GymbaROO/KindyROO has been operating in Australia and around the world for over 35 years.
Our unique, research based programs unlock your child’s potential in their most formative years preparing them for life and learning!
The GymbaROO story starts with ‘Marg’ as she was affectionately known, a farmer’s wife, the mother of five and an ex-nurse, who took up remedial English teaching at the local country Technical School (Wonthaggi Tech) in the late 1950’s to support the farm income. Observing that many of her poor readers seemed quite clever except for their ‘reading’, and disillusioned with the poor progress she was having with the standard remedial reading offerings of the time, she sought alternatives.
Marg worked with children who needed reading and learning support, she knew the usual methods didn't work and so she strives to find the answer. Years of research and practice led her to develop GymbaROO.
And thank goodness Marg didn’t give up, because she was right all along. Today, over thirty years down the track, the supporting documentation is vast and undeniable. Mounting empirical evidence now supports the underlying concepts upon which GymbaROO was founded. Neuro-scientific studies confirm that movement experiences in the first five years of life form the bedrock of a child’s ability – be it academic, emotional, social or physical.
The GymbaROO program now comes highly recommended by a rapidly increasing number of professionals; paediatricians, doctors and early childhood specialists. We are still waiting for Governments to catch up.
From humble beginnings, GymbaROO is today indisputably Australia’s most popular and successful parent-child education program, providing quality neuro-developmental programs to hundreds of thousands of babies, children and parents throughout Australia and worldwide.
GymbaROO is not a "gym" or "playgroup" for children and babies, but an educational centre aimed at helping parents and carers learn about the importance of early childhood development in relation to later school learning. Children learn more in their first few years than in any other time of their lives. Recent research has shown that appropriate learning experiences and stimulating activities in these early years can have a positive impact on a child’s entire life, particularly with regard to reading/writing at school age.
The program is enhanced by Parent Information Handouts which are designed to help parents gain a greater understanding of their child's development and provides ideas and activities for home which reinforces what is learnt at GymbaROO.