The Ieltszone preparations

The Ieltszone preparations


The Ieltszone is personalized tutoring service. This is an official page directed towards helping and serving free advice to the appearing students.

Like the page to boost your preparations. contact to enroll. This page is for education and tutoring purposes only. Being a part of 'The Ieltszone' family will help you in your quality preparations.

Operating as usual


Learning is a lifelong process. Lets keep curating it together ❤️

Feel free to contact me for classes. I am always here to help in learning.🙏🏻

Photos from The Ieltszone preparations's post 28/07/2021

Received some late yet satisfying results 🥳🥳🥳

These students' struggle stories are really touching.. however, every hardship can be forgotten once your hard work pays you off. Rigidity and guidance are the only two keys for greater achievements like these.

Ps: Every student makes me feel proud.😇❤️ No matter the score, cuz its the effort that counts.



Photos from The Ieltszone preparations's post 30/06/2021

Glories 🎉🎉🎊🎊🎈🎈💖💖


Another successful addition to our sucess list. 🙏 All the very best to the student for his future. He indeed struggled a lot before this. 😊


It is a good day 😊


Congratulations puneet 🎉🎉all the best for your future. 🙏🏻


Idiomatic expressions exercise.
Here's question number 3

Please do like, share and comment on the posts. 👍


Idiomatic expressions exercise.
Here's question number 2.

Please do like, share and comment on the posts. 👍


Lets practice some idioms that y’all can use in your ielts...shall we?

Please encourage me to continue this exercise by participating as much as you can ❤️

Here's question number 1.

Please do like, share and comment on the posts. 👍


Hello again... to all the amazing learners. 😁


Congratulations 🎊🎉🎈 Hardeep Singh.


The last question of the exercise.
Let me know if y’all want to practice any special exercise.

Hope you had a great weekend. And have a great Monday as well.


Phrasal verbs question no: 9

Looking forward to maximum participation from the students.

Please like comment and share the posts. 😊


Phrasal verbs question no: 8

Looking forward to maximum participation from the students.


Phrasal verbs question no: 7

Looking forward to maximum participation from the students.

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This page is to help your guys out with your IELTS preparations. please share your views in the comments also like and s...
Effective strategy for your Reading Test.
STOP SAYING ‘I THINK’- improve your vocabulary.
