Welcome to my page. Who I am and why I love what I do
Hi. I say imperfect because I’m always learning and mistakes are part of the process.
This is for people who have a Thermomix and those that don't (yet) to get tips, tricks and ideas for how to make cooking and sustainable living easier with a Thermomix and be more aware of what we are putting in our bodies. I’m Ellen - a mum, wife, daughter, employee, independent Thermomix Consultant…… and on my imperfect journey environmental sustainability. I started my Thermomix journey in late
2019 and I have to admit, I was a cynic. I had a friend with one who loved it and shared how amazing it was. I didn’t get it, I didn’t understand it. I went to a community garden open day, saw a Thermomix stand and decided to see what the fuss was all about (and probably let this woman know she would never get me to have one in my home). That amazing consultant became my Team Leader and I can honestly say my Thermomix has changed my life and is helping me achieve my goals! I earned my Thermomix, all I had to pay was the delivery fee. I have also since earned a second bowl set for my Thermomix and some great incentives along the way. Got back my love of cooking, try new foods and have more variety in my food than I previously had. Met and continue to meet some lovely people and made new friends. Learned to cook more from fresh foods and how to use herbs and spices straight from my garden. This means I’m providing healthier food with less additives for my family which is really important to me. I now have an extra income stream, which means extra security for my family and also the ability to do things we wouldn’t have to because we didn’t have the money available. As a mum with adult children and one still at home, I am so grateful to my business for everything it has provided me, especially during this time. I love that although we are all different and have different needs and wants, Thermomix can help us. I love being able to share with others and seeing how their Thermomix has changed their lives. I’m looking forward to helping you and being part of your journey. Let’s change the world (and our lives) for the better, starting in our own kitchens.