Colleges & Universities in Chittagong - Page 2

Find Colleges & Universities in Chittagong. Listings include Intern Nurses Association, Anwara Govt. College, কঠিন পাথর, Institute of Creative Media & Management, Patiya Govt. College,Chattogram. and Jamiah Darul Ma'arif Al-Islamiah,Chittagong.. Click on each in the list below the map for more information.

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Intern Nurses Association A Intern Nurses Association
Chittagong Nursing College
Chittagong, 4212

মুমূর্ষু রোগীর মুখে হাসি ফুটলে আমরা তৃপ্ত।

Anwara Govt. College B Anwara Govt. College
College Road, Anwara

The students of our college will be beneficial much if they watch this page. Anwara Govt. College .

কঠিন পাথর C কঠিন পাথর

তুমি আমার সেই উপন্যাস,, যার কোনো শেষ পাতা নেই🌸☺️

Institute of Creative Media & Management D Institute of Creative Media & Management
Sha Anis Mosque Market (4th Floor), 92 Momin Road
Chittagong, 4000

Institute of Creative Media & Management (ICMM)

Patiya Govt. College,Chattogram. E Patiya Govt. College,Chattogram.
Patiya Government College, Patiya
Chittagong, 4370

The best college in the southern Chattogram. The dream of build up digital Bangladesh our institute

Jamiah Darul Ma'arif Al-Islamiah,Chittagong. F Jamiah Darul Ma'arif Al-Islamiah,Chittagong.
Darul Maarif Al Islamia
Chittagong, 4000

Official Page of Jamiah Darul Ma'arif Al-Islamiah CTG..

Nanupur laila kabir degree college G Nanupur laila kabir degree college
Nanupur, Fatikchari
Chittagong, 4352

Nanupur Laila-Kabir College,Fatickchari,Ctg.Bd.

Public University Admission Test Helpline H Public University Admission Test Helpline


Chattogram Biggan College I Chattogram Biggan College
Permanent Campus: জানে আলম দোভাষ সড়ক, চকবাজার, চট্টগ্রাম।

সেরাতালিকায় স্থান অর্জনকারী, সর্বমোট A+/A = 1520+ সরকার কর্তৃক স্বীকৃতিপ্রাপ্ত, নিজস্ব ক্যাম্পাস ও হোস্টেল

Institute of Modern Languages, University of Chittagong K Institute of Modern Languages, University of Chittagong
Chittagong University Road, Chattogram
Chittagong, 4331

Official page of Institute of Modern Language, University of Chittagong.

Pahartali College L Pahartali College
Wirless, College Road

Educational Institution

Master Nazir Ahmed University College M Master Nazir Ahmed University College
Napora, Banskhali


Govt. Hazi Mohammad Mohsin College - সরকারি হাজী মুহাম্মদ মহসিন কলেজ O Govt. Hazi Mohammad Mohsin College - সরকারি হাজী মুহাম্মদ মহসিন কলেজ
College Road, Chattogram 4000
Chittagong, 4203

Government Hazi Mohammad Mohsin College is a government-run college located in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Named after Muhammad Mohsin, a 19th-century philanthropist, it is one of the oldest educational institutions in the country.

Chittagong University Museum(CUM) P Chittagong University Museum(CUM)
University Of Chittagong
Chittagong, 4331

As an academic museum, the Chittagong University Museum accelerates advanced learning by the provisi

Department of Economics, University of Chittagong Q Department of Economics, University of Chittagong
Chittagong, 4331

This is the (Un-Official) page of Department of Economics, University of Chittagong.

Tutor's Chittagong R Tutor's Chittagong
Battery Lane , Chattaswari Road
Chittagong, 4000

We provide you tuition with the highest reliability and lowest commission. Message us on WhatsApp

Alhaj Mostafizur Rahman College S Alhaj Mostafizur Rahman College
Alhaj Mostafizur Rahman University College
Chittagong, 4396

শিক্ষাবান্ধব সামাজিক যোগাযোগ।

রাংগুনিয়া সরকারি কলেজ - অফিসিয়াল T রাংগুনিয়া সরকারি কলেজ - অফিসিয়াল
Chittagong, 4360

This is the official page of Rangunia Govt. College, Chattogram.

গুণবতী ডিগ্রী কলেজ/Gunabati Degree College U গুণবতী ডিগ্রী কলেজ/Gunabati Degree College

“ গুণবতীসহ সকল তথ্য জানতে জানাতে”

Govt. Commerce College, Chattogram - সরকারি কমার্স কলেজ, চট্টগ্রাম V Govt. Commerce College, Chattogram - সরকারি কমার্স কলেজ, চট্টগ্রাম
Commerce College Road, Agrabad
Chittagong, 4100

Government College of Commerce, Chattogram is a government college in Agrabad, Chattogram, Bangladesh. It was established in 1947.

Faculty of Law, International Islamic University Chittagong W Faculty of Law, International Islamic University Chittagong
Kumira, Sitakund
Chittagong, 4314

Welcome to the official page of the Faculty of Law, International Islamic University Chittagong

Institute of Fine Arts, University of Chittagong X Institute of Fine Arts, University of Chittagong
721 Badsha Mia Road, Chattogram
Chittagong, 4000

Unofficial Fan Page of Institute of Fine Arts, University of Chittagong. Bangladesh.

Chittagong National Engineering College - CNEC Y Chittagong National Engineering College - CNEC
Yakub Future Park, Plot No-5, Nasirabad, Khulshi, Chattogram
Chittagong, 4209

Chittagong National Engineering College, affiliated with the University of Chittagong, is a leading private engineering college in Khulshi, Chattogram 4209. Established in 2017, it offers 4-year B.Sc. Engineering courses in CSE, EEE, ME and TE

Southern University  Crush & confessions Z Southern University Crush & confessions

ক্রাশ খান। ক্রাশ কে ভালোবাসুন। ক্রাশ কে নিজের মনের কথা খুলে বলুন।।

Garangia Islamia Kamil Madrasah 1 Garangia Islamia Kamil Madrasah
Garangia Dordar Sharif

Department of Pharmacy, International Islamic University Chittagong 2 Department of Pharmacy, International Islamic University Chittagong
International Islamic University Chittagong
Chittagong, 4318

Department of Pharmacy of International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC) was established in September 2007 in port city Chittagong, Bangladesh. The Department is accredited by both University Grants Commission (UGC) and Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh.

Omargani MES University & College 4 Omargani MES University & College

নিয়মিত কলেজের আপডেট পেতে যুক্ত থাকুন

Rangamati Science & Technology University Family - RMSTU 5 Rangamati Science & Technology University Family - RMSTU
Rangamati Science & Technology Family, Rangamati
Chittagong, 4500

আপনাকে স্বাগতম রাঙ্গামাটি বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় পরিবারে।

Abir Hossain Jabed 6 Abir Hossain Jabed

Department of Mathematics, CUET 7 Department of Mathematics, CUET
Kaptai-Chittagong Road
Chittagong, CHITTAGONG-4349

Welcome to the official page of Mathematics Department, CUET.

BGC Biddyaniketon 8 BGC Biddyaniketon
BGC Biddyaniketan , 78/81 , Bayezid Bostami Road , Nasirabad
Chittagong, 4000

'BGC Biddyaniketon' is the city campus of BGC Trust Univesity of Bangladesh.

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