A fabulous day in a school today beginning with discussing Emotional Based School Avoidance (EBSA) & what is needed to support this across services & schools..
Lots of ideas, thoughts, interventions & interestingly alternative holistic interventions were voiced very strongly & something lots felt that young people need access to earlier rather than later..
EBSA is a complex issue & there is often no single cause. It can range from the occasional reluctance to attend school to complete avoidance. Every journey is completely different...
Reintegration into school can be more difficult for children who have been away for longer periods of time & crucial that tailored support is given to children & their families ...
Individual plans of support are needed to make a difference & this was what I was involved in for the remainder of the day with key staff in school.
Every young person was discussed & there were quite a few who have been absent for long periods . A fresh pair of eyes & lots of curiosity enabled me to identify potential triggers, what the next steps should be & the need to ensure the right team around the child is in place.
Through these discussions it also provides a little bonus of continued professional development at the same time.
A very busy but fulfilling day complete!
Nurture to enrich...
There are so many wonderful enrichment activities within a school setting, but are they holistic...
Do they reach all levels for each individual or just something that is available at the time...
Let's equip our young people with tools to navigate their feelings, for them to understand, help regulate their feelings & enrich their overall wellbeing...
Just before my little one went back to school she had expressed a sense of worry about her new teacher & feeling nervous. I asked if she'd like a little session & she immediately said yes!
Reiki for children can heal fear, anxiety & promotes feelings of safety, calmness & a healthy sense of wellbeing.
It also helps them;
- develop self-confidence
- the ability to get along with others
- improves learning ability
- great way to sooth any worries
- promotes the healing process
Lets welcome this into the classroom environment & enable our young people to thrive!
Please get in touch for individual or group sessions as a layer of holistic intervention.
Available to deliver within Wigan, Bolton, Chorley, Manchester...
Let's make wellbeing in the workspace the norm!!
So incredibly happy to hear that the theme for this year's World Mental Health Day, which will be celebrated on 10th October is just this...
"It's time to prioritize mental health in the workplace".
The theme highlights the importance of mental health in the workplace & the need to create supportive environments that reduce stigma & provide tailored interventions for employees.
Did you know that 15% of people experience mental health problems in the workplace & 13% of all sickness absence days in the UK are attributed to mental health conditions!
With stats like these, workplaces should be using World Mental Health Awareness Day at work as an opportunity to shout from the roof-tops about workplace mental health...
But also open your eyes to creating early intervention tools & ensure individuals & teams access wellbeing sessions on a regular basis to prevent...
My mission is to enable workspaces to access just this & receive alternative holistic interventions that can be experienced within group settings & on a 1-1...
Most of our lives are spent within a workspace so let's equip them with tools that can support individuals at any given time...
So in preparation for this day I'm going to be offering one lucky workspace a complimentary session of their choice for their team during October*..
All you need to do is
- Like this post...
- Tag a colleague or your manager...
- Share
*This will close on 1st October 2024
Growth ..
I absolutely love adding more strands to my bow & growing...
So looking forward to the next few months of development with to enable & strengthen my knowledge & skill set in this area of work...
Which will ultimately have a positive impact on children's emotional wellbeing 🫶
Such a wonderful meeting with The Hub At Westhoughton discussing all things wellbeing & what more can be brought to engage a community..
Lots of thinking, sharing of ideas & hopefully funding streams to access to deliver this for a small fee or free!
Absolutely love collaborating with like-minded people who have the same purpose; to bring good to others...
There should never be competition or egos as equally our outcomes are for the better good of who we want to reach & engage with..
Exciting things to come ..
The why!...
Every school has their headline data, the overview of what's going on as a whole school. And yes this can be broken down to give us more in depth data for particular groups & individual pupils..
But these are just numbers...
What about the context, the why, the barriers, the assets of that individual...
So incredibly important this type of data is known & this is now a statutory duty that needs to be understood across all settings...
Today I supported a school to begin looking at this & being curious as to what is in place for each individual child...
Don't be afraid to be curious!
By doing so it helped us understand the wider whole school improvement required in relation to process & accountability; where the gaps are, to recognise what needs to happen next, where there are areas that need strengthening to help change the narrative & see an improvement on outcomes ..
Every journey is different & every child requires a tailored intervention...
So important to understand & recognise this & ensure a holistic plan is in place...
Unless we know the 'whys' then you will not affect change..
It ultimately supports & builds better relationships whilst ensuring intervention is at the earliest opportunity...
Great to be working alongside a school to strengthen this area of work which will have an impact on engagement, attainment & enabling each individual to thrive...
Please contact if your school or setting is interested in finding out more.
