Jessica Wolf - Wild Edible Mushrooms & Plants Guide

Jessica Wolf - Wild Edible Mushrooms & Plants Guide


Jessica Wolf is a wild foods guide and nature educator.

Online Mycological Supply Store - Grow Mushrooms Canada 26/06/2022

Online Mycological Supply Store - Grow Mushrooms Canada Grow Mushrooms Canada. Buy quality grow kits, spawn and mycological supplies to meet all your mushrooms growing needs. Shiitake, Oyster, Lion's Mane, Reishi, Turkey Tail, Maitake, Chicken of the Woods and more! Ships within Canada.

Mushroom Growing Tips - Interview with Mycologist Jessica Wolf 01/05/2022

Hi friends. This is what i've been up to the last few years. Carving a little time out for foraging again this spring. This week I have harvested big leaf maple flower buds and enjoyed them sushi along with homegrown pickled shiitake! Hope you are well and thriving. Your comments and shares are appreciated to help us reach more people with the fun of mushroom growing!

Mushroom Growing Tips - Interview with Mycologist Jessica Wolf Learn easy ways to cultivate mushrooms at home in this two part series with mycologist Jessica Wolf, co-founder of Grow Mushrooms Canada. “Herbal Jeti” Yarrow Willard visits our farm in Sayward BC, where we delve into inexpensive mushroom growing techniques that require few tools or equipment. W...

Grow Mushrooms Canada - Gift Guide! 10/12/2021

Unique gifts from our family business based on Vancouver Island BC. Best of the season to you!

Grow Mushrooms Canada - Gift Guide! Give the unforgettable experience of growing mushrooms! Mushroom kits, tools, books, medicinal mushroom tinctures and powders, 5 mushroom hot chocolate and more.


Happy Holidays everyone! Four more days to enter our contest for you and a friend to each win $100 Gift Card from our family-run business.

Season’s on for our Annual Holiday Contest.
You and a friend can EACH WIN $100 GIFT CARD redeemable for mushroom grow kits, plug spawn, liquid culture and mycological supplies at

1. Click on contest photo and like this post
2. Tag your mushroom-loving friend in comments. Voila you are both entered to win!

*Multiple entries allowed- put each tag in a separate comment for it to count as an entry.

Share on your page to give more friends a chance to win (and increase your odds too if they tag you in their contest entry).

Contest closes December 24, 2019 at 11:59PM PST. The winning pair will be randomly selected and contacted through messenger on December 25, 2019. Giveaway Gift Card applies only to orders shipping within Canada. This giveaway is not sponsored or endorsed by Facebook/Instagram.

Enlichenment! Level One - Introduction to Lichens 07/12/2019

Juliet Pendray is teaching a class on lichens!!

Enlichenment! Level One - Introduction to Lichens Intrigued by lichens and wanting to know more about them? In this classroom and field session, we will cover how to identify lichens, how to distinguish them from other organisms, their place in the local ecologies, and how they are used as food, medicine and tools. This course is intended for those...

Photos from Grow Mushrooms Canada's post 15/11/2019

We are now set up to grow from our new home in Sayward BC and have these beautiful mushroom kits ready to ship anywhere in Canada. Makes for a unique gift!
Order from

Exciting New Changes at Grow Mushrooms Canada! - Grow Mushrooms Canada 11/09/2019

Regretfully I don't think I will be able to schedule any fall wild mushroom workshops this year, but I'm excited that in the future I will be able to offer wild plant and mushroom workshops from our new property in Sayward BC!!

Exciting New Changes at Grow Mushrooms Canada! - Grow Mushrooms Canada Sept.4, 2019 Canadians – you have been so keen to grow our mushroom kits that we have outgrown our current production facilities. Paul and I are excited to share that we are moving to Sayward, BC so that we can expand to better supply your mushroom growing needs! We are busy as beavers renovating ...


Winter Harvest of medicinal Turkey Tail mushrooms - Trametes versicolor

VIDEO: Inventor Inspired By Childhood Memories Of Fungus 27/01/2019

Growing packaging with fungus to replace styrofoam.

VIDEO: Inventor Inspired By Childhood Memories Of Fungus As a child on a New York farm, Eben Bayer helped his dad shovel wood chips in the barn. That's where he noticed a stretchy web of fungus that became the basis of his biodegradable packing material.

Photos from Grow Mushrooms Canada's post 24/11/2018

Mushroom Grow Kits for sale. Lion's Mane, Oyster, Yellow Oyster, Shiitake, Turkey Tail, Reishi, King Trumpets and Wine Cap. Grown on Vancouver Island with pure hardwood sawdust and organic Canadian wheat bran.

Pick up from Errington, or ship across Canada. Please order directly from our website


An inspiring and educational talk by Yarrow Willard about medicinal mushrooms and more! Check out his upcoming events!


Join us for Vancouver's biggest event of the year!


Island Health (VIHA) has asked municipalities to help spread the word on death cap mushrooms. We are now entering the season of death cap mushrooms, where they can be seen growing in most urban areas. VIHA would like to take this time to raise awareness to the general public to prevent any accidental consumption, which may lead to severe illness.

The below attachments are sent to you by Island Health, Health Protection Environmental Services Program, and have been recently finalized by the BC Centre for Disease Control. For further information on poisonous mushrooms, please go to the following BCCDC webpage:


4th Annual Mushroom Festival is on Sunday, October 14 (2018)
Co-Hosted by NIWRA and Arrowsmith Naturalists

Location: 1240 Leffler Road, Errington
Admission: donation of $5 per person (children 12 and under are free)

See a wide variety of fresh local fungi including edible mushrooms & poisonous specimens. There will also be scheduled speakers throughout the day, opportunities to talk with knowledgable people about mushrooms and their identification.

This event is extremely popular and because parking is limited:
shuttle parking will be provided by the Salvation Army for your ease and convenience from 1500 Grafton Road to NIWRA grounds. As a "thank you" for this service, your monetary contribution to the Salvation Army is appreciated (event admission is separate).

If you are interested in being a vendor at the Mushroom Festival, please email Jodi Young (Office Manager) at [email protected] and request a vendor application form.


Herbalist Elizabeth Bliss is holding this class near Parksville on Vancouver Island.


Here's a wonderful event!


I'm giving a talk this Saturday morning at Buckerfields in Parksville.

Join Jessica Wolf - Wild Food Guide on May 19th at 10 learn about how to grow, identify and harvest wild Mushrooms!
Call to reserve your spot!!

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?

Videos (show all)

Winter Harvest of Turkey Tail Mushrooms