Educational Research in Chittagong - Page 2

Find Educational Research in Chittagong. Listings include American Council, Blue Green Foundation Bangladesh, Rohingya Magic Trick, Baitush Sharaf Islamic Research Institute, Uloomul Hadith Darul Uloom Hathazari - উলূমুল হাদীস দারুল উলূম হাটহাজারী and রিসালাতুল খাইর Risalatul Khair. Click on each in the list below the map for more information.

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American Council A American Council
Sanmar Tower One GEC Chittagong
Chittagong, 4700

the most reliable IELTS and ESL Centre

Blue Green Foundation Bangladesh B Blue Green Foundation Bangladesh
51/A Jamal Khan Road; PO: Ctg GPO; Postal Code:; PS: Kotwali
Chittagong, 4000

This Foundation is about to create public awareness on the Oceans & Environments and a commitment of

Rohingya Magic Trick C Rohingya Magic Trick

Motivational, Educational, Mathematical, Magician and Technical videos. Connected with us always...

Baitush Sharaf Islamic Research Institute D Baitush Sharaf Islamic Research Institute
Baitush Sharaf Complex, Dhanialapara, Allama Shah Abdul Jabbar Rah. Road
Chittagong, 4100

Uloomul Hadith Darul Uloom Hathazari - উলূমুল হাদীস দারুল উলূম হাটহাজারী E Uloomul Hadith Darul Uloom Hathazari - উলূমুল হাদীস দারুল উলূম হাটহাজারী
Chittagong, 4330

قسم الحديث الشريف بدار العلوم هاتهزاري Department of Higher Hadith research - হাদীস গবেষণা বিভাগ

রিসালাতুল খাইর Risalatul Khair F রিসালাতুল খাইর Risalatul Khair
102, Fatema Mansion, (Chondonpora Mosque Lane) Chandanpura, Sirajuddowla Road
Chittagong, 4203

Chittagong University Math Club G Chittagong University Math Club
University Of Chittagong
Chittagong, 4330

We are a community that works on mathematical analysis, thinking as well as building up a problem-solving mindset.

পাঠ আবর্ত H পাঠ আবর্ত

জেনে অপরকে জানাই।

Al MaHadul Islami Boys & Girls Madrasha.Bhujpur I Al MaHadul Islami Boys & Girls Madrasha.Bhujpur
Bhujpur, Fatickchari
Chittagong, 4354

আল মা'হাদুল ইসলামী বালক-বালিকা মাদ্রাসা ভূজপুর। (প্রকাশ : মুফতি মাহমূদ হাসান সাহেব হুজুরের মাদ্রাসা)

Debaters of Chittagong University-DCU J Debaters of Chittagong University-DCU
University Of Chittagong, Hathazari
Chittagong, 4331

Where We Debate

জ্যোতির্বিজ্ঞান - Know the unknown world K জ্যোতির্বিজ্ঞান - Know the unknown world
Rampura DC Road
Chittagong, 4393

আসসালামু আলাইকুম, মহান আল্লাহর সৃষ্টির রহস্য মহাশূন্য, সৌরজগত এবং পৃথিবীর বৈচিত্রতা জানুন এই পেইজে।

Ambition Aid L Ambition Aid
Anowara College Road
Chittagong, 4376

"Ambition Aid" Coaching Centre, is located in the heart of Anowara. It is very near to College.

Upakuliya Public Library M Upakuliya Public Library
Haji Kalamia Para, Khuduk Khali, Chanua, Banskhali
Chittagong, 4390

Upakuliya Public Library is a well-known non government library in Bangladesh. On April 29, 2010, the library started its operations from a village near the Bay of Bengal with the slogan " LAMP OF THE LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS" Gov Reg No: CH 45/17

City Teacher's Service CTG N City Teacher's Service CTG

নতুন কারিকুলামে, চট্টগ্রামে সর্বত্রই মানসম্মত দক্ষ ও অভিজ্ঞ শিক্ষক/শিক্ষিকা দিয়ে থাকি।কল-01878422218

Green Bangle Movement O Green Bangle Movement
Asian University For Women
Chittagong, 4000

An ongoing plan of action to address the urgency of mangrove and palm plantation in Bangladesh

Statistics Research and Higher Studies Society-CU P Statistics Research and Higher Studies Society-CU
Department Of Statistics, University Of Chittagong
Chittagong, 4331

Our vision is to encourage and support statistics students who are interested in research. We work to prepare them to be skilled statisticians and researchers capable of meeting the challenges of data analytics and data science in the upcoming days.

