The Wee Dram is a new occasional column that will provide views of Winston Churchill from the perspective of Scotland, a country with which he had a lifelong connection. The 2023 International Churchill Conference will take place in Edinburgh next October 5–7.
The Wee Dram
Perspectives on Churchill from Scotland By ALASTAIR STEWART Editor’s Note: The Wee Dram is a new occasional column that will provide views of Winston Churchill from the perspective of Scotland, a country with which he had a lifelong connection. The 2023 International Churchill Conference will take...
This is delightful: Winston Churchill receives Freedom of City of Edinburgh and makes a stirring speech.
Premier In Scotland Aka Churchill In Scotland
British Pathe, the world's leading multimedia resource with a history stretching back over a century. The finest and most comprehensive archive of fabulous footage and stunning stills.
"A 30-something Churchill, wind tussling his thinning mop of red hair, speeding through the Scottish highlands is quite the thought. He was a young man, and many of those formative, personal and professional years were spent in Scotland."
International Churchill Society
The Wee Dram
Perspectives on Churchill from Scotland By ALASTAIR STEWART Editor’s Note: The Wee Dram is a new occasional column that will provide views of Winston Churchill from the perspective of Scotland, a country with which he had a lifelong connection. The 2023 International Churchill Conference will take...
"Personally, and most prosaically, Scotland also had a profound social and private influence on Churchill’s life. His wife, Clementine, hailed from Angus and Churchill retained many lifelong friends from Dundee and wider Scotland.
"His holidays in places such as Aberdeenshire and East Lothian provided much-needed respite from the trials and tribulation of high office. Most importantly, it was a Scottish regiment that helped Churchill recover when, in 1916, his career was at its lowest ebb."
Sign up for the latest news and events from ICS Scotland
"Every Festival differs yearly, but Churchill and the Second World War are stalwart features.
"Why do audiences flock to stories about a war more than seventy years ago? The human tragedy of bloodshed, and the power of bravery, are universal truths. We need heroes; in the theatre, we find them in abundance and in all corners of the capital.
"We can only hope this tradition and enthusiasm continues and more artists flock to Edinburgh with stories to tell."
International Churchill Society
Winston on the Fringe
Churchill Looms Large at 2022 Edinburgh Festival By ALASTAIR STEWART Edinburgh’s annual International Festival and Festival Fringe together make the single most extraordinary celebration of arts and culture on the planet and an unrivalled explosion of creative fusion. No topic is off bounds, and a...
There are many rich connections between Winston Churchill and Scotland, and yet surprisingly these have received little attention from scholars. This issue of Finest Hour gives exclusive attention to a few of Scotland’s associations with Churchill and hopes to inspire researchers and writers into further study.
The Rt Hon Gordon Brown:
"So much has been written about every aspect of Winston Churchill's life that it is surprising that one important area —his relationship to Scotland — has commanded so little attention."
Finest Hour Scotland
There are many rich connections between Winston Churchill and Scotland, and yet surprisingly these have received little attention from scholars. This issue of Finest Hour gives exclusive attention to a few of Scotland’s associations with Churchill and hopes to inspire researchers and writers into ...
"The legendary Prime Minister’s great-grandson Randolph Churchill revealed that the Tory wartime PM loved Scotland and the Scots and was ironically best pals with the SNP’s founding father."
History's greatest Englishman Winston Churchill was really 'a Scot'
The legendary Prime Minister’s great-grandson Randolph Churchill revealed that the Tory wartime PM loved Scotland and the Scots and was ironically best pals with the SNP’s founding father.
My review for the International Churchill Society
'English's style is more Patch Adams than revolutionary. Here is the funny and brilliant doctor to straighten you out. There’s a great deal of indigenous humour as he locks you into a room and forces you to go cold turkey from the pills of half-truths you have been guzzling. It is a delightful, light touch needed to realign the wayward truth.
'Scott’s anecdotal prose is both accessible and genuinely funny, and an entire book could be given over to addressing all the popular myths and maxims and quips falsely left at Churchill’s doorstep. In the section on “fake history works both ways,” he touches on some of the more brazen false charges that need dispelling.
'Churchill did not send tanks into the so-called Battle of George Square in 1919. Not only did he have nothing to do with the incident, he also did not deploy troops during the 1910 Tonypandy Riots in Wales (Churchill “actually halted the deployment of cavalry and did not send the army in”).'
Fake Churchill
Otto English, Fake History: Ten Great Lies and How They Shaped the World, Welbeck, 2022, 352 pages, $14. ISBN 978–1787396425 By ALASTAIR STEWART There is a fascinating phenomenon called the Mandela effect: Multiple people can sometimes share false memories. This phenomenon was recorded by paranorm...
We are delighted to launch the new Scotland branch of the International Churchill Society.
Churchill and Scotland have long been an area of neglect. The ties are plethoric, fascinating, and a wonderful new area of study.
Our Scotland Chair, Alastair Stewart, writes about some of the connections in The Scotsman.
The truth about Winston Churchill's attitude towards Scotland may surprise you – Alastair Stewart
No other figure is as unfairly maligned in Scotland as Winston Churchill. With some historical irony, his birthday even falls on St Andrew's Day.