TalTech Information Systems Group

The Large-Scale Systems Group is a competence center in architecture, design, realization and manage

Operating as usual

An Ultra-Scalable Blockchain Platform for Universal Asset Tokenization: Design and Implementation 03/08/2022

Dear All! We are glad to share our results on ultra-scalable blockchain technology including performance tests that we have conducted for the European Central Bank. You can download the paper for free from IEEE here:


An Ultra-Scalable Blockchain Platform for Universal Asset Tokenization: Design and Implementation In this paper, we explain the Alphabill family of technologies that addresses both unlimited scalability and unrestricted adaptivity. We deliver a sharded blockchain technology with unlimited scalability, called KSI Cash, which is based on a new form of electronic money scheme, the bill scheme. We p...

(PDF) Blockchain Technology: Intrinsic Technological and Socio-Economic Barriers 07/11/2020

Please find our new technical report "Blockchain Technology: Intrinsic Technological and Socio-Economic Barriers" here:

(PDF) Blockchain Technology: Intrinsic Technological and Socio-Economic Barriers PDF | Since the introduction of Bitcoin in 2009 and its immense resonance in media, we have seen a plethora of envisioned blockchain solutions. Usually,... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

DIGICAMPUS 09/07/2019

DIGICAMPUS This is "DIGICAMPUS" by Haags Productiebedrijf on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Dear All, please, can you help us and join our survey on the impact of digital initiatives?


We are a group of researchers from Tallinn, St. Petersburg, Berlin and Tokio and we are deeply interested in your opinion: how does digital transformation impact our societies, governments, economies, our daily lives and work? If you join the survey (takes 10-12min): we would be grateful! Please find all details about the survey (why? what? how?) under the above link.Thanks a lot!

Photos from Egoverntech's post 21/05/2019
Photos from Edu & Tegu STARTERtallinn's post 21/05/2019

And the finalists are - see the photo below.

Congratulations to all teams and big thanks to the honorary jury (Caroline Aruoja, Kaisa Hansen, Kristjan Kolbre, Simon Renno) for the hard work!
See you at the finals on the 17th of May Latitude59!
Long live STARTERtallinn!


This is a perfect proof how our eGov study programme is super international! From Brazil to Sri Lanka 👏
Idea and photo by our 1st year students!

Megatrend and Intervention Impact Analyzer for Jobs: A Visualization Method for Labor Market Intelligence : Journal of Official Statistics 18/12/2018

We are glad about the success of Innar, first winning with his team the 3rd prize in the European Big Data Hackathon last year, now achieving with the results a publication in the Journal of Official Statistics, great!


Megatrend and Intervention Impact Analyzer for Jobs: A Visualization Method for Labor Market Intelligence : Journal of Official Statistics AbstractThis article presents a visual method for representing the complex labor market internal structure from the perspective of similar occupations based on shared skills; and a prototype tool for interacting with the visualization, together with an extended description of graph construction and....


Thanks a lot everybody for joining our IS Group & Friends XMAS party ! Was so pleasant!


FDSE was great! Thanks a lot!


Thanks for EGOSE conference at ITMO University in St. Petersurg! It was great!

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