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Entrepreneurship Education for Cultural Tourism
Entrepreneurship Education for Cultural Tourism
EECT aims to offer non-formal education on cultural tourism entrepreneurship to disadvantaged groups. The project is funded by Erasmus+ programme
Entrepreneurship Education for Cultural Tourism (EECT) is a Strategic Partnership (SP) of youth associations and NGOs mostly from countries where youth and graduates’ unemployment rates are among the highest of the EU (see Eurostat “Youth unemployment rate - % of active population aged 15-24”). In November 2015, 4.553 million young persons (under 25) were unemployed in the EU28, of whom 3.167 mill
ion were in the euro area. The SP follows the principles of the post-2010 Lisbon Strategy and the Renewed Social Agenda as well as the new Strategic Framework for European cooperation in Education and Training, the Employment Guidelines and the Oslo Agenda for Entrepreneurship Education in Europe. Following the EU Council Resolution on a renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field, the mission of the SP is to empower young people by promoting their autonomy, entrepreneurship and the potential of them to contribute to a sustainable development of society and to European values and goals. Hence, the SP main objectives are:
-To offer non-formal education on cultural tourism entrepreneurship to disadvantaged groups. In particular, young people at risk of social exclusion may greatly benefit from this type of training. It can raise the motivation of those who learn best by doing, and who have difficulties in more traditional subjects.
- To develop a new training methodology based on the blended mentoring method to foster creative thinking, entrepreneurship thinking competence supporting the matching between young participants’ expectations and the labour market.
-To promote learning mobility of young participants.
-To Increase employability through not yet wide-spread competences.
-To foster inclusive education which combat any kind of discrimination or racism in order to strengthen social ties as well as generate a sense of belonging.
-To support young people entrepreneurship inter-alia via entrepreneurship education, support to start-up funds, mentoring programmes, and encourage recognition of junior enterprises.
-To support the development of better knowledge about Entrepreneurship Education (specifically applied to cultural tourism) through support to youth research, research networks, specific studies, etc.
-To strengthen cooperation with local and regional authorities.
-To make effective use and facilitating the access of young people to EU funds and programmes.
-To encourage formal education and non-formal learning in support of young people’s innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. Partners of the project are Asociación PROJUVEN (Spain), Futuro Digitale (Italy), GEYC (Romania). The project is funded by Danish National Agency in the framework of Erasmus+ programme