Preston School Association, Hitchin Videos

Videos by Preston School Association in Hitchin. We are an active group of parents who organise fundraising,social and community activities to support our school. All are welcome to attend a PSA meeting.

#fridayfunny #parenting #lightrelief

Other Preston School Association videos

#fridayfunny #parenting #lightrelief

🏕️It’s Campover day! We’re looking forward to seeing you all later. Remember if you’re bringing a vehicle to camp in if ...

PSA WEEKLY ROUND UPWhat a first week back! We've sent out communications for two fundraising events and details for Camp...

Ohhhh the 80’s…Love them or not we have an awesome night planned and the DJ promises to chuck in a few non-80’s.It’s all...

What’s your favourite 80’s song?? Have to admit I love a bit of Rick Astley 🥰

This is how the we’re feeling right now 😢 Who wants an 80’s disco????????Sign up here and let us know you’re gonna get d...

T I C K E T S!Not long to go now until Campover is BACK!!!! Have you got your tickets?! Follow this link to lock them in...

Disco Time!
💃 E A S T E R • D I S C O !Wednesday 30th MarchChestnut & Birch classes 16:15 – 18:00Maple & Oak classes 18:15-20:15 Com...

🎄Has anyone been to the Hitchin Christmas Tree Festival yet? I have to say there’s some amazing trees there but I know w...

How was the disco last night? We hope everyone had fun! Feel free to post some pictures of the children enjoying themsel...

S C H O O L • D I S C OWe are so excited to be able to go ahead with the school disco this year - we’re sure the childre...

L E T ‘ S • G E T • Q U I Z Z I C A LWe hope you’re all busy revising - still time to lock in teams for the PSA’s quiz ...

F U N D R A I S I N G • U P D A T EWe’re almost half way to reaching our target! Amazing!! Don’t forget though that ever...

F U N D R A I S I N G • U P D A T E
F U N D R A I S I N G • U P D A T EWow! How amazing is this?! We have raised £910 so far for the pond project! THANK YOU...

S P O N S O R S H I P • U P D A T ESo far we’ve received £260 for the children’s sponsored 1,000km walk - meaning we’re ...

What Is The Pond Doing?
P O E T R Y • C O M P E T I T I O NHas anyone started on their poetry entry yet?We found this lovely poem by Diana Hendr...

Cool Weeping Willow Facts
...and that's not all!*Willow bark produces a substance similar to asprin. Deer tend to run their new antlers against th...

🍦Don’t forget your Easter ice cream orders!Deadline for orders is this Friday the 26th to Jane Clark - see previous post...