Horizon Mandarin School

Horizon Mandarin School


Fun and effective Mandarin lessons for all!

Operating as usual


Wishing you all a Happy New Year!


We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Photos from Horizon Mandarin School's post 15/12/2024

Finished the last lesson of the term! We have a lucky reader from our library members… we have some fantastic artists drawing characters and Chinese poems… with Christmas fast approaching, our teachers made sure every minute of the lesson is spent on helping our students practising Listening Speaking Reading and Writing Mandarin!
Merry Christmas!


但愿人长久 千里共婵娟!天地中文学校祝大家中秋快乐!
Wishing you all a very Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Photos from Horizon Mandarin School's post 06/09/2024

All set for tomorrow - looking forward to see you again!

Photos from Horizon Mandarin School's post 28/08/2024

Hello everyone! The new school year is starting soon - on the 7th of September! Hope you all had a good break. We look forward to seeing our students and families again! Before all that, we have scheduled an online meeting and training session for all teachers! A lot to catch up!

Photos from Horizon Mandarin School's post 07/07/2024

The year ended on a high note, despite the unpredictable weather. We are very proud of everyone’s effort and achievements, we had great fun too! Thank you so much for your support and encouragement - teachers, parents, and librarians, we are so fortunate to have you all!
Have a great summer, and see you in September!

Photos from Horizon Mandarin School's post 04/07/2024

Our annual Writing and Handwriting Competition has come to an end. What wonderful pieces of work we have received! So proud of our students’ progress and effort. Well done everyone!

Photos from Horizon Mandarin School's post 22/06/2024

Our lovely children enjoying Mandarin lessons…


第四届天地读书竞赛 - 不管是什么样的家庭语言背景,我们都要请你挑战一下自己,读一本书、读一段文字、读一篇课文,大声朗读,是学习语言的关键。📚📚让孩子们都成为优秀的朗读者吧!最佳小读者、优秀小读者、超棒小读者和新星小读者名单,周六宣布,参加者都有小奖品。🥰🥰

Photos from Horizon Mandarin School's post 02/03/2024

租用Hoe Bridge School的教室开中文课已经快五年了,每年三月初的World Book Day到来之际,教室门上都会有老师精心设计装饰的童书故事人物和场景。大家能猜到是哪些童书吗?不得不佩服老师们的创造力!

Photos from Horizon Mandarin School's post 25/02/2024

学校发展到今天,快六年了……我们追求不断进步,学生们有更好的体验和成就感。今天,元宵节后的第一天,我们带着问题,带着学习的目的,来伦敦参加校长论坛,与全英中文学校校长们讨论办学标准化,交流经验,互相学习,收获非常丰厚。我们将紧锣密鼓地安排新项目, Watch the Space!

Photos from Horizon Mandarin School's post 18/02/2024

World Book Day coming, and the annual Horizon Book Reading Competition is in again! We encourage our students to read more books in Chinese, and open their mouths to read aloud! An essential part of learning any language. What’s more, every participant will get a prize too!



Photos from Horizon Mandarin School's post 13/02/2024

Cultural workshops, Money God giving away red packets.

Photos from Horizon Mandarin School's post 13/02/2024

Parents Choir, learn to dance Ke Mu San, and Riddles/Brain teasers.

Photos from Horizon Mandarin School's post 13/02/2024

Performances by each class.

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Videos (show all)

Finished the last lesson of the term!  We have a lucky reader from our library members… we have some fantastic artists d...
第四届天地读书竞赛 - 不管是什么样的家庭语言背景,我们都要请你挑战一下自己,读一本书、读一段文字、读一篇课文,大声朗读,是学习语言的关键。📚📚让孩子们都成为优秀的朗读者吧!最佳小读者、优秀小读者、超棒小读者和新星小读者名单,周六宣布,参加...
一)龙年联欢会于周六大年初一举行,学生、家长和老师们,坐得满满当当,翘头期待联欢会的开始。On the New Year’s Day, Saturday 20th February, the hall was full of student...




Hoe Bridge School, Woking

Opening Hours

9am - 2:30pm