Int Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology 2022 Q Int Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology 2022
Kumira, Chittagong-4318

International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology 2024 (ICISET 2024) The Conference will take place at the green premises of the University during 26-27 October2024 at IIUC, Kumira, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

DS Photography R DS Photography
ইসমাঈল হাউজিং সোসাইটি , মোহাম্মদপুর, মুরাদপুর, চট্টগ্রাম

Photography is my only hobby And love Bengal soil and people�

Iqra Quran Learning Centre S Iqra Quran Learning Centre

শুধুমাত্র স্কুলের ছাত্রছাত্রীদেরকে কুরআন শিখানো হয়।

Bio-Geography T Bio-Geography

"Not one change of species into another is an record........... we cannot prove that a single sp

NSTU SAVE Youth - Students Against Violence  Everywhere U NSTU SAVE Youth - Students Against Violence Everywhere
Noakhali Science & Technology University, Noakhali
Chittagong, 3800

A youth platform led by students to promote tolerance, respect for diversity - means of peace

Sarfaraj and Inaya's Vlog V Sarfaraj and Inaya's Vlog

Play beside study!!

Ayat Islamic Channel W Ayat Islamic Channel
Noakhali, Dhaka
Chittagong, 3850

নতুন নতুন ওয়াজ পেতে আমাদের পেজ এর সাথে থাকুন ধন্যবাদ

BGC Trust University Mooting Club-BGCTUBMC X BGC Trust University Mooting Club-BGCTUBMC
"BGC Biddyanagar" Chandanaish Chattogram
Chittagong, 4382

আঁকিবুঁকি-Akibuki Academy Y আঁকিবুঁকি-Akibuki Academy
Online Platform, Global Services
Chittagong, 4000

Welcome to আঁকিবুঁকি-Akibuki Online Academy :) * We are dedicated to the education, training, and development of artistic skills and knowledge on an online platform. * A premier platform for selling paintings and craft items to a global audience.

Talent Sigma Academy Z Talent Sigma Academy
Hamja Kha Lain, Hamjarbag, Muradpur

Education means to change the behaviour of human nature.

AUW Research Club 2 AUW Research Club
Asian University For Women

"Research crosses boundaries to reach equity, diversity and inclusiveness."

With Icon’s Care 3 With Icon’s Care
Chittagong, JANALIHAT

শুধু স্বপ্ন দেখাতে নয়! স্বপ্ন পূরণের সঙ্গী হতে এসেছি।

Muhammad Hasan Al Qadri 4 Muhammad Hasan Al Qadri

নবীপ্রেমের বিপ্লব ঘটাতে এই পেইজ খেদমতে নিয়োজিত।

deliBhai IT Institute 5 deliBhai IT Institute
4th Floor-Islamia Tower, Heyako Bazar, Heyako Ramgarh-Khagrachari Highway
Chittagong, 4327

কিছু করে দেখাও, নিজের পরিচয় বানাও

Huzur's Academy হুজুরের একাডেমী 6 Huzur's Academy হুজুরের একাডেমী
Chittagong, 4203

Assalamualaikum. We only try to make yourself thrist for knowledge.

Halaqa of the Holy Quran 7 Halaqa of the Holy Quran

দেশ-বিদেশ এবং অনলাইন-অফলাইনে কুরআন কারীমের বিশুদ্ধ শিক্ষাকে ছড়িয়ে দেওয়ার প্লাটফর্ম।

ALOHA Bangladesh, Oxygen Branch Chattogram 8 ALOHA Bangladesh, Oxygen Branch Chattogram
Jahan Villa, 3rd Floor, Bangabandhu Avenue, Opposite Of UCB Bank, Oxygen Moor
Chittagong, 4210

ALOHA Mental Arithmetic practice enhances Creativity, Observation Power, Sharper Memory, Imagination.

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