Three jay Practice Exams
We are a mock exam company for 11+ entrance examinations in both GL-style grammar school exams and independent private school exams based in Solihull.
Operating as usual
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Contact the school
Light Hall School
Solihull, B902PZ
Light Hall Sixth Form offers students a modern and supportive setting for their A-Level studies.
The Court House
Solihull, CV379TQ
Study Buddy helps children and young people to thrive in education
Qualified teacher who runs fun, educational and energetic classes for toddlers/preschoolers. Opening up a world of literacy to children and their parents!
This page has been created to pool together courses, events and support from across Solihull and get the word out to our communities.
My name is Yupa and I provide specialist tutoring for dyslexic students and diagnostic assessments
Solihull, B945AE
Our Forest School sessions are set in a secluded wooded area a short walk from the farm. Be prepared
6 Highlands Court, Cranmore Avenue
Solihull, B904LE
SIEA is an Islamic education academy teaches children on Sundays for 3 hours (age 2 years old to 18