# # ♀️ Unleash Your Inner Superhero: The Power Pose Challenge! ♂️
Feeling nervous before your next presentation? We've got a secret weapon for you: **The Power Pose Challenge!**
**Here's the deal:** Studies show that holding confident body language for just a few minutes can actually boost your confidence and project authority.
**Ready to try it?**
1. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Raise your arms in a victory pose (think Wonder Woman!) or place your hands on your hips like a boss.
3. Hold it for 2 minutes (or channel your inner Black Panther and roar for extra power ).
**The Power Pose Challenge** can help you:
* **Feel more confident** (Fake it 'til you make it!)
* **Project a stronger presence** (Command that room!)
* **Deliver your message with impact** (Leave a lasting impression!)
**Who's ready to crush their next presentation?** Let us know in the comments if you'll be trying the Power Pose Challenge!
**P.S.** Looking for more presentation tips in English? Check out our workshops on Presentation Excellence! www.dial-english.com
Dial English
DIAL ENGLISH is a project for people who want a different type of relationship with English.
Operating as usual
Negotiation Expert Tip: Master the Art of "Yes, And..."
Negotiation isn't about shutting down the other side. It's about finding common ground! "Yes, And..." is a powerful tool to build rapport and open doors to creative solutions.
Here's how it works:
Acknowledge their point: Show you're listening with a simple "Yes."
Add your perspective: Follow with "And..." then introduce your point or counteroffer.
Why it works? "Yes" shows respect, and "And" keeps the conversation moving forward. It fosters collaboration and encourages both sides to explore possibilities.
Try it today! Practice "Yes, And..." in your next conversation, even outside of negotiation. You might be surprised by the positive results!
Check out out business skills workshops! www.dial-english.com
# # Feeling Uninspired? **SCAMPER to the Rescue!** ♀️
Ever heard of SCAMPER? It's a powerful brainstorming technique to inject creativity into ANY project! Here's how it works:
Substitute: Can you replace an element with something completely different?
Combine: Can you merge two ideas into one unique concept?
Adapt: How can you adjust the purpose or function of your idea?
Modify: Can you change the size, shape, or form of your idea?
Put to another use: Can your idea be applied in a completely new way?
Eliminate: What unnecessary elements can be removed to streamline your idea?
Rearrange: Can you flip the order, sequence, or layout of your idea?
Pick a project you're working on and try applying SCAMPER this week!
P.S. Want to learn more about boosting your creative confidence? Check out our workshops on Creative Thinking!

Today is World Teachers' Day! If you can read this.
"Data-driven insights from AI can help educators spot trends, understand learning patterns, and even predict where a student might struggle. Knowledge is power, and we're supercharged! "
🧠 "As we usher in the AI era, let's ensure our kids not only consume technology but understand and shape it. Education is our greatest tool in building an AI-literate society.
🚀 "By 2030, AI in education is predicted to increase performance by 20%. We're not just evolving; we're revolutionizing. "

On: Esta preposición se usa a menudo para denotar una posición encima o fuera de algo. Por ejemplo, "The cat is sitting on the mat" (El gato está sentado en el tapete).
In: "In" se usa para describir algo que está encerrado o dentro. Por ejemplo, "She is in the room" (Ella está en la habitación).
At: Esta preposición se usa para señalar un tiempo o lugar específico. Por ejemplo, "Meet me at 5pm" (Encuéntrame a las 5pm) o "He's at the shopping mall" (Él está en el centro comercial).
Under: "Under" denota algo debajo o más bajo que otra cosa. Por ejemplo, "The dog is under the table" (El perro está debajo de la mesa).
Over: "Over" se usa para denotar algo encima o más alto que otra cosa. También puede significar "a través" o "de un lado a otro". Por ejemplo, "The plane flew over the mountains" (El avión voló sobre las montañas).
By: "By" se usa para denotar el agente que realiza una acción, o un método de viaje. Por ejemplo, "The book was written by Mark Twain" (El libro fue escrito por Mark Twain) o "I will go there by bus" (Iré allí en autobús).
With: Esta preposición se usa para denotar compañía o asociación. Por ejemplo, "She is with her friends" (Ella está con sus amigos).
Without: "Without" denota la falta de algo. Por ejemplo, "I can't drink coffee without milk" (No puedo beber café sin leche).
For: "For" puede denotar un propósito o una duración. Por ejemplo, "This gift is for you" (Este regalo es para ti) o "He's lived there for three years" (Ha vivido allí durante tres años).
Between: Esta preposición denota una posición o relación de dos o más objetos distintos. Por ejemplo, "The secret was between him and me" (El secreto estaba entre él y yo).
Into: "Into" denota movimiento o transformación. Por ejemplo, "She walked into the room" (Ella entró en la habitación) o "He turned into a monster" (Se convirtió en un monstruo).
Against: "Against" se usa para denotar oposición o resistencia. Por ejemplo, "They voted against the proposal" (Votaron en contra de la propuesta).
During: "During" se usa para denotar un período o rango de tiempo. Por ejemplo, "It rained during the night" (Llovió durante la noche).
Until: "Until" significa hasta un momento o evento en particular. Por ejemplo, "You have to wait until your birthday" (Tienes que esperar hasta tu cumpleaños).
Beside: "Beside" denota una posición al lado de. Por ejemplo, "She sat beside him during the dinner" (Ella se sentó a su lado durante la cena).
Recuerda, las preposiciones pueden tener diferentes significados basándose en su contexto, y algunas pueden no seguir estas reglas cuando se usan en expresiones idiomáticas o verbos frasales
"¿Sabías que la palabra 'set' tiene el mayor número de significados diferentes en inglés (430 sentidos según el Oxford English Dictionary)? 🤓

¡Es un hecho! 'I am' es la oración completa más corta en el idioma inglés. 💡

"Cada lengua tiene sus peculiaridades, ¡y el inglés no es una excepción! Una oración que contiene las 26 letras del alfabeto se llama pangrama. 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' es un famoso ejemplo. 🐶🦊

Brubeck is famously known for the album Time Out featuring, among many great tunes, TAKE FIVE. Take Five is in 5/4 time (May 4th – 05/04 – Dave Brubeck Day 😊)

Today all fans of George Lucas's iconic saga, Star Wars, celebrate Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you!


May this Ramadan bring joy, health and wealth to you.

Today is World Poetry Day. It's time to remember your favorite poem or write your own :)

IN THE celtic calendar today is OSTARA. It is spring. You can see a unique astronomical phenomenon, when the center of the Sun in its visible ecliptic path crosses the celestial equator.

This holiday reminds us of the need to add a little humor and laughter to our lives.

Prophetic Dreams Day.
It is worth remembering what you see in a dream on this day.

Today is St Patrick's Day!!!! The happiest day of the year!!

On this day in 1892 in USA the inventor Jess Renault patented his invention of an "inclined lift"

The Internet was invented on March 13, 1989.

“Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.” –G.D. Anderson

On this day in 1876, inventor Alexander Bell patented the telephone. But some historians point out that Italian engineer Antonio Meucci and German inventor Philipp Reis independently invented telephone-like devices that achieved the key breakthrough of turning sound into electric signals over a decade before Bell.

On this day, everyone can turn off their devices for at least a few hours and go for a walk in the nearest forest or park.