Meelekoolitus / Mind Training - Edvard Ljulko

Teadus- ja kogemuspõhised teadveloleku koolitused ja nõustamine (eesti ning inglise keeles).

Mindfulness training and mentoring in Tallinn, Estonia (in both Estonian and English languages).

Operating as usual

Tony Robbins presents the Time to Rise Summit 2024 26/01/2024

💛 Want energy and ideas to improve your life? Tony Robbins' FREE & ONLINE "Time to Rise Summit" continues tonight and tomorrow (9 PM to midnight in Estonia). By registering you also get free access to yesterday's 1'st night's seminar. How do we succeed in the "winter" season of life? I did the work during yesterday's seminar - took notes, did almost all the exercises - and found it surprisingly good, informative, and empowering. Enjoy. 💛

Tony Robbins presents the Time to Rise Summit 2024 Join Tony Robbins at the Time to Rise Summit and start your year off the right way. Shape your year in only 3 days with a results plan for 2024. Don't miss this opportunity to rise up and become the person you were always meant to be. Save your free seat now.

Tony Robbins presents the Time to Rise Summit 2024 26/01/2024

⭐ Want free energy and ideas to improve your life? Tony Robbins' FREE & ONLINE "Time to Rise Summit" continues tonight and tomorrow (9 PM to midnight in Estonia). By registering you also get free access to yesterday's 1'st night's seminar. How do we succeed in the "winter" season of life? I did the work - took notes, did almost all exercises - and found it surprisingly good, informative, and empowering. Enjoy 💫 💛

Tony Robbins presents the Time to Rise Summit 2024 Join Tony Robbins at the Time to Rise Summit and start your year off the right way. Shape your year in only 3 days with a results plan for 2024. Don't miss this opportunity to rise up and become the person you were always meant to be. Save your free seat now.

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Opening Hours

Monday 18:00 - 20:00
Thursday 18:00 - 20:00
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