are likely to have widened the disadvantage gap. This is because disadvantaged pupils tend to have less access to technology, spend less time learning and have reduced support from parents/carers compared with their peers." (UK Parliament, 2020)

Find out how you can help at: http://ryan-the-tutor.co.uk/tutoring-for-all/

COVID-19 and the disadvantage gap - POST Disadvantaged pupils tend to have lower educational attainment compared with their peers; this is often called the disadvantage gap. School closures, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, are likely to have widened the disadvantage gap. This is because disadvantaged pupils tend to have less access t...

English Tutoring for All | Ryan the English Tutor 14/11/2020

Due to Covid19, school closures have resulted in significant learning loss and disadvantaged pupils may have been more badly affected than others.

I aim to provide English tutoring to some of the most disadvantaged children in the UK. Together we can help them.

Book a session at: http://ryan-the-tutor.co.uk/tutoring-for-all/

English Tutoring for All | Ryan the English Tutor I aim to provide English tutoring to some of the most disadvantaged children in the UK. Together we can help them.

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