Daoist Liu

Daoist Liu

German Daoist Association
Wudang Daoist Association Germany
Lao Zi Daoist College www.wu-dang-pai.de

Operating as usual

Health & Longevity - Daoist College 11/06/2024

Check out our courses for Health & Longevity Arts

Health & Longevity - Daoist College Learn ancient Daoist health & longevity practices to nurture the body and mind, to keep a healthy and strong condition for a long life. Our detailed Video-Programs include step-by-step explanations of each form and movement.  Each program is a complete Set including theory and practice. Qi Gong , W...

2 years Training-Program - Daoist College 09/06/2024

Two year study program starting today

2 years Training-Program - Daoist College A comprehensive 2-year study program for Daoists that want to expand the knowledge and deepen the practice to enter priesthood and learn the ancient methods from experienced masters. The program covers ceremony, ritual, daoist music, history, talisman, internal arts, Daoist medicine, Ba Zi, Yi Jing,...

2 years Training-Program - Daoist College 31/05/2024

Join our 2 years Daoist priesthood Training Program starting 9th June 2024.

2 years Training-Program - Daoist College A comprehensive 2-year study program for Daoists that want to expand the knowledge and deepen the practice to enter priesthood and learn the ancient methods from experienced masters. The program covers ceremony, ritual, daoist music, history, talisman, internal arts, Daoist medicine, Ba Zi, Yi Jing,...

玄坛赵大元帅财神经 Xuán tán zhào dà yuán shuài cái shén jīng - 道教世界 - Dao World 23/04/2024

God of Wealth Scripture incl. Pin Yin
For today's celebration of the God of Wealth Zhao Gong Ming Yuanshuai.

玄坛赵大元帅财神经 Xuán tán zhào dà yuán shuài cái shén jīng - 道教世界 - Dao World 玄坛赵大元帅财神经 Xuán tán zhào dà yuán shuài cái shén jīng   尔时 Ěr shí, 玄坛赵元帅在督财府。 Xuán tán zhào yuán shuài zài dū cái fǔ. 登百寳座。倚黄金案。 Dēng bǎi bǎo zuò.Yǐ huáng jīn àn. 五方财神。运寳郎君。 Wǔ fāng cái sh...

Wu Lu Cai Shen / Five Roads God of Wealth - 道教世界 - Dao World 23/04/2024

For today's celebration of the God of Wealth Zhao Gong Ming Yuanshuai.

Wu Lu Cai Shen / Five Roads God of Wealth - 道教世界 - Dao World Daoist practitioners can recite the following proclamation 至心皈命禮 芳徽著於紫霞。功德垂於金碑。一生清廉。積德最厚。終身正直。累仁甚深。見利思義。堪為萬世主宰。不貪為寶。宜享千秋芳馨。大悲大願。至公志仁。總司天下財源。...

Introduction into Daoist Practice - Webinar (FREE) - Daoist College 28/12/2023

Join my next FREE webinar on January 1st.
An extensive introduction about Daoism, Cultivation and Daoist practices, how we practice them and what benefits we gain from the practices. We will give an overview of the courses and Daoist methods taught at Daoist College:
- Ceremonies
- Talisman
- Internal Alchemy

Next Webinar: 1st January 2024 – Monday, 7-9pm (UTC+1 German Time)

Registration is FREE

Please sign up with name and email.

You will receive the Link to the ZOOM meeting after registration.

Introduction into Daoist Practice - Webinar (FREE) - Daoist College An extensive introduction about Daoism, Cultivation and Daoist practices, how we practice them and what benefits we gain from the practices. We will give an overview of the courses and Daoist methods taught at Daoist College: Ceremonies Talisman Internal Alchemy etc.   Next Webinar: 1st January 202...

FREE - Morning & Evening Altar Scriptures 早晚功课经 incl. English translation - DAO-SHOP 26/12/2023

Dear Dao-Friends and Students,
to celebrate the end of this year and thanking everyone for the amazing support, the German Daoist Association and Daoist College in Germany is doing another giveaway for Daoist Scriptures (incl. English translations) until 31st of December. Please order the scripture with the link below. FREE book and NO shipping fee.

FREE - Morning & Evening Altar Scriptures 早晚功课经 incl. English translation - DAO-SHOP This new English translation of the Daoist Morning and Evening Altar scriptures 早晚功课经 includes the original Chinese text and Pin Yin. All melodies, incantations, scriptures and declarations of the morning and evening liturgy are included. Translation by Daoist Liu Cheng Yong. This book is ...


Get the "Christmas Discount" on all Courses if you
Register before New Year and get a discount.
Enter the discount-code "DAOSTUDY2024" with your registration.

Daoist Ceremony Study Program - Daoist College 07/12/2023

Check our upcoming Courses for 2024
Register for any course before New Year and get a discount.
Enter the discount-code "DAOSTUDY2024" with your registration and get an additional "Christmas Gift" send to you.

Daoist Ceremony Study Program - Daoist College Our program offers a combination of a virtual classroom with live-video conferencing, tutorial videos, study materials, regular Q&A sessions and online groups for study-exchange and open discussions. The program is divided into 4 trimester(3months), each with a specific focus. Students can choose to...


Join my class online this evening (China Time)
大道讲堂预告|| 我的修道过程与德国传道
主讲:刘诚勇 德国道教协会会长
时间:2023/11/27 19:30-21:30 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 - 北京


Disciple Initiation

Photos from Daoist Liu's post 10/10/2023

Yesterday I took the first disciple at Beijing Bai Yun Guan.


Daily life as Daoist Priest in China


Daily life of a Daoist Priest in China.


Group photo with Gao gong, Jing Shi, and Zhai Zhu.

第五届国际道教论坛茅山宣言(英文) 01/10/2023

Declaration of 5th international Taoist Forum in Mao Shan, China

第五届国际道教论坛茅山宣言(英文) 功能介绍 团结、带领全国道教徒发扬道教优良传统,爱国爱教,坚持道教中国化方向,积极与社会主义社会相适应;维护道教界合法权益,促进道教健康传承;弘扬道教优秀文化,开展公益慈善活动。【互联网宗教信息服务许.....

Photos from Daoist Liu's post 27/09/2023

Photos of Mao Shan international Taoist Forum

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