Priory Common School, Milton Keynes Videos

Videos by Priory Common School in Milton Keynes. We are a busy but friendly school, with lots going on. Our page aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both families friends and pupils

Whole school singing - To The Sound Of Trumpets - Coronation Song

Other Priory Common School videos

Whole school singing - To The Sound Of Trumpets - Coronation Song

Today has been a busy day, across the school. We have all taken part in various activities linking to Rememberance Day. ...

In hedgehogs we are writers, we are writing a story about a dinosaur at the park what will he do next?

Hedgehogs We have had a visitor in class this evening! we think that that egg is hatching!! What will we find tomorrow?

Hedgehogs class we hope your ready for school tomorrow. Imagine our surprise when we came in today and found Renee the B...

our children singing to celebrate 70 years, Heres to the Queen!