Electrical Innovations that are changing the world.
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maintain and improve technical competence through Education. Design Electrical Systems, components,
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A female electrical engineer confidently standing in front of a complex electrical circuit board, with safety goggles.
1) ampere———–electric current
2) angstrm———–unit of length for the measurement of wavelength
3) bar———–unit of atmospheric pressure
4) bel————unit of intensity of sound
5) calorie—————measurement of quantity of heat
6) candle power————–illuminating power of a source of light
7) centigrade—————unit of temperature
😎 centimeter————–unit of length
9) coulomb———–electric charge
10) decibel————intensity
11) dioptre————power of lens
12) dyne————unit of force
13) electron volt————unit of energy
14) erg————–unit of work
15) farad————electric capacity
16) farady————electric charge
17) gauss————magnetic induction
18) gram————unit of mass
19) gram wt————gravitational unit
20) henry————unit of induction
21) horse power————unit of power
22) joule————practical unit of work
23) kg—————unit of mass
24) kilowatt————unit of electrical power
25) knot————unit of speed
26) killowatt-hour————practical unit of electrical power
27) lambert————unit of brightness
28) light year——————unit of distance for measuring astronomical distance
29) litre————————unit of volume capacity
30) lumen———————-luminous flux
31) lux————————–unit of intensity of lamination
32) maxwell——————–magnetic flux
33) meter———————-unit of distance
34) micro farad—————one millionth of a farad
35) millimicron—————-unit of length used in spectroscopy
36) newton——————–unit of work
37) oersted——————-unit of magnetic intensity
38) ohm————————unit of electrical resistance
39) poise———————-unit of viscosity
40) second——————-unit of time
41) volt————————practical unit of electric potential difference
42) watt———————–unit of power
43) weber———————unit of magnetic pole strength
44) x.u————————unit of length expressing x-ray wave length
45) gy-gray——————-absorbed radiation dose
46) mole———————–amount of substance
47) siemens——————-electric conductance
48) hertz———————frequency
49) radian——————-plane angle
50) tesla———————magnetic flux density
51) pascal——————-pressure
52) sievert——————radiation dose equilent
53) steradian—————-solid angle
54) bacquerel—————activity of radionuclide
55) rutherford————–rate of decay of radioactive material
56) torr———————-pressure
57) fermi———————length
58) sved berg unit———-sedimentation rate
60) roentgen—————–radiation exposure x ray
61) barn———————-area
62) barrel——————-unit of liquid capacity
63) carat——————–unit for measuring mass of precious metal
64) clusec——————power of vacuum pump
65) dalton——————-atomic mass unit
67) megaton—————-explosive power of nuclear weapon
68) morgon——————orbitray unit used in genetics
67) ounce——————–unit of mass
68) rad————————absorbed radiation dose
69) ryberg——————–atomic unit of energy
70) btu————————unit of heat
71) candela——————-lumsinous intensity
72) modulation—————frequency
73) persec——————–astronomical unit
74) cusec———————volumetric rate of flow
The Dangers of Electricity
why does a capacitor block DC but pass AC.
Could cold ever be used to Generate Electricity !!!!
A paper battery is a type of battery that uses a cellulose-based paper as a substrate for the components of the battery. It is a thin, flexible, and lightweight energy storage device that can be integrated into a wide range of applications, from wearable electronics to medical implants.
Why don't birds get electrocuted sitting on power lines?
Keep your Answers coming please 🙏
Parts of A Line Tester.
What most have coursed it ?
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Types of cables and USB
Parts of a Pen Type Digital MultiMeter
It's worth Noting !!!!!
How can such Faults be Corrected ?
What most have coursed this ?
Electrical Safty Is The Key.......
Ohh my God 😔
A USB Mixed Signal Oscilloscope 📌
Don’t play with Electricity; it has the POWER to Kill.
👉 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope 👈
What most have coursed this to happen on a transmission line ?
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👉 Basic Parts of a Digital Storage Oscilloscope 👈
Components Of A Digital Storage Oscilloscope.
The Anatomy Of A Hot Water Heater
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