St Giles International, London Videos

Videos by St Giles International in London. Learn English, make new friends and explore the world with St Giles! UK & Canada More information at

Welcome to London Highgate, our friendliest St Giles school πŸƒ

#englishlanguageschool #londonschool #londonhighgate #studyenglish #studyabroad #learnenglishabroad

Other St Giles International videos

Welcome to London Highgate, our friendliest St Giles school πŸƒ#englishlanguageschool #londonschool #londonhighgate #study...

A day in the life studying English in London with Mahi @mahi.0629! We love it πŸ€πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ @stgiles_londoncentral#englishlanguage...

Take a quick tour around our London Central school, featuring our fantastic student Mahi who came to study English all t...

Take a tour around St Giles Cambridge with Lamya who came to study English all the way from France #stgilesinternational...

Take a tour around Brighton with Jules as he talks about his experience and what it was like studying English at St Gile...

A recap of the day when BBC Learning English came to visit us at St Giles London Central πŸ€“#learnenglish #learnenglishlan...

Welcome to St Giles International!#stgilesinternational #languageschool #englishlanguageschool #learnenglish #studyengli...

Study Abroad Tips
Super important things to know if you're thinking of coming to the UK to improve your English. Which one did you find mo...

A wonderful afternoon with friends at The Ivy Brighton last week β˜ΊπŸ°πŸ«– The social programme team at @stgilesbrighton reall...

Last week our schools hosted #WorldFoodDay with money raised for #SaveTheChildren charity 🌭πŸ₯—πŸ°πŸ§ƒHere's a recap on how it w...

We are #stgilesinternational πŸ’ž #studyabroadlife #studyenglishabroad #internationalstudent #englishlanguageschool #learne...