Would you like to find out more about Atrial fibrillation (AF) here is an article about our evening online workshop on 30th January https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/cppe-atrial-fibrillation-improve-detection-care-focal-emma-anderson-h3mue
Welcome to CPPE for trainee pharmacists. We are funded to provide you with education programmes to support your development throughout this year and beyond.
Our support aims to complement programmes run by your training provider. The Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) offers high quality learning materials for all pharmacy professionals, enables skill development and supports workforce transformation in England."
Operating as usual
Would you like to find out more about Atrial fibrillation (AF) here is an article about our evening online workshop on 30th January https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/cppe-atrial-fibrillation-improve-detection-care-focal-emma-anderson-h3mue
Improving transfer of care is an NHS priority. Our Medicines reconciliation in transfer of care Optimise programme supports pharmacy professionals to deliver medicines reconciliation as part of an integrated care system.
Medicines reconciliation in transfer of care - Optimise : CPPE Whether it’s to prepare for the next Pharmacy Quality Scheme deadline, or to increase your confidence in helping people with a learning disability, this section provides topic-specific pages that link to current NHS priorities. This section will support you in keeping your knowledge and skills up ...
On behalf of all of us at CPPE good luck to those who are are taking their GPhC registration assessment on on Thursday 2 November 2023. We are thinking of you all.
A beautiful waxwing enjoying the crab apples at Pilgrims coffee house.
Our friends and at pharmacist support are there to support you whatever your registration assessment results https://pharmacistsupport.org/news/june-2023-results-day/?fbclid=IwAR0_Hp1WI8JEgfxXwrE5fKK2SaWzcb_-bH_A2t5XIrIWeZCXtzp53TlY350
July 2023 Results Day Find out more about what your next steps are following the June assessment results.
A year after planting, our first water lily flower
Are you a student pharmacist or foundation trainee pharmacist working with an independent prescriber? If so we have some resources to support you to make the most of this opportunity by having a background knowledge of clinical history taking. too
CPPE support for student pharmacists working with Independent prescribers If you are a student pharmacist working with an independent prescriber (IP) on a placement, then it might help you to have an overview of clinical history taking. Sometimes this is called medical clerking.
On behalf of all at CPPE Good Luck to those who are sitting their GPhC registration assessment next week
All the best with your revision, our top tip this week is to around wellbeing. Make sure that you plan time this week to do something that you enjoy. We have some hints and tips on our website https://www.cppe.ac.uk/support/resilience/five-ways-to-wellbeing
Our previous posts have focused on resources to support you with areas that the GPhC have highlighted in feedback on previous registration assessment sittings. In the last tip in this series make sure that you are familiar with the GPhC registration assessment framework https://www.pharmacyregulation.org/sitting-registration-assessment-june-2023 our Guide to your foundation training year has resource to support you on areas of high weighting on page 11 https://www.cppe.ac.uk/programmes/l?t=Prereg-G-01&evid=49534
Next in our posts to support you to prepare for your registration assessment is on contraception. In the July 2021 registration assessment feedback, the GPhC stated that you are expected to know which types of contraception are most effective. The CPPE contraception e-learning programme has more information on LARCs (Long acting reversible contraceptives) https://www.cppe.ac.uk/programmes/l/contra-e-01
Next in our posts to support you to prepare for your registration assessment is on contraception. In the July 2021 registration assessment feedback the GPhC stated that you are expected to know which types of contraception are most effective. This includes: being able to advise on the most effective emergency contraception. The CPPE emergency contraception e-learning has more information go to https://www.cppe.ac.uk/programmes/l/ehc-e-03
Our next post on preparing for your registration assessment is on common clinical conditions and minor ailments. The GPhC July 2021 feedback states that you are expected to be aware of the evidence and be able to apply this knowledge when
recommending non-prescription medicines for individual patients. Non-prescription medicines should not be recommended unless there is evidence to support their use. We think the Common clinical conditions and minor ailments distance learning programme will support you in this area go to: https://www.cppe.ac.uk/programmes/l/respmin-p-03
Next in our posts to support you to prepare for your registration assessment is that you are expected to be able to differentiate between red flag symptoms and those that
are most likely associated with illness that can be managed appropriately with advice from a pharmacist. For example, a child with symptoms that might indicate sepsis should be referred urgently whereas a pharmacist can offer advice on symptomatic relief for most children with chickenpox. This was part of the GPhC registration assessment feedback for November 2021. Work through the case studies on the CPPE sepsis learning gateway and the linked e-assessment to find out more and to test your skills https://www.cppe.ac.uk/gateway/sepsis
Next in our posts on preparing for your registration assessment, in November 2021 the GPhC gave feedback that you should know about the safe use of methotrexate in autoimmune conditions (and less commonly some cancer therapy regimens) including once weekly dosing, monitoring requirements, important drug interactions, signs and symptoms that indicate clinical review is required, and the need for review and temporary cessation of therapy during concurrent active infection. There are some article below to support you.
