hci.plus, Salzburg Videos

Videos by hci.plus in Salzburg. contextual.interaction.design.research

Call for Participation - Deadline Extension!
Submissions by 31.05.2024

Join us at ACM Designing Interactive Systems 2024
Why Movement-Based Design!? Exploring Methods and Experiences in MBD

More info:
The rise of movement-based design (MBD) is fueled by the integration of computer technology into the movement of the everyday. Departing from traditional interface design, MBD prioritizes natural interaction, SportsHCI, and health promotion through physical activity. This paradigm shift has led to innovations in experimental applications and interaction techniques, including exergames, expressivity in interactions and soma-design. Various guidelines and frameworks have been proposed for specific purposes, from sports to virtual reality. This workshop explores participants’ experiences and perspectives on MBD, delving into MBD workshop design and reflect on MBD methods and the current move towards MBD methodologies.
Join us for an enriching exploration of the intersection between movement and design, contributing to the scholarly discourse in this dynamic field. To apply, submit your vision or reflections on movement-based design methods in the form of a 2-4-page paper (single-column ACM template), or a 5-minute audio/video contribution. Each submission should contain at least one example and two key insights and two challenges.
Submissions will be reviewed by the organizers and selected according to their relevance to the workshop and the likelihood of sparking discussions. Please note that at least one author of each accepted submission must attend the workshop, and that DIS is in-person only this year.
• Submission deadline: 31.05.2024
• Notification to authors: 15.06.2024
Submit your work by sending a pdf (max 2.5mb, in case of position paper) or a link to your video to [email protected]

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Call for Participation - Deadline Extension!Submissions by 31.05.2024 Join us at ACM Designing Interactive Systems 2024W...