Videos by GirlVow, Inc. in Rajshahi Division. Mentorship & Life-skills Training for our underprivileged girls. Please visit our site for more info
This week #wcw😍 is Angela Yvonne Davis. She was prominent political activist, scholar, and author. She emerged as the le...
This week #wcw is Sheryl Kara Sandberg is an American business executive, billionaire, and philanthropist. Sandberg serv...
On Friday, #SCOTUS made a decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the ruling which made abortion a constitutional right in 197...
This week’s #motivationmonday is a quote from Ms. Tina Turner 💜#motivationalquotes #motivation #inspiration #inspiration...
This week’s #WCW is queen, Jazz Jennings 👑💜 Jazz Jennings is a LGBTQIA+ Activist. She is a transgender woman whose made ...
It’s #pridemonth 🌈 Join us this June as we celebrate love in all forms and let’s acknowledge the things that happened in...
This week’s #WCW is @malala — a Pakistini activist for female education and the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Her fat...
This week’s #motivationalmonday is a quote from Ms J. Lo👑💜 Follow YOUR gut.@girlvow “Putting My Life to Work”#motivation...
Katya Echazarreta, an electrical engineer, will be the first Mexican woman to go to space through “Blue Origin”, Jeff Be...
This is week’s #wcw is Diana Danelys De Los Santos also known as “Amara La Negra” on stage. She is an Afro Latinx of Dom...
This week’s #motivationalquote is from this queen, Anita Hill 👑💜She reminds us to trust our gut and our conscience. @gir...
#abortionrightsarehumanrights #abortionrights #reproductivehealthcare #reproductivejustice #roevwade #kamalaharris #tren...
This week’s #wcw is @therealruthecarter . Ruth is a famous costume designer and her career started in 1988’s film, “Daze...