Nomad Life & Language Coach
English tutor for to students in Estonia and elsewhere in the world.
Operating as usual
Spring is here! Buds are growing into flowers and flowers are blooming everywhere. Trees blossom and migratory birds arrive to nest in the north: geese, storks, and cranes. It's also my favourite time to appreciate Vivaldi's Four Seasons. Watch the clip below 🌸🪺🌞 Enjoy!
Why should you listen to Vivaldi's "Four Seasons"? Light, bright, and cheerful, "The Four Seasons" by Antonio Vivaldi is some of the most familiar of all early 18th century music, featured in numerous films and television commercials. But what is its significance, and why does it sound that way? Betsy Schwarm uncovers the underlying narrative of thi...
Join us for a free demonstration lesson on Sunday 26th of March from 16.00 – 17.00 online via Zoom.
The lesson will offer a basic introduction to reflective drawing and English practice.
After the demo lesson you can continue to take 1.5-hour lessons (2 academic hours) that combine drawing with English practice based on different topics and themes.
It’s a course for anyone interested in drawing and practicing some English at the same time.
The first part of each lesson will be mostly in Estonian and the second half in English. During the first part of each lesson, Kai will introduce you to different aspects of reflective drawing and Karl will offer the chance to practice describing your drawing in English with language corrections.
The course is ideal for students with English levels from elementary (A1) to intermediate (B2). You don't need any drawing skills to participate 🙂.
Please register to participate in the course by contacting us at: [email protected] or call Kai at 56217159.
You are welcome!
Kai Karolin and
Karl-Heinz Graf
"The story is brewing"
Karl Intro Karl Introduction
Study English!
English coaching available soon. Message, WhatsApp or write an email to [email protected] 🙂
Levels A1 - C2. Online, at your office, home or outdoors in the summer.
I will also be offering Business English, English for travel, and exam preparation: IELTS, LanguageCert, Cambridge, TOEFL, etc.
I'm a highly qualified teacher with 20 years experience teaching English in South Africa the UK, Korea, Thailand, China, Japan, Angola, Italy and Estonia (3 years).
You can also stand out in the crowd and study Afrikaans! For fun or travel to Southern Africa, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Make those dreams come true! Own your language learning .. 🤲💬
Feel free to ask questions. Limited availability.
Coming soon!
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Vana-Lõuna 39/1
Tallinn, 19094
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🖤Taroklubi💛 ♦️Päevakaardid ♣️Kursused ♥️Personaalsed konsultatsioonid ♠️Sündmustel kaardipanek
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