Even when your baby can’t talk back to you, it’s important to talk to your baby right from the start.
Using words and gestures or signing together supports children’s understanding and language development.
Speech and Language UK have got some top tips to support you communicating with your baby.
Could your family benefit from wraparound care before and/or after school?
The Family Information Service website has information about breakfast clubs, after school care and childminders who offer services for school children throughout the county.
Use our website to help you find suitable childcare –
Today is World Braille Day.
Today is celebrated to honour the birth of Braille’s inventor, Louis Braille. Braille’s gift to the world has improved the lives of millions of people worldwide who are blind or visually impaired.
This day also acknowledges that those with visual impairments deserve the same standard of human rights as everyone else.
Image via Pexels.
Did you know, in West Sussex, real Christmas trees are turned into compost if you recycle them?
Take your tree to your local recycling site or check with your district or borough council for special collections.
Image by Hert Niks via Unsplash.
To apply for a primary, infant and junior school place, please go to https://ow.ly/3jHK50UvVg2
Even if you expect a school to be oversubscribed, you should still include it in your preferences if you would like your child to go there. The demand for schools can vary year to year, so it is always worth applying.
Photo by Oleksandr P via Pexels.
Could your family benefit from wraparound care before and/or after school?
The Family Information Service website has information about breakfast clubs, after school care and childminders who offer services for school children throughout the county.
Use our website to help you find suitable childcare –
Information on Childcare, Education and Young People
It is Veganuary! 🥔🥕🌽🌶🥒🥦🍄
Learn more about veganism this January and receive meal plans, cookbooks, recipes, and coaching.
Try Vegan With Us | Vegan Challenge | Veganuary
Ready to try vegan? Take part in Veganuary and we'll send you everything you need to get started on a plant-based diet!
Are you interested in becoming a childminder?
West Sussex County Council have a free, online information webinar aimed at those considering childminding as a career. This will explore key considerations and outline the registration process.
Wednesday 29 January 2025 - 10.00am to 12.00pm, online. https://ow.ly/1cqs50RB9AL
Click on the link above to reserve your place now.
Thinking of Becoming a Childminder? West Sussex Free Information Session
Thinking about becoming a childminder in West Sussex? Join our free online info session to get all the details you need!
Do you know your rights at work?
Working Families is the UK’s national charity for working parents and carers. Their mission is to remove the barriers that people with caring responsibilities face in the workplace.
To find out what rights you have, visit https://ow.ly/ebCX50UvTJT
Image by Anastasia Shuraeva via Pexels
If you need to request support for a child (including Early Help and children with disabilities) or raise a concern about a child, you should contact the Integrated Front Door (IFD).
For out of hours enquiries, including weekends and bank holidays, contact the Emergency Duty Team on 033 022 26664.
Outside of this time, please use the link to the portal.
Request support or raise a concern about a child - West Sussex County Council
Request support or raise a concern if you’re worried that a child or young person is at risk or is being abused.
Did you know our Family Service Directory includes services to help with the cost of living?
Our cost of living section can provide you with information on:
• Debt support,
• energy support,
• warm spaces, and
• food and baby banks.
Support for families - West Sussex County Council
Guidance for families on where to go for support.
The Family Hubs will have reduced opening hours over the Christmas period. Please take a look at the following page to check the opening hours for your local hub: https://ow.ly/6v1g50Uu2ZQ.
If you think a child is in immediate danger, phone 999. To request support for a child (including Early Help and children with disabilities) or raise concerns about a child, you should contact the Integrated Front Door (IFD): https://ow.ly/jBA550Uu2ZR. If you need urgent support, call the IFD directly on 01403 229900.
For out of hours or bank holiday emergencies, contact the Emergency Duty Team on 033 022 26664.
If someone you know is lonely or struggling emotionally, please check in with them over the festive season and remind them there is a lot of help available all year round.
Take a look at the WSCC mental health webpage which features a list of helpful online and telephone resources that can provide support.
Your mental health - West Sussex - West Sussex County Council
Working together to help your emotional wellbeing and mental health.
Today is the winter solstice, which means the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year.
After the winter solstice, the days start getting longer, and the nights start getting shorter.
What are you planning to do with your upcoming extra hours of daylight? ☀
Image by Michael Pointner via Unsplash.
December is not all about Christmas! 🕎🪔🧧
Some families celebrate different religious festivals at this time of year, and some do not celebrate at all.
You can teach your child about other religions and their upcoming celebrations, such as Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Yule and Chinese New Year.
BBC Bitesize even have some activities and videos to help:
There are many pretty decorations and toys you can buy, but some have button batteries.
Although most battery compartments are secured, some items have loose backs, causing batteries to fall out, especially if dropped.
If swallowed, these can cause internal burns. If your child swallows a button battery, take them to A and E or call 999 immediately.
For more information on button batteries and keeping your child safe, please visit:
Check for loose button batteries | CAPT
Check for loose button batteries Button batteries can badly hurt or kill a small child if they swallow one and it gets stuck in their food pipe. Typically, small children: find batteries that have dropped out of products with loose backs find spare batteries in a drawer or on the floor after a
The Family Hubs will have reduced opening hours over the Christmas period. Please take a look at the following page to check the opening hours for your local hub: https://ow.ly/P1so50UtyNX.
If you think a child is in immediate danger, phone 999. To request support for a child (including Early Help and children with disabilities) or raise concerns about a child, you should contact the Integrated Front Door (IFD): https://ow.ly/PHRg50UtyNW. If you need urgent support, call the IFD directly on 01403 229900.
For out of hours or bank holiday emergencies, contact the Emergency Duty Team on 033 022 26664.
Babies will all develop at their own pace, but if you’re worried about them not hitting milestones, it can be difficult to know when to seek support.
When it comes to their speech and language skills, why not try the progress checker developed by Speech and Language UK?
The quick questionnaire will help you see how your baby or child is getting on with their speech, language and communication development: https://progress-checker.speechandlanguage.org.uk/
Photo by filipeleme via Pexels