GO Austria - Susquehanna, Salzburg Videos

Videos by GO Austria - Susquehanna in Salzburg. GO Austria is one of Susquehanna University's Global Opportunities programs. CLICK ON ABOUT (BELOW THIS TEXT). For information contact David Steinau ([email protected]) or David Imhoof ([email protected])

Another fun video from GO Austria 2019. Some bike riding in Krems! Thanks to Kieth Costello for the idea to make this bike ride!

Other GO Austria - Susquehanna videos

Another fun video from GO Austria 2019. Some bike riding in Krems! Thanks to Kieth Costello for the idea to make this bi...

Awesome video from @lena.angelou showing a quick trip from the Golden Theater Hotel to the heart of Salzburg! Missing th...

First GO Austria meal at Die Wiesse!

GO Austria 2019, May 13 - June 2. Mountains and Music, Food and Fun.

Surprise visit from President and Marsha Lemons. #susqugoprogram #prezlems

Mass by J. J. Fux at St. Stephens Cathedral, Vienna. Only the second time in 300 years peformed here! #susqugoprogram

Art of organ grinding still alive and well in Vienna! #susqugoprogram

File under: The Hills are Alive in Salzburg