Huge congratulations to our Mental Health champions for being selected for the training that will begin in September. Thank you to all those who applied. Your applications were wonderful to read. A big thank you to The Friends of Bedstone for supporting this important initiative.
Senior School trip to the Shropshire Safari Park - fun times at the end of a school year.
Huge congratulations to Sasha who came first at the pony club areas qualifying for pony club championship in August. 🎉🏏🥇
Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh …….well done 👏
The Junior School had an amazing day at Cadbury World today. All the children were treated to a Mayan talk and workshop, a tour of the chocolate factory and an interactive ride. To finish, the children enjoyed buying treats in the chocolate shop 🍫
Last night, we celebrated our wonderful students and all they have achieved this year - prom 2024.
Bedstone College’s last boarding trip of the academic year! We all had fun at Alderford Lake Waterpark!
Our amazing Year 6’s have received their Leaver’s hoodies, gifted from the brilliant Friends of Bedstone. We wish our cohort an amazing experience in Year 7, continuing on from their success in the Junior School.
Junior school have been continuing with their cricket lessons and focusing on their batting. Our immersion group have also enjoyed learning a new sport!
Year 10 PE GCSE students have been learning about planes and axes. This has included using jelly babies and plasticine to help visualise these new concepts!
Our Immersion Group ‘immersed’ working on brochures for their maths project, budgeting a Theme Park to compliment our Cadbury World & Safari Park visit.
Y6’s enjoyed a great day at ‘Crucial Crew’ yesterday learning lots of important life skills. Jai, Sophia and Willow created some great posters of their favourite workshop following the day’s events.
Today we have been looking at lines of symmetry in regular and irregular 2-D shapes. Some children were able to visualise the shapes abstractly, whilst others used mirrors to help them visualise what the missing part of the shape would look like.
Enjoying our ‘Celebration’ assembly in the Junior School today with our final visit from Joe from CheckPoint Christian Youth Trust, who has been delivering assemblies for thirteen years. Today’s assembly was all about ‘strong foundations’. It was so lovely to welcome Mr Dennis too, who Joe replaced following his retirement.
Congratulations to the boys for being the first to complete their Junior Duke awards. The children have to complete a variety of life skill tasks, ranging from learning how to make toast to learning how to make a sling. The programme adapts, so students face new, age appropriate challenges each year as they progress through the programme.
huge congratulations to William and Belle who competed in a swimming gala at the weekend. William competed in 10 events and gained 10 medals (6 gold & 4 silver), he was also awarded the top overall boy in his age for the event. Belle gained 3 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze medal. 👏🎉
Pupils in Junior 1 PE lesson getting excited for sports day tomorrow.
Year 5 have been revising Fractions today. Archie is getting ‘stuck in’ matching improper Fractions to their mixed numbers.
Woodlands Class have been exploring lines of symmetry in Maths. Our immersion students have explored lines of symmetry in European flags, before designing their own flags using symmetry.
Junior PE completing a circuit focused on their cricket skills and some fitness 🏏
Dressed up, ready for a Sunday outing, wishing one of Wilson boarders all the best for their return home.
The Year 5 pupils are working on revising their knowledge of Fractions in maths today. Lucy is challenging herself with a great Equivalent Fractions matching game.
Junior 2/3 have been learning about food chains in science - and making their own paper food chains to show feeding relationships between producers, primary consumers and secondary consumers.
We have been learning all about D-Day in the Junior School and Sophie (Y6) designed this beautiful illustration.
A great game of U11 cricket today against Lucton with a winning result for Team A with 250 runs to 245. Bowler of the Match was awarded to Bea and Batter of the Match to Harvey. Jai and Grace were also awarded Player of the Match. superb playing overall. 🏏
Lower Key stage 2 have been looking a data and translating this into bar charts. Our next step will be line graphs.
Upper Key Stage 2 are using ‘Tinkercad’ to compile some interesting 3D CAD designs in Computing this term. Cecily is working on a ‘wild’ design.
Our Immersion group enjoying their practical physics lesson this morning.
Working in our lovely outside classroom, Bea and Grace are utilising resources to help create a D-Day landing picture.