Have you watched out latest podcast yet?
Help Me Teach About Money - Dave Ramsey
This week we are joined by our ABCI Director, Dave Ramsey, to think about money. The Bible speaks a lot about money. How, then, should we think about it as C...
If you would like to read more about our recent Hugh D Brown lecture with Dr Mike Reeves, check out this weeks blog on our website 📱
Please pray for Johnny today as he speaks in Ballykeel Baptist. Pray too for Sarah as she shares about the work of the College in Castlereagh Baptist, and for her husband Andy as he preaches.
This morning’s classes included teachings on the Book of Acts, historical theology, and practical lessons on the church and mission. This is just a small snapshot of the diverse exegetical, topical, and practical classes offered at IBC
Congratulations to Tom and Karis on the birth of Eden, and to Nathan and Priscilla on the birth of Lucas 🎉 Please pray for them as they adjust to their new arrivals as well as continuing their studies!
A new week means a new blog 💻
We’re kicking off our graduate series where we hear from some individuals who recently graduated from IBC and are now serving in various ministry positions. First up, Tim Houston.
In exactly one month today, we will host the first of two IBC open events 👩🏼🏫 Join us either from 5:30 pm on 17th Feb or from 9am on 25th Feb at the Baptist College. You’ll get the opportunity to meet the staff, get a tour of the building and sit in some classes. Are you considering theological study next year or some time in the future? This will be a great opportunity for you to get a flavour of life at IBC.
Don’t forget that our next Hugh D Brown lecture is taking place this Thursday night. We would love to have you join us on zoom 💻 Get signed up at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hugh-d-brown-lectures-2025-tickets-1088643274339?aff=oddtdtcreator
Please pray this morning for Davy Ellison in Ballycrochan Baptist, and for David Luke in Gortmerron Baptist as they share from God's word, and about the College.
We’ve a new season of the podcast launching on Tuesday 🎤 We’re really looking forward to our ‘Help Me Teach ___” series 👨🏽🏫 In our first episode, we’ll hear from Dr Peter Firth on how to teach 3 John 📖
Don’t forget about our upcoming Hugh D Brown lecture with Michael Reeves 📖 Get signed up in the link - https://www.irishbaptistcollege.org/events/hugh-d-brown-lecture-2025/
Happy Christmas from all the staff and students at the Irish Baptist College!
We’re delighted to be joined by Dr Mike Reeves at our next Hugh D Brown lecture on 16th January 🧑🏫 If you haven’t already, be sure to get signed up at our website or by clicking the link below 💻
Our next set of Foundations modules are approaching in early January and we're looking forward to having Gareth Bell, Simon Curry, Richard McConnell and Karen Scott, teaching. We'd love to see you get signed up before Christmas! Just visit https://www.irishbaptistcollege.org/part-time/christian-education-course/ for more info and to apply.
Nathan spent part of his summer in Frankfurt, Germany, at the River of Life Church 🇩🇪. One of our graduates, Alex Stephenson, serves as the senior pastor there. Here’s a summary of some of Nathan’s key takeaways—check out our full blog to learn more!
Last Saturday, Johnny and Davy provided updates on the college’s work to our churches. It was encouraging to hear about gospel workers trained and sent out in recent years, as well as exciting plans for the college’s future developments.
This Sunday Peter Firth is with the Glengormley church. Please pray for him as he has the opportunity to share about the College.