Belgian Wrestling School Videos

Videos by Belgian Wrestling School. École de catch en Belgique à Liège, créée par Salvatore Bellomo, vétéran de la WWE et ECW !

@feyyaz.aguila tried his best to get Jo destroy to lighten up and party. But the Farmers From hell weren't having it

#wrestlinglife #wrestling #bws #catch #bcwf #show #prowrestling #belgium #liege #wrestling #party

Other Belgian Wrestling School videos

@feyyaz.aguila tried his best to get Jo destroy to lighten up and party. But the Farmers From hell weren't having it#wre...

@wrestlingmayeck took the opportunity with his newly acquired briefcase to cash in on @eddiedarkwrestler to become the n...

@succubus.wrestling showed off her "British IQ" and @wrestlingjulia showed off her quick reflexes and solid dropkick.#wr...

There is no way of sugar coating it. When you get in a strap match with Certosa, That strap is going to be used in the w...

@zag_wrestler was not expecting his match against @tigercrash_wrestling to be as tough as it was. He was eventually able...

@tigercrash_wrestling showing @zag_wrestler that though his wrestling journey has just begun, it's going to be an intere...

@wrestlingmayeck winning the briefcase from @afroshaolinpro at night of mayhem. #wrestlinglife #wrestler #wrestler #wre...

Agility on display with @afroshaolinpro and @wrestlingmayeck for the BCWF briefcase#wrestling #wrestler #wrestlingshow #...

BCWF Night of Mayhem, 24-5-24, Liège1. Mayeck def. Daniel Akindele to win the BCWF Briefcase2. ZAG def. Tiger Crash3. Ch...

‘Party Hard’ @feyyaz.aguila est prêt pour la fête à Night of Mayhem !#catch #show #spectacle #sport #fit #belgium #gym #...

On a reçu cette vidéo effrayante de Certosa…#catch #show #spectacle #sport #fit #belgium #gym #champion #indywrestling #...

Chris Alvin a un message pour Certosa concernant leur Match de Sangle !#catch #show #spectacle #sport #fit #belgium #gym...

Tiger Crash se présente aux fans de la BCWF !#catch #show #spectacle #sport #fit #belgium #gym #champion #indywrestling ...

Notre BWS Champion Tibo Hendrik de retour à Liège, avec un message pour Eddie Dark !#catch #show #spectacle #sport #fit ...

Nous avons reçu cette vidéo de Zag...Director’s Cut ici:

Jo Destroy est frustré !BCWF Night of Mayhem, 24.05.2024 in Liège#catch #show #spectacle #sport #fit #belgium #gym #cham...

The Autlaws discutent de leur Match Hardcore contre les Hooligans !

The Autlaws discutent de leur Match Hardcore contre les Hooligans !

- Aprês avoir décroché un match pour Championnat BWS, Eddie Dark s'adresse à notre champion Tibo Hendrik! - After secu...