Astral Yoga, Berlin Videos

Videos by Astral Yoga in Berlin.

Today I held a fruit in my hand,admiring its vibrant peel. It looked perfect—smooth, colorful, and whole.
But when I peeled it, I discovered its true purpose: the fruit within. Sweet, nourishing, full of life. The peel, once so captivating, now seemed insignificant.
And so it is with us:
Our bodies, our appearances, our possessions—they are like the peel. Important to protect and care for, yes, but not the essence of who we are.
The true self—the part that cannot be seen or touched—lies within.
Yet, we often spend so much time polishing the peel that we forget to nurture the fruit.
We forget to see the essence in ourselves and in others.
Do not let the distractions of the senses blind you. Look deeper. Tend to the part of you that truly matters, and honor that in others too.
Alex 🤍
#astral_alex #mindfulness #ashtanga #india #yogapractice #meditation #yogainspiration #yogajourney #fitness #yogaforlife #yogaeveryday #selfcare #selflove #ashtangayoga #mentalhealth #ashtagalove #spirituality  #yogacommunity #yogalifestyle #yogisofinstagram #yogaaustria #yogagermany #gayyoga #yogaberlin #gratitude #menatyoga #menyoga #meditation #yogateacher #yogaindia

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