![Photos from Paris Buckingham Golf Academy's post](https://img5.schoolandcollegelistings.com/707/247/552805757072474.jpg)
An absolutely stunning Swiss Authentic Alpine Golf Course GC Realp a summer must play! Take the time and enjoy the day, note carry your bag or get a buggy if you have the nerve ⛳️😊
To the Point - Authentic Golf Specific Education
Wie gewohnt öffnen
An absolutely stunning Swiss Authentic Alpine Golf Course GC Realp a summer must play! Take the time and enjoy the day, note carry your bag or get a buggy if you have the nerve ⛳️😊
Learn from yesterday and keep moving forward today
Gotta get practicing, practice is part of the game….
Never to late, Never to Old, No better time than NOW to LEARN SOMETHING NEW
Here you can see my latest article for magazingolf.ch, sorry it is only in kangaroo german, but it still just might help you swing through the ball and play better shots next time you are on the course playing.
Getting out to play tournaments yourself is a great way for a PGA golf professional to practice what they talk and connect with their values. Also to test their all or just some theories that are working best with the scorecard in your back pocket. I know after my last tournament rounds I need to play more!
To The Point 2023! Check out https://magazingolf.ch/ my article and video in German only https://magazingolf.ch/punktgebracht/ if you would like the article in English as a PDF just PM me, the video is only in Kangaroo German 🦘😀 ☀️⚡️
Rhythmus im Schwung Das Rezept für Konstanz und Erfolg liegt in der Wiederholbarkeit deiner guten Schläge und darin, wie du sie von der Driving Range auf den Platz bringst.
Looking for some style at the masters this week
Annual appreciation post of Chi Chi Rodriguez and his caddie. 😎
“To move the world we must move ourselves.” – Socrates
Something to think about
"As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” Max Planck
Looking Forward!
In this article, Ben continued his advice from last column and told us the correct body positions at the top of the backswing, the downswing and follow through.
From early in 1947 to late 1949 Ben Hogan wrote a series of short articles (numbering more than 300) about interesting anecdotes and relationships he developed in the world of golf and tips for golfers of all skill levels. Tom Shehan, a journalist who made his career by covering horseracing for several publications was the ghostwriter of these articles and others, including Ben Hogan’s Power Golf and works by Byron Nelson and Sam Snead. McNaught Syndicate distributed the articles to newspapers. This article was published in November 1948. 85th in a series.
Golf Life
Pay attention to your environment
"The wisest and noblest teacher is nature itself." – Leonardo da Vinci
Just Imagine
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions” - Albert Einstein
Roland Ruocco (United States) Sunburst
New Golf Rules book for 2023
"Golf is a game of integrity" - Tom Watson 👌👌
Aussie legends, good read.
Shearer and Mercer awarded OAM Australian golf icons Alex Mercer and Bob Shearer have been honoured for their service to golf after receiving the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the Australia Day 2023 Honours List.
Learn from the past
The Classic Golf Swing And How Golf's Future Lies In The Past | Milo Lines Golf Join me and let's take a look into golf's past to see if swings are more similar now or have evolved over the years.➤ Check out https://milolinesgolf.com an...
Stay flexible
He's 57.
Golf and Country Club Zürich Par 3 #4
www.kalaidos-hfbf.ch | Die Kalaidos Banking+Finance School führt im Auftrag von SwissBanking die Höhe
Hi, it's Crypto Rick ! I have been a crypto enthusiast and investor since 2017 and here I share what I wish I had known back then. Contact me for 1:1 sessions and you will learn about the basics of crypto and blockchain and how to get started. ENG/ITA
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Welcome to Cora Violin School. We shall work at basic, intermediate and advanced levels. Our aim i