Videos by Portesbery School in Camberley. Portesbery is an all age day school (3 -19 years) catering for children and young people with Severe Learning Difficulties. Pupils may have additional sensory impairments, physical difficulties or challenging behaviour.
I have received my new AAC talker and Paige has been showing me how to use it. As you can see, I'm really excited about using it!
I have received my new AAC talker and Paige has been showing me how to use it. As you can see, I'm really excited about...
This young man never ceases to amaze us with the progress he is making. He has only recently started to use his standing...
This morning I've been using my Talkboard and AAC (iPad) to request more water play. Look how adept I am in using the iP...
I am doing really well with my tray work. I happily transition to my workstation in the group room, collect my tray and ...