Flinders Media and Communication updated their business hours.
Flinders Media and Communication
Welcome to the page of the Bachelor of Media and Communication at Flinders University.
Operating as usual
Interesting article in the Wall Street Journal on using email at work, https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-smartest-ways-to-use-email-at-work-1520820300
The Smartest Ways to Use Email at Work What research tells us about taming your inbox, when to use all caps, whether to use emoticons, how quickly to respond to messages—and much more.
The importance of communication in business, http://www.aib.edu.au/blog/communication/6-reasons-effective-communication-focus-business/
6 Reasons Why Effective Communication Should Be a Focus in Your Business , AIB Official Blog
Interesting article on the importance of communicating values in business, https://hbr.org/2011/07/the-business-of-communicating
The Business of Communicating Values Businesses communicate a lot of things. Many love to boast when their revenues soar, or publicize the strategic restructuring of their organizational response committees (whatever that means). But often missing from a firm’s communications is something absolutely fundamental to its operations: its...
The page has also a dedicated group for all Communication and Professional Writing students. Please click on the Visit Group link and ask to join.
Welcome 2018 students!
We hope you enjoy your first semester.
Communication Matters
In a rapidly changing, interconnected and globalized world, communication plays an increasingly important role. The Bachelor of Media and Communication is specially designed to meet the needs of emerging professions in the international workplace, such as public relations officer, social media specialist, and chief communications officer.
It is a winner’s education!
With subjects ranging from media theory, journalism and public relations to business, management and strategic communication, the degree is one of a kind in South Australia and cutting edge among universities worldwide.
This page contains information about the degree and other resources that are relevant to the world of communication studies.