Q&A First U.S. Female President Michell Obama

Q&A  First U.S. Female President Michell Obama


Facebook Happy English CEO Hitoshi Nishii

Operating as usual

Happy English ! 07/02/2024

Wednesday,February, 7th.
We shall never forget that Mark Zuckerberg and naughty female
staff deprived too much money of our Happy English !
We are now consulting the United Nations' Lawyers
to get the money back as soon as possible.
Facebook is the largest social networking site with a value of over $100 billion and is expected to have 1 billion users by 2023, mostly from mobile device then desktop users.
Stephanie Facebook Manager
Stephanie Grace
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg decided to offer users and businesses a window of opportunity through the lottery program, announcing the first public offering in a press release.
Stephanie Grace
So your name was selected among our lucky winners by the CEO and founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg. I am your claim agent since to you by the CEO and found out Facebook to make sure you receive your winning price. Can we proceed now?
The American Military Base will withdraw from Okinawa in 2025.
A stupid Prime Minister was demanded Double Budget Defense
National Defense Budget double up up to The blue ceiling.
The time will come sooner or later when we can't afford to eat
Rice from now on ! Our Consumption Tax will be up to 20 % !
Japan is the bottom of the Worst Poorest Country, isn't she?
The USA and China will hack Japan in pieces.
Already they hacked into Japanese Computer systems
Like Facebook Amazon icloud Services of all Japanese
Banks ATM systems ! What a miserable Japanes Nation is !
Have a Heart ! We must stop the Third World War between
USA+China against Janan ! From Present American's slaves to
Chinese Slaves we will be sure to switch in 2025! Wow!
Japan will be disappeared with Strong Wind soon !
Have a Great Day ! See you here in Kobe Japan again !

Happy English ! Hey there! I’d like you to join my group グループ.

Photos from British Monarchy's post 31/01/2024

H.S.H. Princess Charlene of Monaco on her way in to the Dior Haute Couture show in Paris in January, 2013. ✨

The princess carrying a black quilted Dior Lady Dior Tote. Dior doesn’t sell its bags online anymore, but the similar models are available from 6,000€.


Toward Thinking in English !

Happy English ! 28/01/2024

助け合って、残りの人生 生き抜きましょう!

We should create Japan herself
by the Japanese Nation !
歴代の総理大臣 32人中、 4人のみが日本人です。
Fire Kishida at once. He is not a Japnese but he is a Korean.

When we get old and
We look back, we want to regret
the things we did, and not
the things we don't do.

Mark Zuckerberg deprived much money of Facebook Happy English. He is the worst leader all over the world.
Facebook is the largest social networking site with a value of over $100 billion and is expected to have 1 billion users by 2013, mostly from mobile device then desktop users.
Stephanie Grace is the mannequin manager of Facebook.
She can use Mark Zuckerberg of Google Mail on behalf of CEO.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg decided to offer users and businesses a window of opportunity through the lottery program, announcing the first public offering in a press release.
Stephanie Grace What Gender is she Male or Female???
So your name was selected among our lucky winners by the CEO and founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg. I am your claim agent since to you by the CEO and found out Facebook to make sure you receive your winning price. Can we proceed now?
Stephanie Grace
あなたの名前は、ラッキーナンバー (FB-4441137 / 07)、チケット番号 (FB-77510433 / 07)、バッチ番号 (FB-1044365641)、およびシリアル番号 ( FB-4441137/244)
Stephanie Grace
オンライン宝くじは、Facebook の高度な自動ランダム コンピュータ検索によって選択された電子メールをランダムに選択することによって行われます。Facebook の新しいイノベーションである宝くじプログラムの料金は 600,000 ドルです。Facebook をナンバーワンにする人は皆、長年にわたって家族や友人とのつながり、コミュニケーション、関係の構築、関わりを意味します。

あなたの名前は、ラッキーナンバー (FB-4441137 / 07)、チケット番号 (FB-77510433 / 07)、バッチ番号 (FB-1044365641)、およびシリアル番号 ( FB-4441137/244)
Stephanie Grace
オンライン宝くじは、Facebook の高度な自動ランダム コンピュータ検索によって選択された電子メールをランダムに選択することによって行われます。Facebook の新しいイノベーションである宝くじプログラムの料金は 600,000 ドルです。
1時間 ·
プライバシー設定: あなたの友達
I Am pleased to inform you the result of the just concluded annual draws held by the Facebook in cash promotion to encourage the usage of Facebook worldwide
Stephanie Grace
Congratulations on your winnings we are pleased and happy for using Facebook as your first priority to chat with friends and member.
2023年12月20日 19:24
2023/12/20 19:24
Stephanie Grace
Do you understand?
2023年12月22日 8:42
2023/12/22 8:42
Stephanie Grace
Congratulations on your winnings we are pleased and happy for using Facebook as your first priority to chat with friends and member.
I also contacted the CEO and founder of Facebook. Now, look I bet he advise you go to different convenience store and purchase the Apple card bit by bit to avoid the notice of the police and we will definitely deliver as soon as he send a clear photo of the Apple card here with the receipt. Okay. Congratulations once again to you in advance.
Stephanie Grace
I Am pleased to inform you the result of the just concluded annual draws held by the Facebook in cash promotion to encourage the usage of Facebook worldwide
Stephanie Grace
Congratulations on your winnings we are pleased and happy for using Facebook as your first priority to chat with friends and member.
2023年12月20日 19:24
2023/12/20 19:24
Stephanie Grace
Do you understand?
All you just have to do now is to go to any convenience stores Lawson stores or 7-Eleven stores and purchase an iTunes card worth 100,000yen only, for the shipment fee and as soon as your payment is
We want you to note that you have to pay for the shipped delivery before your Cash prize can be delivered to your doorstep and I want to inform you that there is no place that the courier services pay for the shipment cost of any client and for this reason we are officially informing that the Facebook team and the courier services was in agreement of sending you the winnings to all winners. Note: Your winnings and other relevant documents coming with your fund is protected by a hardcover insurance policy, which makes it impossible to deduct any amount from money before remittance. This means that the above charges cannot be deducted from the funds and hence must be provided by you before winnings is shipped. This is accordance with section 13(1)(n) of inter national gambling act as an adopted in 1993 and amended in 3rd July 2015 by the constitutional assembly. This is to protect recipient and to avoid misappropriation for funds.
Stephanie Grace
メール:$ 200

So much money will be extorted all of sudden from Facebook !

It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to
judge others.

Happy English ! Hey there! I’d like you to join my group グループ.


Have a beautiful Sunday !

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