Developing Future-Ready Skills
This is an opportunity for the next generation to develop critical innovative and creative thinking to be future-ready to survive and thrive in a digitally connected world. Within 2 weeks they will engage in a real-life learning experience to ensure they develop the essential skills necessary for them to navigate the information-dense online world and develop skills for lifelong learning and the ever-changing world of work.
Teen Quest
Join the 2 week Teen Quest
Studyvibe Homeschooling Series - Essential elements of inspired learning
inspiration /ɪnspɪˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
I would like to give a warm welcome to Homeschooling parents who have found their way to Studyvibe. Studyvibe has been around for ten years as a support resource for teachers, parents and students but I have been getting requests more specifically from parents new to Homeschooling.
As well as adding more resources that will help you deliver an exciting curriculum to your children I will also be posting ideas, programmes, templates etc. mainly based around parent requests.
To get you started, however, there are three sections already of the website that will help get your started.
Homeschooling Resources page
For the Juniors (geared to primary students)
Subject Resources (geared mainly to secondary students)
Why not FOLLOW Studyvibe to get notification of when these posts occur (which will hopefully be 2-3 times weekly). Please also reach out via email if you have any specific requests for blog topics.
This is an exciting journey you have chosen to take with your children. I have seen within the Homeschooling community a wealth of knowledge, kindness, compassion and support from fellow home educators. Remember you are not alone.