I n s e t...
This morning I was asked to attend a whole school inset to contribute to their priority around improving school attendance & the importance of it being everyone's responsibility.
It was wonderful to be a part of this & to see a school with a willingness to strengthen & improve their approach to attendance, as it ultimately impacts all other areas across school.
Lots of engaging conversations around challenge, outcomes, language, communication & consistency but maintaining that the young person remains central to this intervention & a holistic approach is implemented..
I'm really looking forward to continuing this work with the school this academic year & seeing the impact of the interventions that will be delivered..
S e p t e m b e r....
Can't actually believe September is here & with that comes an academic year that will be full of change, building new relationships & growth...
And I absolutely can't wait!
I have so much filled in the diary already for the year ahead, but there is always space for more conversations...
Are you a school or setting in need of support with implementing the new DfE Working together to improve school attendance?
Are you a school or setting that needs to strengthen their holistic & graduated response to school attendance?
Do you require whole school or bespoke training on school attendance?
Are you school or organisation that has their workforce wellbeing as a priority & would like to book in sessions throughout the year?
Then please get in touch to discuss your needs & let's book a conversation in the diary...
I look forward to hearing from you!
Mind & Body...
Last night we held a gorgeous 2 hr workshop for a group of ladies...
Giving them permission to pause, to focus on them & providing them with a wellbeing toolbox of different techniques to take away & incorporate in their every day..
We thank you for stepping into this space, letting go & allowing you to become the best version of yourself...
Please enquire if this sounds just a perfect workshop for your organisation or setting.
Looking forward to beginning working with the schools & settings who have already signed up to receive this support...
Please get in touch if you're a school or setting who would like to arrange a chat to find out more & tailor a plan to your needs.
Early intervention...
Improve sense of belonging..
Community, schools & work spaces
Wellbeing focus
10 days spent doing very little but captured so much!
Watching the sun rise on my morning runs..
Listening to laughter from us all each day...
Playing so much Uno!
Night time walks on the beach...
Watching the sunsets...
Quiet time reading (2 books read & could easily have done 1 more!)..
Seeing some beautiful sights..
Listening to the waves..
Precious family time...
For the first time ever I don't have that feeling of sadness or dread to be coming home...
I feel completely content about whatever tomorrow brings which I'm hoping will be full of building new relationships, engaging with like-minded people, changing mindsets & supporting them to thrive too. .
New beginnings!
Workspace wellbeing..
During my time as a manager of a team I always advocated that they find the time to reflect throughout their week...
To slot this time into their calendars each week...
To step back from the desk & breathe...
To pause...
To focus on their wellbeing..
This is so important. We aren't machines, we are human beings. And the toll it takes on our mind, bodies & souls can be tough...
Lots of businesses & organisations are great at signposting for support; referrals to physio, CBT, employee support...
But I so wanted to give in person sessions & regular opportunities for the whole team (as not everyone will step forward for support) to reward them for what they do & recognise that the time to pause will have such a bigger impact on overall productivity...
I would have absolutely snapped this up for my team had I had the permission to do so...
& that is why I created this intervention to bring this to open minded organisations who can...
Plan ahead & slot dedicated time in for you & your team..
Whether it be once a year, a couple of times a year or once per month .
Drop me a message for more info & packages
☎️ 07585008658
✉️ [email protected]
A r e. Y o u. R e a d y...
The DfE Working together to improve attendance guidance becomes statutory today...
& I do see this bringing about such good change in everybody seeing attendance through a safeguarding lense & taking responsibility...
Since May 2022 when the original guidance was released I worked so hard to embed this within my previous role & ensure not only my team, but the wider services & schools were prepared & had this at the forefront of their work..
I can't wait to share this far & wide to support even more in supporting schools & provisions who aren't quite as ready or require a bit more intervention...
- 'Support first' model
- Early intervention & prevention to remove barriers to engage
- Specialising in all areas of school attendance
- Whole school staff training
- Policy work
- Complex case supervision
- Holistic plans of intervention
To fulfil improving the holistic wellbeing of all, boosting engagement, addressing the barriers & ultimately creating good relationships to engage our young people...
Contact for further information & to discuss a package that would suit your setting.
Early intervention...
Improve sense of belonging..
Community, schools & work spaces
Wellbeing focus
I t' s. T i m e...🫶
Oh my goodness the day has arrived!
Today marks the day of my new path, the next wiggly journey & I'm a mix of all sorts of emotions which I'm sure will settle...
This is probably the biggest decision I've ever made, ever! This decision wasn't made on a whim though & so much thought, worry, 2 steps forward & 3 back scenarios as it not only impacts me, but my family too...
