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Understanding the E-9 Visa(EPS WORKERS)
1.1 What is the E-9 visa in Korea?
📣The E-9 visa, officially designated as the Non-Professional Employment Visa, allows for the entry of foreign nationals into South Korea for non-specialized work in specific industries. Introduced to address labor shortages in certain sectors, this visa serves as a bridge between international workers and South Korean employers.
📣1.2 Who is eligible for the E-9 visa in Korea?
The primary criterion is nationality. South Korea has opened the E-9 visa doors to 16 countries(soon17), ensuring a diversified pool of workers. While we’ll delve into specific eligibility criteria for each category in subsequent sections, there are common threads:
The applicant should not be seeking a professional job requiring specialized qualifications, certificates, or significant work experience.
The applicant should be free from any criminal background or past immigration issues with South Korea.
📣1.3 Subcategories of the E-9 Visa:
The E-9 visa is systematically organized into five main subcategories, each catering to a different industry. Here’s a brief overview:
E-9-1 (Manufacturing): Geared towards those aspiring to join the manufacturing sector. To qualify, an applicant typically seeks employment in a company that has no more than 300 full-time workers or a capital that doesn’t exceed 8 billion KRW.
E-9-2 (Construction): This category targets those interested in the construction industry. It covers almost all public construction firms, except a few specialized areas like power plant or petrochemical construction.
E-9-3 (Agriculture): Tailored for individuals looking to contribute to agriculture or livestock sectors. The jobs can range from harvesting and animal husbandry to related services.
E-9-4 (Fishery): Designed for those drawn to the fishery sector, but with specific constraints on the type of vessels used.
E-9-5 (Service): Encompasses a range of services from construction waste processing and cold storage to press publishing
📣1.4 Visa Length
How long can E-9 visa holders stay in the Korea?
E-9 visa holders are eligible to stay in Korea for an initial duration of 3 years. After this period, they can apply for an extension, which, if granted, allows them to stay for an additional 22 months. So, in total, E-9 visa holders can potentially stay in South Korea for up to 4 years and 10 months.
.신체 body
감정을 머리 정하고,
그것을 기억해내는 건내 연기가 아니다.
현장에 있는 모든 것들은 그대로 받아 들여 느껴야한다.
머릿속은 비운 채 가슴으오 진하게, 강하게!
어느 순간 심장의 드근거림이 느껴질 것이다.
2024 Quota of Work Industry for South Korea:
📍 Manufacturing- 95,000
📍 Shipbuilding- 5,000
📍 Construction- 6,000
📍 Fishing- 10,000
📍 Service- 13,000
📍 Agriculture and Livestock- 16,000
📍 Others- 20,000
Source: MOEL
정부는 11.27.(월) 외국인력정책위원회(위원장: 방기선 국무조정실장)를 개최, 고용허가제 외국인력(체류자격 E-9) 도입규모 및 신규 허용업종에 관한 「2024년 외국인력 도입·운용계획」을 확정하였다.
그간 정부는 산업현장 인력난에 대응하여 외국인력 도입규모 확대(’23년 12만명), 고용허가서 조기발급 및 신속입국, 사업장별 외국인력 고용한도 2배 상향 등 원활한 외국인력 활용을 위한 규제개선을 적극 추진해왔다.
그러나, 저출산·고령화에 따른 생산인구 감소 등 구조적 요인이 여전한 상황에서 빈 일자리 비중이 높은 일부 서비스업을 중심으로 외국인력 요구가 지속되고 있다.
이에 정부는 노동시장 인력 수급상황을 고려하여 2024년 외국인력(E-9) 도입규모를 16만5천명으로 정하였다.(’23년 12만명 대비 37.5% 증가)
The government held the Foreign Workforce Policy Committee (Chairman: Bang Ki-seon, Director of the Office for Government Policy Coordination) on Monday, November 27, and announced the “2024 Foreign Worker Introduction and Operation Plan” regarding the scale of introduction of foreign workers under the Employment Permit System (residence status E-9) and new permitted industries. 」 was confirmed.
In response to the manpower shortage in industrial fields, the government has been actively improving regulations for the smooth use of foreign workers, such as expanding the scale of introduction of foreign workers (120,000 in 2023), early issuance of employment permits and rapid entry into the country, and doubling the employment limit for foreign workers at each workplace. It has been promoted.
However, in a situation where structural factors such as low birth rate and aging population still remain, the demand for foreign workers continues, especially in some service industries with a high proportion of vacant jobs.
Accordingly, considering the labor market manpower supply and demand situation, the government set the scale of introduction of foreign workers (E-9) at 165,000 in 2024 (37.5% increase compared to 120,000 in 2023).
Sa mga inaanak ko, magpapasko na pala
Ito tips paano makakuha ng regalo mula kay ninang
1. Dapat kilala full name ni ninang -100
2. May pics kasama si ninang nung binyag - 200
3. May dalang birth na may signature ni ninang as proof - 500
4. All of the above -1k
ang hirap maging marites😩😩 Wala na nagawang trabaho ,mas takot pa yta ako mahuli sa trending Kesa mawalan trabaho😩🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
WANTED :Caroling members..
Yung gipit na gipit para gigil na gigil kumanta 😂😂🤣✌️
Basic grammar
Lesson 4
The difference between
아/어 주세요 and (으)세요
아/어 주세요 please but use to politely request or command something while (으)세요 please but use to politely instruct someone to do something
Hi everyone! 🌟 You can support me by sending Stars - they help me earn money to keep making content you love.
Whenever you see the Stars icon, you can send me Stars!
Basic grammar
Lesson 3
Shout out diay kos nagbilin ug BIKO sa menteryo! Te kulang man tos kamay ug latik. Pero lami japon siya😋😋😋😆🤣🤣😂😅
My reactions sa mga modagan karong election😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤔🤔🤔😒😒😏🙄🤨😶😑😔🥴😵🧐😕☹😟😓😖😫
Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 Kolin, Jonh Mart Tagle, Shoaib Stoman
Simple grammar 2
이에요/예요 vs 입니다/입니까
이에요/예요 a casual polite form and are used both in declaration and interrogation. Whereas
입니다 is a formal form and is used in declarative form while 입니까 is used for interrogative form.
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Time question 몇시에
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Subject particle 은/는, 이/가
말도 안돼! (NO WAY!)
is an expression used when you’re shocked about something or in denial about the truth.
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Quote for today
"개천 에서 용났다"
이런 사람이 많아요! 나도 언제나 한국에서 이렇게 할거에요 .
Basic vocabularies and expressions.
The best shortcut I've ever had🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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