Motorcycle Accident Management

Motorcycle Accident Management


Training designed to equip motorcyclists with the skills, knowledge and confidence necessary to provide immediate first aid and accident scene management

please go to for all information about this training organisation

Operating as usual

Motorcycle Accident Management training – FAFM 08/11/2021

Hi all, Just a little reminder of our remaining training for 2021.

14th November 2021
Traralgon - free training provided by the Gippsland Social Motorcycle Group and VIC roads inclusions on our website

27th November 2021
Kerang - Subsidised training provided by VIC Roads and the Kerang Neighbourhood house $50.00 per person inclusions on our website

27TH November 2021
Downer community centre - full training day with only 5 places left to book $165 per person inclusions on our website

20th November 2021
Subsidised training by the NSW road safety council $49.00 per person inclusions on our website

To book your place in any of these course please go to this link

We are also re launching our specialised remote first aid training in 2022 - we have spent the past 2 years perfecting this program
This is a 2 day 1 night completely remote training with real time hands on experiences. NO CLASSROOMS ALLOWED.

Motorcycle accidents don't happen behind a desk so why not learn in an environment that we are all in when we ride.

We also want to take the time to thank everyone that has supported us, attended our training, given us our feedback and understood when we have had to change things due to lock downs crazy regulations and more over the past 2 years. It is appreciated, and this is why we work so hard to ensure that our community is provided with the right training.

We look forward to seeing you soon

Motorcycle Accident Management training – FAFM Motorcycle Accident Management training programs for 2021 Certificate in Motorcycle Accident Management (non VET certificate) no online learning prior to training day Online learning is required prior for the following Motorcycle Accident Management training courses HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary...

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