St Ambrose RC Primary, Manchester Videos

Videos by St Ambrose RC Primary in Manchester. Information and up to date news on all school activities.

We are really going to miss all our Year 6 children! ❤️ #leavers2022 #finalweek

Other St Ambrose RC Primary videos

We are really going to miss all our Year 6 children! ❤️ #leavers2022 #finalweek

We have loved learning all about the queen this week and getting ready for our celebration on Friday 🎉Join us on Friday ...

St. Ambrose love a good old sea shanty 🌊 Nathan Evans#seashanty #seashanties #wellerman #tiktok

Early years have loved doing some pictures of our book of the week ‘Lost and found’ by @oliverjeffers 🐧🛶#earlyyears #eyf...

Our Early years children love their music lesson and look at their confidence! 🦁#thelionking #lionsleepstonight #music #...