Music Together with Olivia, Edinburgh Videos

Videos by Music Together with Olivia in Edinburgh. Music classes for children aged 0-5 years, taught by a primary school teacher with a music degree!

Summer classes start NEXT WEEK! There are only a few spaces left, lots of classes are already full… please don’t leave it too late to book.

Autumn term registration is also open and most families are returning leaving only a few spots available. Get in touch or sign up through my website!

#musictogetherwitholivia #musictogether #edinburgh #edinburghkids #edinburghmums

Other Music Together with Olivia videos

Summer classes start NEXT WEEK! There are only a few spaces left, lots of classes are already full… please don’t leave i...

Who’s ready to meet this little guy? 🐞#ladybird #musictogetherwitholivia #musicclasses #edinburgh #edinburghmums

Let’s have some fun with this one! Can you make up your own verses? Let me know! How about… ‘Two little blackbirds sitti...

And yes, this little one insisted she sang hello to every single teddy! Is the ‘Hello song’ your little one’s favourite ...

There’s only one song for today…! The rain song! ☔️ Are you ready for this song in class? 🎶#musictogetherwitholivia #mus...

Is this the most loved song by your little one? We start every class with the hello song, it’s a great transition into c...

Your little one doesn’t mind if you sing in tune or not, or if you sing the wrong words. What they want is to have fun m...

Look what’s arrived! Wait till you hear the new ‘Triangle’ collection! 25 brand new songs for us to learn! If you sign u...

A little sneak peak of one of our songs from the new collection! #musictogetherwitholivia #musictogether #edinburghmums ...

What a great week back making music together with you all! I’ll see you all next week for some more fun! Have a lovely w...

What a great first 5 weeks to our winter term! I hope you all have a lovely half term and I shall see you all soon for m...