Patient information: https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/methotrexate/
NICE CKS monitoring of DMARDs https://cks.nice.org.uk/topics/dmards/
Gov.UK information https://www.gov.uk/drug-safety-update/methotrexate-once-weekly-for-autoimmune-diseases-new-measures-to-reduce-risk-of-fatal-overdose-due-to-inadvertent-daily-instead-of-weekly-dosing
Methotrexate: a medicine to treat autoimmune conditions NHS medicines information on methotrexate – what it's used for, side effects, dosage and who can take it.
Next in our posts on preparing for your registration assessment. The GPhC Novmber 2021 feedback stated that you should know about and understand the safety considerations associated with the use of valproate in women and girls of childbearing age and be able to advise those taking valproate on the most appropriate actions in different situations including unplanned pregnancy. The CPPE epilepsy learning gateway has a link to gov.UK information on valproate use by women and girls https://www.cppe.ac.uk/gateway/epilepsy
Next in our posts on preparing for your registration assessment, the GPhC gave feedback in November 2021 that you should know that breastfeeding is an important public health issue and be able to advise on the use of medicines in breastfeeding and on the treatment of common conditions such as mastitis. NICE clinical knowledge summaries is a useful resource for information on the management of specific clinical conditions. Here is a link to mastitis in lactating women
Scenario: Management - lactating women | Management | Mastitis and breast abscess | CKS | NICE Covers the management of mastitis in lactating women.
Next in our posts on preparing for your registration assessment is feedback from November 2021 Candidates should know the professional and legal issues relevant to controlled drugs such as, prescription requirements, safe storage, and destruction. The CPPE Controlled drugs: striking a balance e-learning programme has more information https://www.cppe.ac.uk/programmes/l/controlled_sb-e-01/ we also have a programme on controlled drugs in chronic pain: supporting patients with safe and effective use https://www.cppe.ac.uk/programmes/l/controlled-e-02/
Next in our series on preparing for your registration assessment, the GPhC state, in the autumn 2022 feedback that you should be familiar with the difference between antibiotic side-effects and allergies. This NHS website page describes the difference https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/antibiotics/side-effects/ This CPPE webpage has more information on why this is so important https://www.cppe.ac.uk/therapeutics/ams
Our next piece of GPhC registration assessment feedback from autumn 2022 is on SmPCs. You are expected to be familiar with the structure and layout of SmPCs, in order for them to access information quickly. Go directly to the place where information can be found rather than attempting to read the entire document. A search function is available to use on PDFs. They recommend that you look at this resource ahead of your assessment https://help.surpass.com/documentation/test-delivery/using-the-surpass-test-driver/during-a-test/using-the-pdf-viewer-in-the-test-driver/
In our previous post the GPhC gave feedback that those sitting in November needed to know the difference between chronic condition management and urgent care for asthma. They also reported that Candidates did not perform well in questions testing application of knowledge related to common respiratory conditions such as asthma and COPD. For this tip we are back in our clinical factsheets on asthma and COPD. https://www.cppe.ac.uk/therapeutics/clinical-factsheets
Next in our posts on preparing for your registration assessment is checking that you are able to recognise when a patient requires acute urgent care and when guidelines for management of a chronic long-term condition are more applicable. Can you tell how unwell the patient in front of your is. The example given is asthma, our Asthma in adults factsheet has signs and symptoms associated with acute exacerbations, which might indicate that urgent care was needed https://www.cppe.ac.uk/therapeutics/clinical-factsheets