4 years ago I created a little something with an intention to give me some 'me time' with the hope to help others too. This time seems so long ago, yet only feels like yesterday.
We all set intentions along the way to focus , to feed what we need, to achieve with the hope to grow & flourish...
All the little pieces of intention have given me the strength, courage, motivation & self belief to be at this point & above everything I'm proud of the journey I've been on...
And although I'm a little nervous I do have excitement about what's to come next & already lots booked in...
As always please drop me a message if you'd love a chat about wellbeing in your workspace or the wider interventions I'm offering to schools & I'll get back to you...
But for now the suitcases are packed (almost!) & I'm off to enjoy the warmth of the sun, the sound of the sea, relaxation & time with my family...
Out of office officially switched on! 🙌
P o p. Y o u r s e l f. I n...
Gosh it's been such a long time since I had a paper diary but there's something quite authentic & tangible about it...
Yes I know it's bright, but I do love a pink colour & the other bonus is I definitely won't lose it!
So excited that I already have some dates filled which is amazing!
This diary is waiting to be filled even more so & I can't wait to get to know the schools, settings & businesses this story will tell by the end of the year... & ultimately how much support I will have provided too..
Absolutely can't wait to give a quality service to all!
So if you're wanting to be ahead of the curve in relation to school attendance, implementation of the new statutory guidance, understanding the changes, staff training or child focused support then I'd be more than happy to discuss what your needs are & how I can help ..
Alternatively if you're looking for whole workspace wellbeing to be organised & delivered to your organisation then drop me a call, message or email...
✉️ [email protected]
☎️ 07585008658
I look forward to hearing from you!
C o m m u n i t y..🫶
Yesterday we were so grateful to be invited to deliver a session at the Health & Wellbeing event held by Westhoughton Primary Care Network at Daisy Hill Cricket Club .
And wow what a wonderful free event brought to the local community...
Over 100 people stepped through those doors to access so many wonderful organisations to offer support. Amazing!
Nicki Gillon from Self. Westhoughton & I came together to share such a beautiful session in the loveliest space providing all who took part with a wellbeing toolbox to take away & use in their every day.
..Somanic movement
The feedback we received at the end was overwhelming...& it was so lovely to have our girls with us to see what we do...
Thank you for inviting us & to all who took part in placing their trust in us..
If this is something you feel your workspace or community spaces need then please get in touch.
Encompassing the whole of a thing & not just one part..
By being holistic...
This approach is something that threads through all that I do from the way I'd focus on a young person's plan to a wider workforce intervention..
Quite often, due to time, I see so much focus on what is being faced with, what is on the surface rather than considering the bigger picture.. So much firefighting which leads to nowhere, it's just a sticking plaster...
One size doesn't fit all & therefore the whole picture needs to be seen to have a positive impact & ultimately start seeing the changes..
Every person, every school/setting, every workforce I engage with will receive a tailored offer of support to ensure it meets their needs & will take into consideration all aspects that attribute to their ask. There isn't a blueprint that I'd pull off a shelf. Each plan of intervention would be personal & unique.
For example school non-attendance isn't black & white. It is often a symptom of something else & the need is to identify the root cause of this absence. But to do this it needs someone to look at this individual's journey & what areas need support to address the barriers, which may be one of many. There will be many layers to this. Consider the whole story as a child doesn't just not attend.
One of the huge benefits of adapting this way of working is growth & this is absolutely the outcome everyone would love to see...
Growth for an individual, growth in school attendance rates, growth within a team...
& in turn every single person thrives...
H e l l o ! ...
I thought I'd share the face behind the business, say hi 👋 & a little bit more about my 'why'...
This was a pic taken this year on the most loveliest beach on Sunshine Coast, Australia & on the day I turned 44..
Spending time here gave me those final moments of realisation, a clearer vision & space to make the decision that it was my time to step away from an organisation I'd been a part of for 23 years & give myself the courage to focus on providing quality interventions to others...
I have never disliked my job, in fact I loved most of it; the team I managed, the schools & services I've supported, the children, young people & families that I'd made a difference to. My passion for all these elements is still so very strong & it's evident in the relationships I've sustained over these years & why I want to continue with this area of work..
During the last few years I've focussed on my own wellbeing. This has made me a stronger person to set clear boundaries, to re-evaluate my purpose & affirm that my key passion is to put quality into every single intervention I do & have the confidence to do so...
I'll always be very open about my own struggles that I've had over the years as everyone is on a journey, has their own self help toolbox & it's important to be honest & acknowledge it's ok to feel this way...
