Colleges & Universities in Chittagong - Page 3

Find Colleges & Universities in Chittagong. Listings include English HSC preparation class, CHITTAGONG COLLEGE EX STUDENT, উত্তর কাট্টলি আল-হাজ্ব মোস্তফা হাকিম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় কলেজ, The Beauty of IIUC Campus, Dept. of Statistics, Chittagong University and Latifa Siddiqui Degree College, Chittagong. Click on each in the list below the map for more information.

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English HSC preparation class A English HSC preparation class
Noakhali Sadar Upazila. . .
Chittagong, 3808

অনলাইন পাঠশালা একটি শিক্ষামূলক পেজ...�

College Road
Chittagong, 4100

উত্তর কাট্টলি আল-হাজ্ব মোস্তফা হাকিম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় কলেজ C উত্তর কাট্টলি আল-হাজ্ব মোস্তফা হাকিম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় কলেজ
Chittagong, 4207

এই পেইজ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় কতৃক পরিচালিত নয়। অত্র প্রতিষ্ঠানের সিনিয়র ছাত্রদের দ্বারা পরিচালিত।

The Beauty of IIUC Campus D The Beauty of IIUC Campus
Iiuc, Kumira

Dept. of Statistics, Chittagong University E Dept. of Statistics, Chittagong University
Chittagong, 4331

Producing quality statisticians

Latifa Siddiqui Degree College, Chittagong F Latifa Siddiqui Degree College, Chittagong
Choto Kumira, Sitakunda
Chittagong, 4331

An ideal educational institution.

স্যার আশুতোষ সরকারি কলেজ G স্যার আশুতোষ সরকারি কলেজ

Stay by like comment share & follow!🩷 Thank you!🫶

Chattogram College - চট্টগ্রাম কলেজ H Chattogram College - চট্টগ্রাম কলেজ
Chittagong, 4203

Chittagong College is a government college in Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Govt. Ashekane Awlia Degree College I Govt. Ashekane Awlia Degree College
Shahid Nagor, Panchlaish 3 No Ward, Wajedia Road, PO: Wajedia, PS: Bayezid
Chittagong, 4213

Life is so easy and simple. We make it difficult.

প্রবর্তক স্কুল এন্ড কলেজ J প্রবর্তক স্কুল এন্ড কলেজ
O R Nizam Rd, Prabartak Circle

প্রবর্তক স্কুল এন্ড কলেজের এটা অফিসিয়াল পেইজ.

Political Science NU bd K Political Science NU bd
Chittagong, 00000

"""শিক্ষার প্রসার করার জন্য সহযোগীতা ক

Life in AUW L Life in AUW
M. M Ali Road

Hi, Welcome to this page. I’m from Bangladesh and I share my daily blogs here. Thank you🤍

আমরা জামিয়ার গর্বিত সন্তান M আমরা জামিয়ার গর্বিত সন্তান
Chittagong, PATIYA

আমরা কোন ব্যাক্তি বা দলের মতাদর্শ নয়। আমরা জামিয়ারই সন্তান। জামিয়ায় আমাদের স্বপ্ন।।

Chattogram Cantonment Public College - BBA Department N Chattogram Cantonment Public College - BBA Department
Chittagong Cantonment
Chittagong, 4220

One of the Best College & University in Chittagong.

IIUC Female Academic Zone- FAZ P IIUC Female Academic Zone- FAZ
Kumira, Sitakund

South Halishahar HIGH School Crush & Confusion Q South Halishahar HIGH School Crush & Confusion

মনের ভাব প্রকাশকরতে চাও তাহলে sms মাধ্য?

PiRates Math with Abdullah sir R PiRates Math with Abdullah sir

Abdullah sir সুদীর্ঘ ১২ বছরের অভিজ্ঞতা

Hazera-Taju University College Alumni Association S Hazera-Taju University College Alumni Association
Hazera-Taju University College
Chittagong, 4212

Hazera-Taju University College Alumni Association ( HTUCAA ) is an association of alumni students of

Bangla Department, Chittagong Govt. Women's College, Chattogram T Bangla Department, Chittagong Govt. Women's College, Chattogram
Khulshi, Chattogram
Chittagong, 4225

Nasirabad, Khulshi, Chattogram

IIUC,Department of Pharmacy, 9th Batch U IIUC,Department of Pharmacy, 9th Batch
Chittagong, 2446


NUC Love Stationシ V NUC Love Stationシ

Chaprashir Hat A. Rob Fazil Madrasah W Chaprashir Hat A. Rob Fazil Madrasah

Educational Institution

Sir Ashutosh Govt.College X Sir Ashutosh Govt.College

Department of Physics,CUET Y Department of Physics,CUET
R163, Chittagong-Rangunia Highway, CUET, Raozan
Chittagong, 4349

Welcome to the official page of Department of Physics, CUET, Bangladesh

Asian University for Women, Timor-Leste Z Asian University for Women, Timor-Leste
20/A M. M. Ali Road
Chittagong, 4000

All about Timorese students at Asian University for Women

Ex- Students Of Master Nazir Ahmed University College 1 Ex- Students Of Master Nazir Ahmed University College
Napora, 11 No Puichory, Banshkhali
Chittagong, 4100

The page is created to gather the ex-students of Master Nazir Ahmed College,located in Napora, Banskhali, Chittagong. We are united for development of it

চবি এলামনাই এসোসিয়েশন 2 চবি এলামনাই এসোসিয়েশন
Badsha's Mia Road
Chittagong, 4000

Alumni Association of Chittagong University.

Rangunia Government College, Chittagong 3 Rangunia Government College, Chittagong
Vill./East Sayed Bari, Rangunia, Rangunia
Chittagong, 4360

Rangunia College was established in the centre of Rangunia Upazilla in 1963 to spread the light of e

Katirhat Mohila Degree College Online Class 4 Katirhat Mohila Degree College Online Class
Dhalai, P. O. Katirhat, Upazila: Hathazari
Chittagong, 4333

An official page of Online Class of the Katirhat Mohila Dgree College.

Crushes & Confessions of Govt. City College, Chattogram 5 Crushes & Confessions of Govt. City College, Chattogram

মনের কথা প্রিয়জনকে পরিচয় গোপন রেখে জানাতে চাইলে লিখে পাঠিয়ে দিন ইনবক্সে।

Dalta Degree College DDC 6 Dalta Degree College DDC
Chittagong, 3725

Dalta Degree College [EIIN: 107109] Dalta, Ramgonj, Lakshmipur.

Government city college. Chittagong HSC04 7 Government city college. Chittagong HSC04
Ice Factory Road, Located In Chittagong. Nalapara Areas Of The City
Chittagong, 4000

Ice Factory Road 4000, located in Chittagong. Nalapara areas of the city. (Near New Market)

Institute of Global Management and Information System - IGMIS 8 Institute of Global Management and Information System - IGMIS
932/A, 2nd Floor, Mehedibagh, Dampara, Chowkbazar
Chittagong, 4000

This page is all about IGMIS.

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