Next in our posts on preparing for your registration assessment is statutory regulations and professional requirements for the supply of human and veterinary medicines. GPhC feedback indicates that those sitting in Autumn 2022 did less well on this. Lots of you might have limited exposure to veterinary medicines in your practice. You can find guidance on legal controls of veterinary medicines at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/legal-controls-on-veterinary-medicines
Next in our posts on preparing for your registration assessment is the legal and professional requirements for prescriptions, to enable the safe and legal supply of medicines. According to GPhC feedback, candidates in November 2022 did less well on this. If this is an area that you need to brush up on this Health Education England reference contains further information https://london.hee.nhs.uk/medicines-management-legal-aspects-prescription-writing
Next in our focus on preparing for you registration assessment is GPhC feedback on part 2 from the November registration assessment: Candidates must be able to differentiate between red flag symptoms and those that are most
likely associated with illness that can be managed appropriately with advice from a pharmacist. The CPPE clinical history taking: what a good consultation looks like has a clerking sheet that lists red flag symptoms that you would expect to refer, click on the link and go to section 3, the clerking sheet to get your copy https://www.cppe.ac.uk/e-learning/cht-wgll/story_html5.html?EL_EID=46952&EventID=46952 you can read more of the GPhC feedback at:
Over the coming weeks we will be focused on preparations for your registration assessment. Our first suggested task is to read the feedback from previous sittings. You can find this at https://www.pharmacyregulation.org/sitting-registration-assessment-june-2023. For example the November 2022 feedback on part 1 of the paper, that question reflect scenarios that could be encountered when practising as a pharmacist. When reviewing their answers, candidates should check that each answer is
practical and realistic as this will help identify incorrect answers. There are two CPPE programmes to that might support you with calculations Dispensary based calculations for pharmacy technicians https://www.cppe.ac.uk/programmes/l/pharmtech-e-01/ and clinical calculations for pharmacy professionals https://www.cppe.ac.uk/programmes/l?t=clinical-E-01&evid=49499
Sitting the registration assessment in June 2023 | General Pharmaceutical Council All you need to know to apply for and to sit the registration assessment in June 2023 Sitting dates Sitting details Eligibility to sit Applying to sit the assessment Sitting locations Requesting a reasonable adjustment
Optimise your treatment for people with hypertension with our online workshops. Cardio vascular system has a high weighting on the GPhC registration assessment framework. Learn skills to support people to self-monitor, and use a shared decision making approach to empower people with hypertension to self-manage their condition. We think that this will support you with GPhC learning outcomes, 2, 10, 11, 30, 31 and 33.
Hypertension - focal point : CPPE Whether it’s to prepare for the next Pharmacy Quality Scheme deadline, or to increase your confidence in helping people with a learning disability, this section provides topic-specific pages that link to current NHS priorities. This section will support you in keeping your knowledge and skills up ...
In our Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) online workshop, you’ll consider how to optimise treatment and use a person-centred approach to empower people living with COPD to self-manage their condition. This can support you with GPhC learning outcomes, 2,5,11,30,31,33 and 34. To find out more and to book go to
Do you work in General Practice or community pharmacy? If so do you know how the new HRT prepayment certificate applies to your practice? Do you know what to do if both HRT and other medicines are prescribed on one prescription form? PSNC has further information PSNC has further information https://psnc.org.uk/our-news/new-regulations-to-accompany-the-introduction-of-hrt-prepayment-certificates-hrt-ppcs/
If you are a newly qualified pharmacist on this page, applications for the Newly qualified pharmacist programme will close tomorrow. This is your last chance to apply for this year’s cohort.
Apply now to secure your place:
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