My aim is to share my knowledge, work & life experience to help change mindsets across organisations, community settings, schools & other provisions. To reduce burn out, to build a culture of belonging & address barriers that ultimately impact engagement & have a negative impact on individuals mental health; whether that be a member of staff or young person..
I'm experienced enough to fulfil this due to my specialism of school attendance, statutory guidance, implementing holistic plans, ensuring robust strategies are in place to enable changes in culture & my experience of direct work with young people.
It's also handy that I'm qualified in a number of holistic therapies to link packages of enrichment interventions for staff & young people too..
I'm so excited to start making these steps to affect change! 🙌
An independent business bringing a fully holistic approach to enable a culture of belonging...
With over 20 years experience & knowledge within attendance, education services & the Children & Families sector, alongside being a trained holistic therapist..
Offering the following:
- 'Support first' model
- Early intervention & prevention to remove barriers to engage
- Specialising in all areas of school attendance
- Whole school staff training
- Policy work
- Complex case supervision
- Workspace wellbeing
To fulfil improving the holistic wellbeing of all, boosting engagement, addressing the barriers & ultimately creating good relationships...
Giving everyone a sense of belonging!
Contact for further information & to discuss a package that would suit your setting.
Pause ..
During my time as a manager of a team I have always advocated that they find the time to reflect throughout their week...
To slot this time into their calendars each week...
To step back from the desk & breathe...
To pause...
To focus on their wellbeing
This is so important. We aren't machines, we are human beings. And the toll it takes on our mind, bodies & souls can be tough...
Lots of businesses & organisations are great at signposting for support; referrals to physio, CBT, employee support...
But why not regular opportunities for the whole team (as not everyone will step forward for support) to reward them for what they do & recognise that the time to pause will have such a bigger impact on overall productivity...
I would have absolutely snapped this up for my team had I had the permission to do so...
& that is why I created this intervention to bring this to open minded organisations who can...
Drop me a message for more info & packages 🫶
Newness to create a sense of belonging & improve wellbeing for all...
Too often interventions are at a crisis point..
I'm hoping my business can provide that early intervention & for this to become the norm..
With 23 yrs of experience working within a Local Authority with children, families, schools and wider settings, including managing teams I want to continue this passion to support & inspire others to feel they belong, feel safe & are considered...
Do you work within a community or school setting?
Are you a workspace who would love to include interventions to support wellbeing on a regular basis?
Then why not get in touch to discuss a tailored plan to suit your need..
- holistic treatments / alternative therapies
- wellbeing experiences
- training
- enrichment activities for young people & wider workforce
- support first model to engage young people
- specialist in school attendance
Just wanted to share a little bit about me & my newness..
In the not too distant future (August) I will be stepping away from my current role within a Local Authority after 23yrs & branching out on my own..
With so much knowledge & experience I can't wait to fuel this in continuing to support schools, children & young people with their wellbeing & engagement..
And this goes hand in hand with the wider work I deliver through holistic therapies, work space wellbeing & workshops via Me.Time.Vibe ..
Aside from work I have a gorgeous family; a son who is living in Aus 🥹 & a daughter who is growing up far too quickly! My husband & I love to keep ourselves fit, we both run & enjoy setting ourselves personal challenges to achieve..
My vision is to inspire & support others to feel they belong, feel safe, are heard & do matter...
The next chapter I will continue providing interventions for children, young people & settings/organisations that support them too.. With over 20yrs of passion, knowledge & experience I still have an awful lot to give..
Part of my work will be to help create new cultures within settings to recognise & adapt their approach to engaging our young people to ultimately thrive...
I am able to provide young people with holistic enrichment activities to help them to regulate their emotions & support their wellbeing. I feel this should be inclusive to all respective of need & earlier rather later..
& equally staff within schools need an element of this too.. We all know if we have moments to breathe & give ourselves permission to do so that we regain that sense of calm..so work space wellbeing is something I'd love to share!
I can also support those entrenched cases of non-engagement to review young people's holistic plans, ensure the right focus & interventions are in place...plus delivery of focussed staff training to improve understanding of guidance.
It's so important that every young person is seen as an individual & not just a number...
The DfE Working together to improve attendance guidance, alongside the related mental health guidance clearly outlines the need to listen, to understand, to build relationships & ultimately support...
Let's start putting these basics in place consistently & I truly believe the impact on attendance, behaviour & more importantly mental health will improve!
- Support first model for attendance focus
- Training
- Critical friend
- Policy work
- Specialise in school attendance
- Enrichment for young people & staff
- Wellbeing focus
If you'd love to know more or would like to tailor something to your needs then please get in touch for a consultation...
Early intervention...
Improve sense of belonging..
Community, schools & work spaces
Wellbeing focus